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Dec. 31st, 2011


I don't wanna be around when it all goes down, to watch something beautiful die

Who: Troy, Tessa and Frances
Where: down the street from the Broadway Bridge
When: Just before 11:37, and then onward

A scream or a cry, the truth or a lie, I'm not sure they will save us this time. )

Dec. 9th, 2011


When it's nine in the afternoon

Who: Kayla and Troy
Where: Red Dragon Dojo
When: late afternoon

Whatever had possessed Troy to try to out-drink his sister was definitely kicking his ass today... )

Dec. 7th, 2011


Meet me on your best behavior

Who: Tessa and Troy
Where: Anywhere But Here
When: late evening, around 10pm

Meet me at your worst )

Aug. 19th, 2011


Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all

Who: Drina and Troy
Where: Red Dragon Dojo
When: early afternoon

The lull before classes always left Troy feeling a deep calm, like the great intake of breath before the plunge. He'd made sure everything was in line for his students: from the sanitizing of the mats to the quality checks on all the equipment, Troy had gotten it all taken care of. He had a very specific mental checklist that came from a solid year of methodical devotion to his dojo and his life. To him, being an instructor was more than just teaching a class a certain set of moves. It was instilling discipline and respect in oneself and in others, and watching them flourish and grow, much like the plants for which the martial artist had such an affinity. The only thing left for Troy to do was await the arrival of the students for the next class. As he strode into his office, he glanced up at the schedule to see when his sister was scheduled to work next, glad that she had gotten back to teaching. As much as she seemed to be doing better, Troy was still concerned for her well-being and unwilling to push her too far past her ability to cope with the departure of her friend.

Taking a seat at his desk... )

Jul. 5th, 2011


This body, this body holding me

Who: Troy
Where: his apartment and later, his garden
When: Scarlet Oak, 2008

It took everything he had for Troy not to smash his cell-phone. )

Jun. 12th, 2011



For a potential scene; will delete if I end up not needing. <3

Jun. 9th, 2010


Daydream believer...

Who: Troy and OPEN
Where: Near the dojo on the street
When: Lunch time
What: Troy is daydreamin'

He was headed back to the dojo. Tessa was getting a new roommate which meant that he would be spending his Saturday being a human forklift. Which he didn’t mind doing, especially for his sister. It just meant that he had to get all his paperwork finished before then. And there was an awful lot of it, stuff that only he could deal with. There was also the fall schedule to start giving some thought to. Most people wouldn’t expect for that to have to be done in the middle of July but sadly, it did. And he wanted to have that done by the beginning of next week. Friday was his nearly full day of private lessons, so that left today for all the boring and mundane work.

Troy had stopped by the diner and picked up a wrap for his lunch (with extra lettuce on the side for Gambit’s lunch) and was walking back. It seemed everyone was enjoying the lovely day and he couldn’t blame them. It was near perfection and he was already looking into taking a weekend to go camping. A little time communing with nature seemed to be perfect to him.

Perhaps he should have communed with his current surroundings a little better, though, because he managed to run smack into someone and he looked at the individual apologetically. “Sorry. Gotta get my head back out of the clouds,” he joked.

May. 24th, 2010


Who: Troy and Opal
When: Afternoon
Where: Earthen Designs
What: Present shopping and trying not to think

His mother's birthday was coming up. Though he was supposed to go with his sister, she was MIA. So the man was left to his own devices to get a birthday gift. Not that he was overly sure what to get. But he did some trolling on the internet and found something on google. A shop in town that specialized in earth jewelry. Run by an elemental. He could get behind that. So, after drinking his coffee, he brought Gambit with him down to the shop. The little guy was going stir crazy and he too didn't understand what happened between Troy and Remy. It was odd. She just stopped calling. Stopped responding. Normally, he would have pressed, being stubborn, but there was just something about it. Though he'd been committed and into it, she hadn't.

It was frustrating for the man. Being that he wanted to settle down, start a family of his own, there really wasn't much he could do. When he got to the store, he went in and instantly felt at home. Nice.

Apr. 1st, 2010


At least until technology destroys itself

Who: Yelena & Troy
When: Around Sunset
Where: The Park

Yelena wasn't exactly the type that had a daily ritual. In fact the only times you could guarantee her whereabouts they were completely contractual. Before telephones and internet connections and cell phones, if Yelena had grown disinterested in the city in which she lived, she would just move. Not that she had lost her appetite for this place, in fact she was just starting to develop it, but still she did longed for the days when she could just disappear and take up a new persona. Well not quite a new persona as much as just a new name and a different occupation.

It was a longing in her that had started after the Light of May had occurred and she knew that it was a desire that would likely now last the rest of her days. Mostly because everyone was not only able to find out who she was, but until the end of days (or until the world of technology fell - which would hopefully come first) everyone would know what she was. So going into hiding for a few decades was not an option any longer, because everyone would still know.

The one thing Yelena had on her side was the fact that with more than a few people in the world 'coming out', she as a classical musician was not as widely known in the first place. At least not in most circles.

That was what her mind was filtering through as she walked through the park at sunset. For a woman without rituals she watched more sunsets and sunrises in a year than most did in ten. One of the benefits of never sleeping through them. There wasn't a question or a query involved when it came to them, but instead a quiet rhythm that she enjoyed. It was a time during the day that she actually slowed down or even stopped to consider her own life and not the little bits of life that she liked to gather.

Today was no exception as she meandered around the park in a sun dress, her mind completely off the task.

Feb. 13th, 2010


Could you look me in the eye and tell me that you're happy now?

Who: Tessa and Troy Rogers, as well as Tessa's familiar Inaki (NPC)
When: Morning, after Tessa receives a surprising phone call
Where: The Red Dragon Dojo

Obviously she was too much of a wreck to do any good, unless her students wanted to learn how to murder a man via spontaneous combustion. )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


There's a racing within my heart, and I am barely touching you

Who: Remy and Troy
Where: His apartment
When: Evening
What: NSFW fun

Breathe in breathe out, there is no sound, We move together up and down )

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Who: Troy and Kayla
When: Mid-morning
Where: the Red Dragon Dojo

To say Kayla's parents had freaked during the demon attacks was something of an understatement, and it hadn't been two hours before Kayla's father had been on the phone interviewing security firms for potential bodyguards. Kayla, however, had managed to finagle her way out of being followed around by a huge beefy guy by promising to renew her self-defense lessons. She'd told her dad she'd start looking around at dojos, as her old krav maga instructor had moved on to warmer climes, but he was concerned that the majority of the dojos around were in Ann Arbor. Even that was too far for his comfort. So he'd booked her an appointment for a local dojo in Scarlet Oak.

Typically, the order came down via her mother, who of course didn't know whether it was a class or just an info session. Remembering how she'd been thrown to the wolves during her first krav session, Kayla decided to go the safe route and packed her gear - workout clothes, sneakers, her old hand wraps, and her mouth guard, which surprisingly still fit. Or perhaps not so surprising; she'd only been out of practice by a couple years. Tossing the bag in the back of her car, she drove down to the dojo.

Pushing open the door and stepping inside, Kayla gave it a good look around as she tried to spot either a receptionist or someone who looked like they knew what was up.

Dec. 29th, 2009


If you want to I can save you; I can take you away from here.

Who: Tessa and Troy Rogers
When: Late May 2008
Where: The airport / Sunny's Diner
What: A wayward sister comes home

He'd called at just the right time, when she needed him to. Troy always knew when Tessa needed him, an older brother's sixth sense. )

Dec. 16th, 2009


Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer

Who: Remy and Troy
When: 9ish
Where: Their homes
What: A phone call

It wasn't until she had already sent the text that Remy realized she'd just outed herself. She was kind of used to the few people she knew in Scarlet Oak already knowing that she was something other than normal. His text back was awkward and she knew she'd have to call him.

Staring at Troy's text, she contemplated for a few seconds about how she would explain herself. "Fuck," she mumbled, getting up and pacing in front of her phone before stopping and starring at it. "Just do it, what's the worst that could happen?" but Remy couldn't help but be afraid that he'd reject her. She actually liked him and she really, really didn't want him to hate her.

Picking up her phone she dialled his number, biting her lip nervously she waiting for him to pick up. "Hello?"

Dec. 11th, 2009


A little left of center

Who: Tessa and Troy Rogers
Where: The Red Dragon Dojo
When: Evening, after both encounter demons
What: Comparing war wounds and avoiding know-it-all familiars

'Do you see any demons following us right now? That's right, you don't, because Ryan and I torched its ass.'  )

Dec. 7th, 2009


This nightmare won't last long.

Who: Troy and some NPC demons
Where: The park
When: Twilight
What: Demon wants to go on nom nom

I watched the sky bleed grey with see through shades of violent bloody stains and felt the evil prime and wicked start a course straight through my veins. )


Good times never seem so good.

Who: Remy and Troy
Where: Dog Ink
What: Getting a tattoo
When: Before lunch

Where it began, I can't begin to know when... Who'd believe you'd come along. )

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