MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'roxy+lalonde'

Sep. 11th, 2012



[voice / open]

We're all in prison, which means we're all filthy, vile criminals. So I'm curious, everyone.

What did you do? What is it that made the wardens believe you deserve to be locked away in an inverted aquarium for the rest of your natural life? Please note that if you're just gonna say "I didn't do anything" or "They made it all up", I'm not interested in hearing it. You're surrounded by other criminals, no one gives a damn. Either answer or don't, it's up to you, but don't respond with bullshit prevarication.

Since it'd be hells of rude to ask without providing an answer of my own, here's what I'm in for: Cut for length and Homestuck spoilers. )

Well? I showed you mine, now show me yours.

Sep. 10th, 2012




[ Roxy's greeting to the majority of Marina doesn't come for a little while after her arrival, mostly because her arrival involved appearing on top of her best friends, and cuddles were meant to happen!

But after all the cuddling and what-not, she figures out her communicator thingamajig and a video goes live - a teenaged girl with ash-blonde hair, pink eyes, and a big grin comes onto the screen

Hiiii! [ grin and wave! ] So it looks like Strider was wrong, which must be quite the shock for him, but here I am! I know I met a few of you back when things were goin' all wonky, but I don't know how many of you were like... actually here or just temporarily here. So I guess there maybe aren't any of you still left, but whatever.

The point is, hey there underwater prison folks, I'm Roxy Lalonde and your underwater prison has just gotten like a billion times cooler. [ wink! ] And 'cause Strider probably won't tell, there anywhere in this joint a girl can get a drink?

[184] video | action, open!

[ she's not sure where to begin, really. there's no sense in asking why she's in prison when she was told only minutes prior, and there's no point in trying to make a great first impression when you're stuck in a bulky orange jumpsuit. still, it only takes a moment's thought to decide that the “video” option she's presented with is the best one.

when the camera clicks on, a middle-schooler with light pink hair and eyes is smiling quietly.

I don't really know what you're supposed to do here. This is, um... my first time in a prison.

[ and she laughs at that, a sad little laugh full of embarassment and self-deflection. when she's finished, she gives that same subdued smile again. ]

For anyone who's listening, my name is Madoka Kaname. It's nice to meet all of you – I hope we can all be friends.

[ she gives a short bow, not curt so much as rushed, before looking back to the camera with an odd sort of resolution. ]

Homura, if you can hear me, I- tell me where you are, and I'll come and find you. Okay?

[ and with that, she reaches forward, keeping her gaze locked just long enough to turn off the camera. once she's had a few more moments to compose herself, she stands up and exits the room. this is a new place, with new rules and new locales.

and that means it's time to go witch-hunting.

(( ooc: feel free to run into madoka anywhere you'd like! right now, she's roaming the facility and wondering why no witch activity is showing up. ))