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Feb. 26th, 2011


This territory goes uncharted

Who: Jadyn, Kristen and Missy
Where: Peloe home
When: Early evening

I'm already out of foolproof ideas so don't ask me how. )

Jan. 20th, 2011


Rise and shine sleepyhead

Who: Jon, Kristen and Missy
Where: Peloe home
When: Early morning

The peace offering - hot coffee and a can of Monster. )

Jan. 16th, 2011


Did you ever know that you're my hero?

Who: Kristen and Missy
Where: Home
When: Late afternoon

And everything I would like to be. )

Nov. 21st, 2010


Stay together for the kids

Who: Kristen, Nikita, Silvia, and Anne (NPC)
Where: Nikita's house
When: Early evening

So here's your holiday. Hope you enjoy it this time. )

Oct. 21st, 2010


Jumping, twirling in the air

Who: Kristen and Missy
Where: Gymnasium in Ann Arbor
When: Evening

One of the not so great things about having custody of her little sister was that Missy was generally expected to sit with other parents when she came to any of Kristen's activities. For football (soccer) she managed to get away without doing it because none of them wanted to listen to her yell anymore. Gymnastics? She had yet to figure out how to offend the other mom's to the point of them letting her sit by herself and after the past few years she was beginning to doubt there was one. So she just settled for sneaking in a little late - Kristen had already been in Ann Arbor so she had not needed to drop her off - using the excuse that it had been a busy day at the office. Which it had been with some bloody person going and killing babies. Missy was not one to point fingers or lay blame on things other than vampires a lot of the time but she came from a family that had been dealing with the supernatural world for a long time and she had heard stories about snake-people that ate babies. Lamia. Kris is too old for that, none of them would come near her. Thank everything. Missy had no idea how she would react if anything ever happened to her little sister.

Settling into her seat near the floor, Missy was pleased to see that Kristen was up next for her tumble routine. Grinning she caught her eye and waved, flashing a thumbs up. It was a sad truth that she had not been able to make it to all of Kristen's performances over the years but she always came for the important ones and when she was there she tried to cheer extra loud to make up for all the times she was gone. Besides, Kristen was brilliant, better than she had been when she was a kid and it was a pleasantly normal activity.

Aug. 28th, 2010


Strange but special

Who: Linnea and Kristen
Where: Niemi house
When: Evening

Does she count as a princess? )

Aug. 1st, 2010


Grow up sooner or later

Who: Circe and Kristen
Where: Redleaf Lake
When: Mid-afternoon

A ghost of a good mood. )

Jul. 23rd, 2010


A risk you take

Who: Cecil (NPC), Jadyn, Kristen and Missy
Where: Peloe home
When: Early evening

Let your colors shine. )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Swallow a drop of gravel and blacktop

Who: Kristen and Missy
Where: Berry Days Festival
When: 4:30 p.m.

They were going to the festival! Kristen was delighted and actually acting like a kid this time, prancing around Missy as they got out of the car. She'd gone to the festival with Missy before, every year since they'd moved to Scarlet Oak, and it was a sort of tradition for them. One that the little girl loved dearly and she was always glad when Missy would take the day off to take her. Sure, it'd meant that she'd slept in late but that was okay. Meant that she'd actually slept. Kristen knew her sister still wasn't sleeping enough but she wasn't going to focus on that today because they were at the festival! And it was strawberry day, her favorite berry, and as they entered the fairgrounds she turned her best pleading eyes on Missy, even tugging at her hand. "Can we go get some strawberries and cream?" she asked, fidgeting a little with the purse that she had picked up on the way out. She was ten-years-old now, practically a teenager, and she needed to carry a purse. Sure it was one of Missy's old ones that she had probably thought she threw away when they were still in New York, but Kristen had hidden it for the day when she could use it. Which was clearly today.

'cause the road tastes like wintergreen. )

Jun. 12th, 2010


Oh shit, you're STILL alive?

Who: Kristen, Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's home
When: Nightime

You mean the demons didn't get you? Damn... er, uh, I mean! )

Apr. 23rd, 2010


You Don't Look Like the Little Mermaid

Who: Kristen and Nixie
Where: Nikita's house
When: Afternoon

Kristen was a little bored. Sure she'd brought along a backpack of supplies to keep her occupied but well, half the space in her backpack had been taken up by the wriggling puppy at her side. And she didn't have any ideas. Kristen was experiencing an artistic block and it was frustrating for the newly-turned ten-year-old. She was totally going to blame it on Missy being gone and the terrible feeling that she got every time she thought of her sister. Like something was going to go, or had gone, wrong with her. She didn't like it but she didn't want to bother Nikita by asking if she knew what was going on, both with Missy at that moment and them in general. Because sure she was a kid and she wasn't an idiot, she knew that there was something going on with those two. Sighing, the blonde snapped her fingers down at Mitzi as she hopped off the cough and padded off into the hall.

There were two places that Nikita had told her not to go; her study and the basement. Kristen's sense of curiosity made her want to find out why those rooms were off-limit but she decided not to press her luck too much. Nikita hadn't had to agree to watch her instead of Linnea so the least she could do was follow the very simple limits that'd been imposed on her. Nothing had been said about the study though so Kristen pushed that door open, hoping to find a book or something that she could... the little girl stopped in her tracks the moment the door was open, mouth gaping as she found herself regarding the biggest aquarium that she'd ever seen. "Whoa," she breathed, closing the door behind herself and her puppy before walking up to peer in at the swirling array of fish and rocks. That thing was huge! Who needed an aquarium this big?

...what was that? Was that, was that a person in there?

Apr. 22nd, 2010


It's the bitter taste of losing everything I've held so dear

Who: Kristen, Missy, multiple Peloe NPCs
Where: Brisbane, Australia
When: Spring 2005
Warnings: Graphic content - death, blood, gore...

It was one of those beautiful days, too good to be passed up, with various birds singing their little hearts out. Missy did not even bother with the air conditioner in her car as she drove from her apartment. Windows rolled down was the way to go because it was not too hot it was just right and she liked hearing the birds. Her radio was going full blast, some Leah Haywood song that they were recycling, fingers tapping the rhythm out on her steering wheel. The drive between her place and where her family lived was just long enough to enjoy two songs before their voices took over. Not that she minded. If she minded seeing them then she would have gotten a place farther away.

Pulling up, noting that Marianne's car was there too, Missy just managed to get the car into park before the front door was open and everyone was coming up. There was no such thing as arriving and surprising people or going inside before they jumped you at the Peloe house, oh no. They spotted a car coming up the driveway and everyone was at the windows waiting to see who it was. And if it happened to be someone they knew, well, then they were on them in two seconds flat. At least her father tried to appear dignified about it, coming out last while her siblings were far too excited and flooded around her the minute she got her door open. First thing she did was swing her youngest sister, little Kristen, up into her arms before grinning. "Now come on you can't be that excited to see me! It's only been a few days since my last visit!"

And the cost was so much more than I could bear. )

Apr. 16th, 2010


If anything happens to her...

Who: Kristen, Missy and Nikita
Where: Nikita's home
When: 3:30 p.m.ish

Then it's your price to pay. )

Apr. 13th, 2010


To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand

Who: Kristen, Missy and Abyzou demon (NPC)
Where: Peloe home
When: Around 2:00 p.m.

When most kids woke up on their birthday they were excited. Especially for something so important as turning ten! But when Kristen's eyes fluttered open they were damp, her cheeks streaked with tears that had come while she slept for the second night in a row. Even now, hours later, she could still remember the fear that had haunted her dreams. Worse than just something happening to Missy it was almost like something was happening to the world. Again. Like... Kristen bit her lip, tucking into a roll across the grassy lawn. Like back at the end of June when all the demons had come. "But that's not happening again," Kristen assured Mitzi as she came up from her roll, offering a smile for the puppy and letting her crawl into her lap. "What's wrong, Mitzi?" Normally the golden retriever pup was a wriggling little ball of energy, but right then she was shaking and whimpering.

There it was again, that sick twist to her stomach and Kristen felt herself gagging as she forced herself to stand, still holding Mitzi in her arms. She completely forgot about the fact that she was upset about Missy going to work on her birthday. About the whole thing with her not listening because right then all that mattered was something wasn't right. "Anna?" Kristen called for her baby-sitter as she backed towards the house, eyes on the gate leading out of the yard. The latch was shifting, wriggling and opening and Mitzi whimpered again as the gate swung in.

Let go of my sister or I'm going to blow your brains out. )

Apr. 8th, 2010


Who: Zoë and Kristen
Where: Kristen's Home
When: Evening
What: Playing with Psychics

Given how open Zoë's schedule was, or could be, and the fact that she had already pressed a flower in each of Mister Alphabet's books, she decided to spend her evening investigating. She could not very well write in a notebook while wearing a fedora, like the newspaper reporter she had thought to be, when she would grow up. When she thought she would grow up. She could not write in a notebook, and she did not have a fedora, but she could still investigate.

After fifty or so years, she had mostly accepted what she now was. When she remembered.

Today it was a house she knew a little girl, like herself, lived in. She had been curious, naturally, and wanted to at least peek in on her.

Mar. 31st, 2010


Only a Child's Nightmare...

Who: Kristen and Missy
Where: Peloe Home
When: Around five a.m.

Kristen had had a very, very bad dream. In it her sister had gone out looking for something. Usually when Missy wanted to find something Kristen would do everything that she could to help her. But not this time because as Missy searched and searched a terrible feeling grew in Kristen's stomach, twisting and knotting. Almost like that time when she had had the flu last year and couldn't keep anything down. Only worse because Missy was going to get hurt if she wasn't careful. And she wasn't being careful. Then, just as she'd found what she was looking for Kristen screamed for her to look out and something had hit her-

And Kristen had woken up screaming, drenched in a cold sweat as she clung to the old stuffed kangaroo she'd had for longer than she could remember. She tried to tell herself that it'd only been a nightmare but it had that feeling to it that she couldn't deny. The one that said no, it wasn't just a dream. It could be real. Tossing back the sheet, Kristen climbed out of her bed and padded down the stairs towards her sister's room. Normally she tried not to wake her up but after a dream like that she felt almost obligated. Biting her lip, Kristen crawled right into bed next to Missy and curled up in front of her, nestling in because she was still small enough to fit. When she felt Missy start she whispered, "I don't want you to go."

Mar. 18th, 2010


Figure Out the Point

Who: Kristen and Satu
Where: Niemi house
When: Evening

The full moon meant one thing to Kristen and it was the same thing that it'd meant for as long as she could remember. Missy was going to be busy and she was going to be at someone else's house. it was usually the same one though and she arrived with Missy, sleeping bag under one arm, backpack on while she blinked up at Linnea. Her sister trusted the woman with the accent, not that Kristen had room to talk, so she did too. Even if she most definitely didn't trust her daughter. Satu was a few years older than her, Silvia's age, but she wasn't near as nice. If Missy knew that then Kristen was almost sure she wouldn't bring her. But Kristen wasn't the sort to go crying to her big sister.

Maybe tonight would be different and Satu would leave her alone. And maybe Missy will come home early and I'll get to sleep back in my bed and not have Linnea tell her that I left all of the nights on again. Sighing, Kristen settled in at the kitchen table with her sketchbook. She could at least try to have some fun and hope that maybe she was right. Or maybe Satu was gone! That thought perked the girl right up and she even started humming to herself as she sketched. It'd be nice if maybe she got to watch a movie with Linnea or something instead... she was very nice, reminded Kristen of her own mom.

Mar. 17th, 2010


All the angels have flown

Who: Kristen and Silvia
Where: Graveyard
When: Early evening

Heading on the way to the floor. )

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Watch your step

Who: Avizeh and Kristen
Where: Some random store with art supplies
When: Afternoon

Kristen had told Missy that she needed new art supplies. Literally all that she needed to do was drop her off at the store and let her find them herself. But no, her sister'd made a big deal about it and had to come too. Though thankfully Missy was next door looking at something so Kristen didn't have to worry about her looking over her shoulder. Not that she didn't absolutely adore her sister and want her around most of the time. It was just that picking out the right supplies could be a very delicate process and sometimes Missy liked to help just a little too much. Okay, so she couldn't get the best but that didn't mean she had to settle for something that even a nine-year-old knew wasn't good enough.

Kneeling down on the floor in front of the markers, Kristen started to pick her way through them, looking for exactly the right shade of purple. That way she could touch up the statue she was making for Ms. Fable. And because purple was a pretty color that could be used pretty much anywhere. "But if I get the purple then I should get the silver too..." Kristen started talking to herself as she piked her way through until she had quite the little collection stacked up on both sides of her. The ones of the right were 'definitely' and the ones on the left were 'eh, maybe but probably not'.

Feb. 21st, 2010


Someone always cares

Who: Kristen and Missy
Where: The park
When: Evening

Even if you don't. )

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