MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


November 19th, 2012



Day 194 — Morning Greeting

Day 194. Sunny. Warm. Clear.

Today is the holiday of Topalong. As such the traditional items will be available to all inmates. You may expect to see hat racks full of different styles of headgear for you to wear and exchange.

For those of you unfamiliar with the holiday it is also customary to select a secret word with some significance for you and do a favor for anyone able to guess it correctly within three tries. Anyone unsuccessful must do a favor for you.

(OOC: The holiday is fictional (though real in the sense that some reality has it in MarinaNova canon now). Any kind of hat or headdress you can google or imagine can be found around the dome today. Your character may keep as many as they like, but any extras will be put away before the start of the next dayweek.)



[Video | Open]

What an interesting sounding "holiday". I wonder what they cobbled together to get that. Hats? Secret words?

You know what would be better? Not being alone for it.

[ooc: Random bitterness because he saw Anew during the ghost event. Another reminder she is gone]




Hello everyone. [You are now being addressed by a pink-haired princess.]

It seems the school has lost more teachers. If there is anyone here with experience or interest in teaching or even just expertise in a particular area I would be very appreciative if you might consider using your talents in the school. There's a full course catalog and schedule available on the intranet in the computer labs. They were also in your welcome baskets originally, though they're probably a little out of date from those versions, so I can have new ones mailed to anyone who wants them.


[She smiles, but there is something difficult in this and it shows. She's afraid no one will reply.] I've been living in a large apartment in Sector three. [And everyone she's lived with has left one by one until she was alone again.] I wonder if there is anyone else who might like a roommate. I don't mind moving either if you prefer a different home.