MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


October 7th, 2012



[Day 187] [Late Evening] [Voice|Action|Open]

[He had been very laid back about his punishment from a few days ago, to the point that he had barely remembered it. But in the end there was a reminder, and Itachi sits a table at the Education Center, not caring about the time or the mass of papers he'd wasted writing different things on each. His writing lacks any flourish, tiny and precise--perfect kanji and hiragana in perfect rows, perfectly justified. It's too much of a habit, even in death.]

Hn. Such a peculiar form of punishment. If they truly wanted remorse, perhaps something less inane would have been more effective. [Not that he really cares enough to be remorseful about something like putting holes into an unused building.]

"Methods in which to avoid destroying property when fighting someone with intent to kill," seems much too long for a title. Suggestions for an alternative?



➀➇➆ ♪ iv ( video | action ) → open.

[ after speaking with kurt and spending some time keeping zatanna company, quinn headed over to the auditorium to continue in her attempt at making sense out of the disheveled mess that was the sheet music collection she'd located. she turns on the feed with the intentions of asking if any of the current marina glee members wanted to lend her a hand with this, but pauses when she stumbles upon a particular song that, while hadn't held much meaning for her when she first heard it, now could practically be her theme song.

there's a long pause of silence, and just when it seems like she's not going to say anything at all, she opens her mouth and sings. ]

Light bulbs buzz, I get up and head to my drawer
I wish there was more I could say, another fairy tale fades to gray
I've lived on hope just like a child, walking that mile, faking that smile
All the while wishing my heart had wings

Well, from now on I'm going to be
The kind of woman I'd want my daughter to be

[ she has to stop there, because that last line really hits home. swallowing hard, she clears her throat and holds up part of the pile she's sorting through, getting back to her original broadcast point. ]

Anyone want to lend me a hand with this? We need to get this music in order, or we're never going to be able to find anything.

late day 187 | video/action | open

[ action // open ]

[ shirley's sitting on the couch, writing in her diary when she notices it. there's something hanging out on top of the hanging light fixture. what is it? like heck if she knows, and to be honest she tries to just leave it at that. it's just taking up space up there - that's not her problem.

...of course, after about the fourth time she's noticed it, there's no chance of her ignoring it. with a frustrated sigh, she snaps her diary shut and goes to look closer.

those of you who pass through the common area may notice a redhead on a chair balanced on a stepladder, trying very hard to both stay upright and reach the top of the light fixtures.

[ video // open ]

[ the video feed clicks on. those who look closely may see a stepladder, a chair, and a few books in varying states of disarray. those who don't will just see a very disgruntled, slightly disheveled shirley staring at the camera. she is, at the moment, accusingly holding a cookie with a single bite missing up for public scrutiny. ]

Someone's been hiding these cookies all over. I've found two in the bathroom so far and one on the ceiling, but that's- and did you think that was funny? It was hard enough to reach the light, do you have any idea how hard it was to get the tape off- but that's not the important part!

[ she clears her throat, frown intensifying. ]

If you find one of these cookies, do not try to eat them. It's a bad idea. Trust me on this, I'm doing you a favor!

[ she reaches out, aaaand- click. the feed ends. ]



[ 187 | action (open) / voice (closed) ]

action; open
[ faith could be found all around the dome today, but the action happens later in the day at the athletic center.

instead of stopping by to train earlier, faith waits until the evening to go work out some aggression. it's been a wake up call; both forcing herself not to use her slayer gifts and forcing herself to be more conscious when using them. this session doesn't go so well; some of the equipment looks a little worse for wear after faith's done with it. her hands took a little more abuse than normal, too. ouch.

voice; scoobies filter
[ once she cools down from messing with the athletic center, faith decides to check in with the home team. ]
Yo, so what's the deal with the cage, anyway? Our points work out? Cause I could do with some metal-bending. [ to keep her from doing some people-bending... ]


[The last time Jackie got on the network, he sounded angry. Tonight he just sounds exhausted. Maybe even tired enough to make himself ill.]

That's why it came off so fast. You did something to it. Jesus, what the hell did you...

[There's a few moments of heavy breathing before he speaks again, this time louder, addressing his fellow inmates.]

Is there somewhere - somewhere we can see the real sky? Not this weird virtual reality shit, not that - it's not nice or anything, very frikkin' realistic - but I - I don't - I don't trust it. How do we even know what time it is, other than what - those crazy-ass frikkin' - Wardens say? We're gonna just trust 'em?

[Huff, huff. The sound of a head hitting a pillow.]


[closed day 187 / action] serious talks to be had

[It's later in the night when Jane gets the message. From the sound of it, she is in great trouble. She did leave and come home to find Dirk passed out with Jake on the couch. So that may or may not have something to do with it.

She makes her way to the living room where he asked to meet her.

Dirk? You needed to speak with me?

action | day 187/188 | closed to roxy lalonde

action // closed to roxy lalonde // cut for spoilers )