MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


October 17th, 2012



[Voice//Action | Open]

[Voice | filtered away from Morgan, Reid and Tyki]

So. Okay. Instead of being all "I have this friend who needs some advice" I'll just come right out and admit that stuff happened and I am sort of freaking about it. Not big-time, I guess -- well, it depends on what second you ask me. Maybe just a little big-time.

Here's the deal. I have this best friend in the world and well, he kissed me. Or I kissed him. In any case, there was a kiss. And I do not have any clue what to do because what if this ruined everything and my usual chatroom and IM venting avenues are totally blocked and there's no Dear Abby here and this is just not good in so many ways and my ability to giggle is severely impeded and --

Um. Little help?

[Action | OTA]

[So where is she after making this little post? In the education center, which she is not aware is a hub for the Defense Force. She's typing away at a computer, fingers flying for a WPM in that way only a very seasoned pro can attain. Virtual world distractions, here Garcia comes!]




[As one would expect, Eridan does not take loss very well. Yesterday, he had been in shock at Ciaphas Cain's disappearence, then he had been in rage, now he was just... In depression. Without his moirail, there was no one to confide his feelings towards. More alone than he's ever been in this prison in months, he doesn't know how to handle these feelings on his own. No one he could talk to other than his pet, no one to even remember to check on him. When depression hits, it hits hard. No matter how rude he was towards other trolls and humans, he was still just a thirteen year old kid without anyone he could really talk to. Especially no one he could talk to that wouldn't enrage him into attacking them.

There wasn't much he could be doing, either, other than brood alone. His hobbies had included sleeping, bothering Cain, eating, bothering Cain, eating, bothering Cain, sleeping, bothering Cain... Without anything to do now, rarely even sleeping and eating anymore he simply sits at an empty bench in the sector where Cain had an apartment and stares at his shoes, his face down but not in tears. No, there were no tears in public, anyway. No one wanted to see that let alone did he want anyone to see that.]



[d.189 | Closed]

----- [Voice/Private] -----

[ It looked like a good day, and Sasha had just replenished supplies at home and baked some nice focaccia bread. She was just sorting out fresh produce when it occurred to her she has the materials for fresh tomato and eggplant sandwiches and to pack some fresh fruits for a picnic.

With a smile, she remembers that she promised a picnic with someone. Pulling up the communicator's voice function -- ]

Hello, Sam? Do you have a moment?



[Day 189] Action | Closed (forward dated)

[Despite a somewhat stressful day of new arrivals and realizations, Kitty worked on putting together a dinner to share with Reid, Laura, and Laura's guest. Somehow the "guest" fancied up her plans which were originally more along the lines of Chinese take out and sweats. Instead, she dressed for a "dinner party" and picked up Italian along with some wine. There was even a little cleaning before everyone showed up.]

(OOC: Just tag yourself in before, during, and/or after dinner. Mix and match threads. Probably try to avoid 3 and 4 person threads.)