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Mar. 20th, 2010


One Fine Day In the Middle of the Night...

Who: Zale and Amanda
Where: A back alley somewhere
When: about 9pm
What: Why you don't walk home alone, children

I go bump in the night, little girl. )


Dance to a different tune

Who: K-lee, Karine and Whisper plus Malo (NPC)
Where: Whisper's Home
When: Evening

Business was business and K-lee wasn't too upset that hers was calling to her. It wasn't like a desk job or anything boring. She went for a few hours, modeled some dresses or got fitted, had pictures taken since there was clearly no catwalking necessary here in Scarlet Oak, and went home. All in all that was actually a pretty easy way to make as much as she did. Maybe after this she would even consider getting herself an apartment finally. Wasn't like there were other job offers being thrown at her feet and her cell hadn't rang with a single call from her agent since she left California. Not that she needed it. Working for Whisper wasn't really hard and the vampire paid remarkably well if you delivered. And that was something K-lee was very good at.

"Now you behave yourself or I'm kicking you outside," K-lee informed Malo as they got out of the car. The little bobcat had begged and begged until she allowed him to come just so that he'd shut up and stop annoying her. I'll behave, Malo agreed as K-lee rang the doorbell. He was excited to get to see what it was she did for a living. To the point where he had even promised not to scratch anything up. And K-lee, who had a suitcase to replace, could attest that that was a good promise to be made.

Oh look, she doesn't like me. )


Books are serious business

Who: Hap and Uli
Where: Bargain Books
When: Afternoon

There was time until Hap had to go home and get ready for the party he was supposed to go to. He should have used it to go home and sleep because really, he was getting too old for parties that started after the sun went down and had a scheduled end time of way-too-fucking-late. If he showed up at the station the next morning all tired then they would never let him live it down. But hey, he had a good reason for swinging by the used bookstore. That reason was attempting to find some book on art or art history for Denise. His daughter was not happy with him after the other day when he had caught her with that boy and scared him off. Well what was he supposed to do? His father would have done the exact same thing with any of his sisters and Hap did not blame him. Boys were just supposed to stay away. Far away. The other side of the state might work.

So he found himself in the bookstore, rifling through a shelf of old books. Definitely not his type of place and worse, he had no idea what he was looking for. Did she like architecture? Or was she more fond of stuff from South America? Hell, this was going to be harder than he thought. Sighing, Hap continued to look through the titles, rubbing at his ears when a slight buzz of voices filled them for a moment, talking too fast and quietly to be understood before they faded. Man he hated it when that happened. Would be so much better if he could just understand them but no that would be too easy. At least ghosts were better about talking than the random imprints.

Mar. 19th, 2010


You abuse me in a way that I've never known

Who: Bren and Bia
Where: Aeaea
When: later afternoon, after this, before this

Break me, shake me, hate me, take me over )


unexpected employee

Who: Devin and Bia
Where: Aeaea
When: Afternoon

Devin had made a commitment to finding a job before the full moon and was now running out of time. In fact, he only had a couple more hours, at which point he'd have to admit he'd been unsuccessful for a second month in a row. Unwilling to let that happen, he'd circled several wanted ads in the paper, then set out to visit them in person. There was one place, though, that didn't have an add, but he hoped might have openings. It was a new shop in town with a name he couldn't pronounce, but a focus that actually interested him. The moment Devin set food in Aeaea he was hooked. He knew he could spend hours there as a customer, which meant working there wouldn't be half bad. All he had to do was actually get the job.

The owner was in a good mood, as it happened, and today she was Asia Bia. The opening had been successful, her niece was happy, and Snowdrop hadn't scared people off yet. Rather, many customers seemed fascinated by the black panther, and no few people had asked to get their pictures taken with her. The familiar was a draw for the curious, and whatever brought them in was fine by Bia - and whichever personality or combination of personalities she happened to be in at the time.

At the sound of the bell above the door ringing, Bia and Snowdrop lazily sauntered in to the main room. "Welcome to Aeaea," Bia greeted, pronouncing the shop title as EE-EE-uh. "Can we help you with anything?"

Stupid cat. )


I'm only trying to give you what you've come to expect...

Who: Mosiah and Bren, possibly others
Where: Brenna's apartment in Scarlet Oak
When: around 8:30 based on their text messages

have you ever done anything good in your life? )


Sometimes you break the finger on the other hand

Who: Kai and Rigby
Where: Music Go Round in Ann Arbor
When: Noontime

Think you got me confused for a better man. )

Mar. 18th, 2010


Figure Out the Point

Who: Kristen and Satu
Where: Niemi house
When: Evening

The full moon meant one thing to Kristen and it was the same thing that it'd meant for as long as she could remember. Missy was going to be busy and she was going to be at someone else's house. it was usually the same one though and she arrived with Missy, sleeping bag under one arm, backpack on while she blinked up at Linnea. Her sister trusted the woman with the accent, not that Kristen had room to talk, so she did too. Even if she most definitely didn't trust her daughter. Satu was a few years older than her, Silvia's age, but she wasn't near as nice. If Missy knew that then Kristen was almost sure she wouldn't bring her. But Kristen wasn't the sort to go crying to her big sister.

Maybe tonight would be different and Satu would leave her alone. And maybe Missy will come home early and I'll get to sleep back in my bed and not have Linnea tell her that I left all of the nights on again. Sighing, Kristen settled in at the kitchen table with her sketchbook. She could at least try to have some fun and hope that maybe she was right. Or maybe Satu was gone! That thought perked the girl right up and she even started humming to herself as she sketched. It'd be nice if maybe she got to watch a movie with Linnea or something instead... she was very nice, reminded Kristen of her own mom.


First Encounter of the First Kind

Who: Aurora & Sadie
Where: Scarlet Oak State Park
When: July 7, Afternoon
What: Sadie and Aurora decide to go to the park for different reasons and end up meeting. An awkward, strained conversation follows.

You smell... nice. )


Big hearts are for breaking

Who: Fable Morrison, along with Ainsley and her in-laws, Mary Anne and Tim Morrison Sr. (NPCs), and a brief appearance by her familiar Yoko (also NPC'd)
Where: The Morrison home
When: Just before sunset and beyond

Keep your eyes shut, I just can't stand to say goodbye )


Don't wait 'til the finish line

Who: Fable Morrison and Charlotte Angel (plus Ainsley and Anna, NPC'd)
When: Late morning
Where: The park!

There was nothing to change the fact that today, Fable turned 24 and her husband wasn't here. )


Spend your days here, we'll never give up now

Who: Autumn Rivers and Garrett Rigby
When: Just after 4 in the afternoon
Where: Autumn's house
What: Checking in with a friend
Note: This log is incomplete

Though he'd been back in town since late Sunday night, Rigby was finally stopping in to see Autumn. )


Well that's just indecent!

Who: Skylar and Sawyer
When: Noonish
Where: Lenore's bookstore and café
Warnings: NSFW!

So... you gonna fuck me, or piss me off some more? )


But you know that you can't fight the moonlight...

Who: Jessa and Madock
When: Just before the full moon
Where: The Weiss family barn

he was glad that he wouldn't have to remember it. The trouble lay in the fact that Jessa *would* be able to remember it. )


Some boxes you can't just repack and put back on a shelf

Who: Gabe and Clarissa
Where: their new house
When: late afternoon

I didn't want to be treated differently because stuff that happened at home behind closed doors... )

Mar. 17th, 2010


Now I'm going through changes, changes.

Who: Torque and Patience (NPC)
Where: His Place
When: Early Morning
What: Unexpected Visitors
Warning: Language


It's been a crazy time for us of pushing all our limits

Who: Missy and Naoki
Where: Shizuka
When: 11:45 a.m.

Getting shot was one of the inconveniences of Missy's night job that interfered way too much with her day. Showing up at work limping tended to attract notice. Luckily she managed to pass it off as having sprained something, though when she bumped against her desk leaving the previous afternoon and collapsed she had gotten skeptical looks. Not that anyone suspected what she did. Missy was very, very careful with her cover and the few people who knew were not going to say anything. Oh, maybe Nikita would... but no, because Missy would return that by mentioning the part where the landlord of Cherry Blossom happened to have way too much artillery. Did not bother her all that much.

But the wound did. Damn that woman for actually getting her aim right once. Not that you could call it aiming since she had been right there. Had Missy been shooting there would have been no injuries at all. Well, to herself. Thinking about it won't do any good. Instead she was going to have an impromptu appointment at Shizuka. Long-term clients such as herself tended to be able to do things like that. Besides, she never knew when she would need to relax. A trip to the hospital might have helped too, but no. They also happened to lack a white witch who could heal her up. That she knew of. And white witches were pretty much the opposite of vampires, no problem dealing with them on occasion.

Offering her name to the receptionist, Missy was immediately shown to a room. Smiling, the blonde Australian stretched out on her back, wincing a little as she brought her leg up. She had taken care of it, of course, but there were some things that just needed a little bit of help.


Like Fire and Water

Who: Bailey and Dagmar
Where: Ink Inc.
When: Afternoon

Dagmar hated days like these. When everything that she'd done over the last week caught up to her along with her mother's teaching and her mother's behavior and all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and be left alone. Not that anyone ever did. Satu had been running around, Valterri had been playing his music and of course her mother was having company. That thing she wasn't sure what to call with Bradley from the Owl's Nest. Dagmar didn't exactly approve but nor could she stir up the energy to inform them of such. Instead she decided that she was going to try to cheer herself up. Secluding herself wasn't helping, not that it ever did, and wallowing in depression wasn't going to make it better. Decided, she rolled out of bed and pulled on a simple outfit of shorts and a t-shirt before grabbing her shades and heading out.

She parked her car on a semi-busy street, fed the meter and walked into a place she had never been in. The reason she'd never been in was because she knew that it would send her mother right through the roof. Normally she didn't want to upset her because she had so many problems, but if it helped her mood... well, then it was definitely time for Dagmar to get a tattoo. She even knew what she wanted so how hard could it be and how much could it hurt? "Hi," she remarked to the person at the counter. "Do you have any openings for a tattoo for, like now?"


Hey, at least we're not mated...

Who: Annabelle, Chase, Bernard (NPC) and Leanne (NPC)
When: Noonish
Where: The Marrok family kitchen

Mom... Dad, I hope you don't mind, but... I brought someone home with me... )


The mating games of born Werewolves

who: Annabelle, Patrick, Chase and Oliver
when: Late Morning/Early Afternoon
where: The Marrok family home

Bunny fucker! )

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