MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'dean+winchester'

Nov. 11th, 2012



#192 | iv ♛ video → open.


[ not picard. janeway. a year and some months change worth of memories came flooding back while she was regenerating, making the ex-drone believe for a split second that she was on a turbolift aboard voyager and not standing in the alcove the wardens had provided her with. she steps off the platform, though in her mind's eye, she's stepping through doors that have just parted-- but then it's gone, giving way to the medical facility her alcove's located in. an empty room with too white walls that contrast against the dark blacks and neon greens of borg technology.

the communicator was activated on accident. she's aware of it being on, and chooses not to turn it off. ]
I seem to have experienced... Was I returned and brought back?

[ it feels like she has, yet also like she hasn't. the new sets of updated memories, combined with what she remembers going through on that ghostly-themed day, are somewhat disorienting. she'll need a minute or two to find her bearings before heading out to see to the day's tasks, if there are any. the lack of proper work to be done is beginning to grate, now that commander data's repairs have been completed. ]

Nov. 4th, 2012



Day 191 [video | action]

Hey. [Okay, he never knows how to start these, so he'll just start.]

These aren't ghosts.

At least not any kind of ghosts I've encountered. They don't react to anything that should detour them, but they don't seem hostile or even aware of us really. [This guy flickers into sight right behind Sam. He hasn't noticed yet.] So...if anyone needs help or has more information, let me know.


(OOC: Backdated to afternoon. Feel free to run into him as he patrols.)

Nov. 1st, 2012



[action | open]

[The only good news for Saber recently has been the power coming back on this morning. That means the many restaurants and cafes in the dome are once again functional... and she doesn't worry about what to do for meals or how often she desires them. There had been a measure of concern over that the night before.

So she's been more than making up for that, hopping across sectors to whatever eateries they have to offer, whether she knows the place or not-- even though it's the type of dreary day to stay in at one spot, she'd not really going to limit herself. Though, there is one place with a nice buffet going on that she's content to remain at for just a little while.

At least until she makes for her fourth(fifth maybe?) serving, and reaches for her next plate at the bar, only to... miss it completely? No, her hand had certainly been at the plate. She tries again to take hold of it, only to fail each and every attempt. Confusion bleeds into her expression, as well as a note of panic, that becomes increasingly desperate as she simply goes right through everything around her she extends her hand for-- from silverware, to trays, to the countertop itself-- before settling into the hollow despair of a woman who has been denied everything dear to her, while the robotic server merely continues to hold the grilled fish out to her expectantly.

Platters of food right before her, and unable to have.


At all.

Perhaps never again...?!

Reliving Camlann might be a more merciful fate...]




[Who ya gonna call? No one. This is a mingle. Now go get your ghostly sightings, possessions, and impersonations on.]

(OOC: Event details | Questions)

Oct. 29th, 2012




A prose-y preamble. Not on network. )


[ The face that pops up on the feed this rainy morning might seem familiar, but even those that just talked to Aidan once or twice will pick up on the fact that something is wrong. His usually wild mop of red is slicked back, the collar of his pinstripe button-up shirt neatly tugged into place. If Aidan owned a tie, you can be damn sure he'd be wearing it now.]

Good morning. [ Smooth, confident and without a single trace of the country-boy drawl.]

This is quite the weather we're having. Awfully dreary… not much one can do on days like this when trapped inside. It's a good thing we have each other to talk to. [A smile, yes he so does love to talk to you. No one needs to know thats not remotely true.] How about we play a game… I'll ask some questions and whoever gives me the answer first gets a gold star.

[ It's around this time that the door to the bedroom slides open behind him and a pissed off Helix wanders in.]

Will you tell me what the fuck I did?

[ There's a shadow of annoyance passing over the man's face, before fading into that deceptively polite smile once more.]

Excuse me. [ With that he tosses the communicator onto the bed. There's a loud noise of skin striking skin before he reaches over to turn off the feed.]


[ After locking Helix up in the bathroom (you need to discipline your pets, after all) Jethro will take to the streets for a look around. Should you wish to bump into him he's easily found in Sector 2 and 0! While he still looks exactly like Aidan (possession and all) he carries himself with arrogant confidence and he's dressed a lot better than the farm boy ever would be on an average day. ]

((OOC: omg longest post. ANYWAY Aidan is lucky enough to be possessed by an old enemy from home! Video and action replies are equally wanted and there's a good chance that Helix will threadjack as much as he possibly can. Due to hurricanes, things may move slowly but you already knew that. ))

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Action :: Forward dated to Early Evening

[The Blood Shack has been redecorated for the evening. The lighting is red and the decor is very Moulin Rouge. The bar has had a facelift of sorts and in the spirit of a costume party is featuring 'candy' flavored shots such as Skittles, Sweet tarts, Caramel Apples, Nerds and Tootsie Rolls. All other 'normal' drinks are available at the bar as well as a selection of synthetic blood. The decor continues in the seating arrangements. The entire room, including the dance floor, stage and platform where Eric's throne sits is bathed in red light. Lording over the entire affair is Eric, dressed as a Viking king. Instead of the helm, he's got a crown made of gold foil and cardboard. His weapons are the plastic sort and he's opted to go bare chested rather than attempting to make any sort of chain mail. He has a faux polar bear throw across his shoulders and is wearing a long, blond wig as well as a fake beard.

Enjoy, mingle and come as you want to be.]

ooc:: Mingle, start threads and make general merriment. This is all pre-blackout. On Thursday evening, I will put up a post blackout thread. Any questions? Let me know

Oct. 18th, 2012


✦ Day 189, early afternoon ✦ [video]/[action]


[The feed's barely on, and Zatanna's rolling her eyes yet again. Three guesses what today's topic is, and the first two don't count:]

Because the fun just never stops around here, I'm on to my fourth and--hopefully--last punishment. Which I want to be over and done with as soon as possible, so this is your heads up: if anybody sees me standing in the market place a little later today, don't talk to me, don't come near me, and whatever you do, don't make me have to move for any reason.

It's nothing personal. I just have to stand still in the marketplace for an hour.

...and I swear, I will hex the first person who makes me have to start the clock all over again.


[And stand still Zatanna does. Like a statue. In fact, to avoid any accidental falls, she makes sure to position herself leaning slightly against one of the building side walls. Away from the heaviest foot traffic, and to give her legs something of a reprieve. Also, so she didn't look like a complete idiot standing still right in the center of everything.]

[Unfortunately, a side effect of this ingenious plan was that she managed to get a little too comfortable during her period of meditation. Comfortable enough that, by the time the hour mark has passed...she had somehow fallen asleep.]

[Still standing.]

[Until something or somebody rouses her, of course.]

Oct. 17th, 2012



[Voice//Action | Open]

[Voice | filtered away from Morgan, Reid and Tyki]

So. Okay. Instead of being all "I have this friend who needs some advice" I'll just come right out and admit that stuff happened and I am sort of freaking about it. Not big-time, I guess -- well, it depends on what second you ask me. Maybe just a little big-time.

Here's the deal. I have this best friend in the world and well, he kissed me. Or I kissed him. In any case, there was a kiss. And I do not have any clue what to do because what if this ruined everything and my usual chatroom and IM venting avenues are totally blocked and there's no Dear Abby here and this is just not good in so many ways and my ability to giggle is severely impeded and --

Um. Little help?

[Action | OTA]

[So where is she after making this little post? In the education center, which she is not aware is a hub for the Defense Force. She's typing away at a computer, fingers flying for a WPM in that way only a very seasoned pro can attain. Virtual world distractions, here Garcia comes!]

Oct. 16th, 2012



[voice/action/COME ONE COME ALL]


Hey, everyone. For my fifth and final punishment, I'm required to give a lecture at the educational facility on a "respectable" subject.

So anyone who wants to hear me talk about masturbation is encouraged to show up at ten this morning.


[ Dirk sure is blazing through these punishments. It's almost like he impatiently feels he has something better to be doing.

Despite the fact that he's cross-dressing for this occasion -- for which you can blame Jake and Jane -- Dirk is thoroughly professional, respectful, and thorough in his lecture. Rather than lingering on masturbation techniques and lewd subject matter, he discusses the health benefits et al.

At the end, he takes questions. ]

[Action 2/Closed]

[ Your name is Jake English and you have a personal servant for the day. What will you do? ]

Oct. 15th, 2012



[Action | Open] Forward dated slightly

[It's perhaps early for drinking though not as early as the OOC post time would indicate but Zelgadis prefers this. Less crowds and noise at the -- whatever this place is called, it serves liquor anyway -- or so he hopes. He hasn't exactly been a social butterfly since his little rampage (or long before that, really) but today he might not mind someone to sit with, maybe. He doesn't want to talk about things, but he's not used to being left to his thoughts quite as much as he has been the last days. Quiet is a rare luxury he stops wanting when he actually gets it.]

[So here he sits at a back table, nursing his fourth (or so? Things are getting foggy) dark beer, his stone skin totally exposed because he loaned his cloak out to someone who needed it. He's waiting for someone specific but wouldn't shun some conversation. Just don't expect him to admit that.]

((OOC: After some encouragement I decided he's bar hopping a little, at the Winery and then at the Blood Shack because WHY NOT I love tormenting him. :D Feel free to assume he's at either of those places!))



DAY 189 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 189 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny with clear skies ].

Your motivational exercise for today is as follows: [ Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet ]. Please take this wisdom to heart and use it to further your rehabilitation. Your emotional needs are important to us.

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested!)

Oct. 10th, 2012



[Day 188] [Video|Open]

[Of the punishments Laura could have received, this one was nothing worth mentioning. She had received far worse punishments for failing a mission or a training simulation in the past.]

I have been found guilty of murder. As punishment, I am to complete orders given by three people to assist them in chores. Those who respond will receive assistance, I have no preference of they should be.

[Not necessarily true, but she does not mind doing chores for strangers at this point in time.]

Sep. 20th, 2012



[ voice | action ] Open

[ his voice is strained, but he's doing his best to sound normal despite the massive amount of sweating he's doing. ]

Uh, Sam?


I could use a little help here.

[ and by here, he means in Sector 4 where the Hyena Wasp has gotten him and locked him in a horrible case of hallucinations. It's all he can do to remember that his network device even exists and Sam and Cas are near.

For those wanting to action it up, expect a rather skittish Dean staring at the wall, the bushes, anything and everything. And if you're unlucky, he might just be talking out loud. It's the voices, you know. they never, ever quite leave you. ]

Sep. 19th, 2012



[Day 185][Video | Action | Open and in no way filtered]

Defense Force assemble! [It sounded so commanding and yet now the leader of said force has broken into giggles. Yes, giggles.]

You guys, [more giggling] they're like giant fuzzy wasps. I swear they're laughing too. It's weirdest thing. Probably not the weirdest. I've seen weird things. This one time I was supposed to take out the leader of genetic experimentation plant and he had three heads and none of them had eyes. He totally saw me though. I don't know how.

What was I talking about? Oh! Right, they, um, they can sting. Don't get stung. [More giggling.] Oh! [Wait for it.]



No, I forgot. I think I'm just going to lay down. Here.

(OOC: Kitty is in Sector two. I'd like her to eventually reach the educational facility lock down, but for now she's outside it and there could still be hyena wasps around.)

Sep. 12th, 2012



184 | audio/action

Personally I like this inmate roulette that the day before yesterday started - newcomer day has such a spring to its gait this time around. I'm all for it happening again when we least expect it! Who agrees? Raise of hands. Maybe we can start a petition for the wardens.

[And there's the sound of him clapping his hands once.]

But on to the true reason for this call: public query. I promise you it's for a very important cause, and unlike in the formerly mentioned petition, your opinions on this will be taken with utmost seriousness. All the new ducklings are free to respond too, if they're not too busy running in circles around the place.

[Theatrical ahem-hem-hem.] Action or drama? In your media consumption, in your own life, whatever you prefer. Elaborate your answer at will.


[Is anyone making use of the chalk today? Should the mun wish for it, their character might find that the beautiful drawing they just completed comes to life right before their eyes. Because Puck feels like it, okay. The drawings will peck at people's heads or just settle for making pretty loops in the air at your discretion, but they'll all go back to 2D-ness by the end of the day.

Puck himself can be found drawing something similar to this on a random wall somewhere. Floating in the air while drawing, too.]

Sep. 10th, 2012


DAY 184 ;; AUDIO

Alright, I remember bein' here, but first off, I thought it was a frickin' dream, and second off, that time you hadn't taken all my shit.

This frickin' ankle thing better be removable.




[It's hard to care too much about an orange jumpsuit making you stick out when your skin is as blue as it gets. Being center focus either way, she doesn't even stop to really consider finding a change of clothes and instead looks for somewhere to hide out. It may be the coward's way out, but she doesn't think she can take the attention without having her abilities available to blend her in. Trusting people is a hard thing to do.

She'll be heading towards the Clocktower's apartment complex in fast strides, avoiding eye contact and people in general as best she can. Talk to her if you want, but she'll be skittish and likely eager to leave your company.]

[Private - Zelgadis]

[And when she finds a small one bedroom apartment, she paces the floor. She sits to think for a moment. Digest everything. There is someone she could call, someone she'd trust would know this... feeling more than anyone. Who might be willing to help her out.] Um, Zelgadis? It’s Raven.

...I was wondering if I could ask you to do a favor for me.

Day [184] | Video

[There's a lot of fumbling at first as Alaric takes the communicator off, looks over it, and fits it back on. Look, he's used to phones, not... futuristic headpieces. He doesn't even use bluetooth.

He's made sure to have his private confusion before now. Waking up with a little scrambled memory is nothing new. Sometimes he dies. Sometimes he wakes up and he's not where he'd died. Nothing weird there. (Right.) But over a mile underwater in a giant dome? Little different.

He's adjusting. It's what he does. The furrow to his brow is permanent, though. Once he figured out how to do it, he flicked through his crimes. Read them over a few times. Remembered every single one and thought, for one guilty moment, that maybe he deserved to be here, too.]

So, uh. This is a new one for me. [Understatement. He's never even lived near the ocean, now he's. Under it. Or hallucinating extremely vividly. Obviously not the latter at this point. He's sitting outside The Bistro because, for all the confusion, something that makes a little sense and has that hint of familiarity is more than welcome. Smells good, too. Bonus. He fiddles with his bag, pulling his ring on where it belongs.] The prison thing. And being underwater. I'm guessing there's no point in throwing a fit or demanding release, huh?

Sep. 8th, 2012



day 183: [open action!]

[In one corner of the athletic complex, Steve's slamming his wrapped fists against a poor, defenseless punching bag. All his movements are carefully controlled. And though his focus is intense, he's not ready to let loose yet. He jabs at it once, twice, feints a straight left, and then comes back to throw a right hook.]

[It sends the bag swinging in an alarming way, but manages to hold up to the blows. Steve pauses his actions and lets out a breath--stepping forward to place his hands on the bag in order to still it. And when it does stop, he leans his forehead against it.]

[He's having a bad day. Letting out some steam helps a bit, so he'll probably be here all night.]

Sep. 6th, 2012



183 [action | open]

[The stores have a lot of variety and a decent supply of the basics, but it's all set up for a small prison population and it shows. So, Sam decided to stop at three of the stores before he felt good about the amount of salt he had. New prison. New stockpile. Maybe picking a rainy day wasn't the best choice for this particular mission, but he found a bright orange poncho to hold over it when he was between places and on his way home. Nothing suspicious here!]

(OOC: Feel free to run into him in a store with food, between them, on his way home, or if you're TFW, at home!)