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Aug. 5th, 2010


Behind an innocent disguise

Who: Dagmar, Kajsa, Oz and Slipper (NPC)
Where: River outside --> Niemi house
When: Directly after this

Oz knew that he was healing well, he was a were of course he was, but that did not mean that it hurt any less. The last thing that he wanted to do was go home and have someone see. With a family as big as his the chances of the house being empty were slim to none and all of them would be way too happy to rat him out to their mother for getting into a fight. Last thing he needed on top of his lovely meeting with Dagmar's big brother was to have his ear chewed off by his mother before she tried to make him apologize. Because the Niemi's were friends of the family and if he could get along with one of them then he should be able to get along with all of them. Not the one who uses blood to do god knows what to me.

So he remained curled up on the bank in his otter form, licking at his wounds - literally - and hoping that Leif and his damned bird would not come back because he did not want to deal with them again. Next time he might do more than hit him in his pale, pointed face and just deal with the consequenes. Provided the bird did not literally rip him a new one. Why did he have to be part of a tribe where headdresses were not the in thing? Seriously, no fair.


Who: Marisa and Coralyn
Where: Woods/forest/place of many trees
When: After sunset

Like Christmas in July. )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Nothing good can come of this meeting...

Who: Hedda and Lex
When: 11:30pm-ish
Where: Ad Gustum or there abouts

Nothing. )


Who: Fiona, Guinevere (NPC) and OPEN
When: That afternoon
Where: Berry Days

Raspberry Tarts, Hawks and Trying to Have a Life )

Aug. 3rd, 2010


Who: Dagmar and Ronnie
What: Some butt-kicking
When: Early-evening
Where: Street corner

Ronnie was done crying. She wasn't going to let that Demon get to her anymore. That's what it had wanted, to hurt her and leave her defenceless. Well, they'd underestimated Ronnie and they'd underestimated the Lord Above. Ronnie was not going to roll over and let these creatures take over God's Beautiful Earth.

After finishing her conversation with her parents (and crying a bit more), Ronnie had gotten out her trusty markers and a big, white slab of cardboard and started making herself some signs. She settled on a line of "Love is for humans. Not monsters", as she felt that quite fitting for the situation.

Not that she'd loved Bianca, or anything like that. She hadn't felt anything for that devil. That thing that tried so hard to hurt her... Focus, Ronnie, focus. Anyways, she'd gotten a sign, printed off a few pamphlets to be handed out (Are you aware of the Demon that lives next door?) and set out for a hard night's work. Without looking too much, she'd found a suitable street corner where she could share her message for the world.

Ronnie wouldn't let her Saviour down.


If it's good, or if it's fortune, I can't tell

Who: Naoki, Persephone, and Snowball (NPC)
Where: Outside the Mudhouse
When: Early evening

It was the future reflected. It felt familiar, but new. A street was missing a building. The kids had something to do. )


So never mind the darkness, we can still find a way

Who: Garrett Rigby and Kai Gillis
When: Around 5:30ish and onward!
Where: Outside the Ark, and then back to Kai's... er, Harley's house XD

'Cause nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain  )

Aug. 2nd, 2010


black magic for breakfast

Who: Zania and Zaviar
Where: Woods of Scarlet Oak
When: Around dawn

Yes, Zaviar was more fond of doing his spellwork in the morning for some reason. Deep down part of him believed that it might be because he practiced black magic and most people associated it with night. Therefore he would do it during the day, just to take that away from them and from white magic. Not that it was really taking anything, but it made him feel a small surge of satisfaction as he drew the knife across the throat of some poor sparrow that had been just a little too slow in escaping. Blood sacrifice always helped, even if that was all in his head since he did not use blood magic, and the scent of blood burning as he flicked the droplets off his fingers onto that hot stones surrounding the little fire filled his nose.

That is not a pleasant smell.

Zaviar ignored the comment that came from the regal looking german shepherd a good twenty yards away. No one had made Knight come along after all and he could keep his comments to himself. His own tongue flicked out to catch the extra scent in addition to what his nose gathered. “Would you like the body?” he asked, dangling the sparrow by a lifeless wing, an almost smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth when his familiar sniffed and turned his nose the other way. His loss.

Read more... )


We're glad for what we've got, done with what we've lost

Who: Isaiah Williamson and Bradley Krasner
Where: The Owl's Nest
When: Late morning

Cooking was one of Isaiah's favorite ways of getting out any frustrations he had. )


that sends me down to the river tonight

Who: Leif & Oz
Where: By the river, outside the Niemi household
When: Late aftenoon

It bothered Leif that a significant part of him had not objected to the time he spent at his childhood home. He objected to some of those there, but that was the case with most places. Still, he envied the other elementals their connection to Water. Which--the rest of him had decided--was utterly ridiculous. There were things he was capable of that they couldn't fathom and doubtlessly wouldn't want to if they could. But there was a certain hesitation in that internal declaration. Just as Leif now increasingly wished he had someone to aid him with his telepathy, he wanted to be better. Perhaps it was an almost unconscious pride in his heritage. Perhaps it was the demon's lust for yet more power. One was more likely than the other, but the end result was the same. Though he had no intention of actually entering the building, Leif had taken himself to the Niemi household and the river.

With Miakoda on lookout for any approaching family members, he sat on the river bank and stared into the water for a moment. An shadow of accomplishment crossed his face as he succeeded in changing the direction of the ripples directly in front of him.


Don't dream or close your eyes

Who: Angeline and Locke
Where: Starbucks
When: Noontime

And never trust your shadow in the dark. )

Aug. 1st, 2010


When everything is wrong, we move along

WHO: Kiley and Rosa
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: Midmorning
WHAT: Catching up!

It was hard to miss another wolf in the room, no matter what she did. )


Reunited and it feels so good

Who: Mael and Alyssa
Where: Grocery store (they’re avoiding festival crowds)
When: Noon-ish

Reuinted 'cause we understood )


Grow up sooner or later

Who: Circe and Kristen
Where: Redleaf Lake
When: Mid-afternoon

A ghost of a good mood. )


Baby, this town rips the bones from your back

Who: Liev & NPCed family.
When: 11am-ish.
Where: Home.

It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap. )


Red & Blue

Who: Freddie and Persephone
Where: The Berry Days Festival
When: Afternoon

Today was a potentially depressing day. It was Claire Korey's funeral, today, and although Freddie wasn't sure she had traded more than a few sentences with the girl the whole time they'd known each other, it still weighted on her that she had died. She supposed it was because of the traumatic experience they shared not long ago.

This wasn't easy for Freddie, because although she knew she should pay her respects, wakes and funerals and all that they entailed simply gave her very swift panic attacks. And Freddie wasn't about to go into one of those intentionally. So, she had decided not to go to the funeral, but calling Gabe anyway the day after, maybe, and headed to the Berry Days Festival instead, because staying at home just made her think of Claire, and Gabe, and how fucking sad it all was.

Berries. Berries were the answer. Freddie walked aimlessly around the festival, Amadeus safely in her messenger bag enjoying the day's berries she'd given him - and hopefully he wouldn't die of berry poisoning, or something, over it. As for Freddie, a raspberry smoothie in a plastic cup occupied her hands while she hummed to The Beatles playing on her iPod.

Jul. 31st, 2010



DATE: Wednesday, July 22, 2009.


WEATHER: Still overcast and uncomfortably muggy, with light drizzles of rain through-out the day.

EVENTS: Local teenager Claire Korey’s funeral is today, with an immense turnout. It seems all of Scarlet Oak is in attendance, with services at Saint Andrew’s, and a memorial in the church basement after the burial itself.

If that’s not enough, the body of another man was apparently found in Scarlet Oak early yesterday morning. As of yet the body has not been identified, and cause of death has not been released to the public. It is cause for alarm though. In the past month, Scarlet Oak’s crime rate has almost doubled. Most disturbingly, a new body has popped up every day this week. The local police commissioner is expected to hold a press conference regarding the crime wave, and what local authorities intend to do about it!

In the meanwhile… it’s raspberry day at Berry Days, and the day’s entertainment includes a demolition derby!

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

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