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Sep. 27th, 2009


Don't Ask...

Who: Hal and Justin
Where: Justin's House
When: Noonish

Hal had called Justin in the morning to ask if could have a look at his nose. He claimed to have walked into a door and said he was fairly certain it was broken. Justin had invited him to come over, since his tools of his magical trade where at his home.

Letting Fiona know where he was and making certain his cellular was charged and on in case she needed him, he'd headed over to Justin's. Which was his deceased aunt's abode. Hal had been there once, he believed. Lovely woman, good witch.

Knocking a few times, he raked his fingers through his short dark hair. Even though the sun had come out and the clouds had cleared off, he was still feeling a bit chilled. So he had on his brown leather jacket over his dark blue turtleneck and black dockers. Hal didn't bother trying to dress fashionably, he just wore what was practical. He was too old to try and keep up with what was the fad this season. Besides, the fashionable lads he'd seen about looked ridiculous, with their hats askew and their trousers falling off and showing off their pants. Bloody stupid, that.

Folding his arms over his chest, he waited for the boy to answer the door. Hopefully, he believed the door bit, that way he didn't have to explain what really had happened.


long line of bad days

Who: Ransom and Charlotte
Where: Charlotte's house
When: Evening

After his talk with Jessalyn, Ransom really didn't want to be at home. He was afraid he'd say something and give it all away, or that they'd know just by proxy. He was upset and they could sense it, mad and that was even more curious. There was little that made Ransom angry, and so his younger siblings kept poking him about it. He finally decided it would be a better idea to leave than stay, at least for the moment. Taking the truck, he told his mother he was going to Charlotte's and left without argument-- no one dared stop him, even if he had the truck and no time of return. When he arrived at Charlotte's house, he parked out front, attempting to force a calm as he walked up to the front door and knocked.

Venting and temporary fixes. )

Sep. 26th, 2009


Oh Sweet Lungs Don't Fail Me Now

Who: Brogan and Vivienne
When: Tuesday June 16, 2009
Where: Scarlet Oaks Mental Institution

Just one more breath, I beg you. )

Sep. 25th, 2009


"Can't wait to screw this up."

Who: Adam Rowe and Ross Kerrigan
Where: UoM Faculty Cafeteria
When: Around lunchtime

Between the t-shirt he wore, the worn jeans and Converse sneakers, he looked like a student who snuck into the teachers' cafeteria. )

Sep. 24th, 2009


Who: Artemis Young and Serafina Gallo
Where: Looking for Photographic Memories somewhere on 12th Street, but nowhere near the shop.
When: June 16th / 2009 - Mid afternoon.

And would likely be super great to look at if he pitched in around the house and got sweaty and took of his shirt and... )


Email to all summer college students

From: Ross Kerrigan <rkerrigan@umich.edu>
To: (a mess of students enrolled for the summer at UoM)
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:47 AM
Subject: Open Art History Classes

Yay for open classes! )


Who: Peyton Moder and Cedric Girnwood
Where: Cedric's Home
When: June 16th / 2009 6:09pm

Peyton had no flipping clue what she was doing and was telling herself this was the worst mistake of her life.  )


An Invitation

Who: Chris and Tayne
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: Early afternoon

He had a few days until Saturday's barbecue, but Chris didn't want to leave it until the last minute to invite someone - and that someone was currently Tayne. The young man had been through a lot. Through his vision, Chris had actually seen part of it before it happened. He figured someone else doing the cooking for a change and a little socializing wouldn't hurt.

He arrived at the diner after the lunch rush and perched on one of the chairs near the counter, waiting for Tayne to finish with a customer.

Tayne was actually back in the kitchen again, in the wake of Jessalyn leaving and the real counter-worker coming back to her post. There wasn't a ton to do, and what there had been to do hadn't taken very long, so he was in the back with his notebook and his senses-protection charm in his pocket, writing down things and trying to sort them out via pencil and paper. He didn't see Chris immediately, and the actual server for the area came over with a smile.

"Hey!" she said. "What can I get for ya today?"

As a guest, not for the grill. )


Not Stalking!!!

Who: Colin & Wally
Where: Outside of Becky's house and along the streets.
When: After sunset

Wally wasn't entirely certain how he'd ended up on Becky's street, standing on the corner and looking ominous. It's not that he was trying to look ominous but that was the effect that occurred when you constantly wore black from head to toe even if the shirt did have a splash of gold to one side on the bottom edge that might have been a strawberry or a skull... it was hard to tell. It could've been both for all anyone knew.

He took a drag from his cigarette that lit up as a bright orange dot in the darkness. For a long while he didn't move... At least not until he realized someone was coming towards his location and he started down the sidewalk to try and disappear. Someone would likely call the cops soon anyhow.

Sep. 23rd, 2009


you're miles away

Who: Krist and Vanessa
Where: Phone conversation
When: Sometime around noon

Who are you and what have you done with my brother? )


Disappointed Doesn't Cover It

Who: Ransom and Jessalyn
Where: Home?
When: Late Afternoon

After visiting Tayne, Jessalyn drove home, feeling a little bit better than she had the last couple of days. She was still tired from not having slept much, and her stomach was a constant ball of uneasiness from the stress of thinking about it, and trying to keep it from people. She knew she couldn't avoid telling her parents for long, especially when they met Madock, but she simply didn't feel ready to drop that kind of bombshell yet and deal with the reprecussions. Still, she felt like she needed to tell someone who might understand. Which was why when she parked her car, she went inside to search for Ransom. Out of all of her brothers and sisters, she felt closest to him, like she could tell him anything and maybe he wouldn't yell at her.

She went up to his room and knocked, hoping she could convince him to maybe go for a walk with her. There were too many ears in the house to have this kind of conversation there.

Read more... )


Food nerds, unite!

Who: Isaiah Williamson and Raina Scott
Where: Whole Foods in Ann Arbor
When: Afternoonish
What: Meeting up and geeking out over food :)

Really, who could resist fruit tarts that looked as good as these ones did? Or miniature cheesecakes? Or peanut butter mousse in a solid chocolate cup, with shavings on top? )


Guess what I found out?

Who: Tayne and Jess
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: Early afternoon

It had been a slow afternoon so far, what with most people being outside enjoying the first sun in days, and Tayne had been shunted up to the counter again while one of the servers rushed home to look in on a sick child for half an hour or so. Since there wasn't anyone there to serve, that made sitting around really kind of boring. It wasn't much better in the kitchen, though, so after making a few rounds with water and coffee and making an attempt at straightening up the shelves under the counter, Tayne had wound up calling Jess. After all, he had a few things he probably ought to tell her now.

So now she was on her way, and the actual counter-server would be back any minute, so they could actually talk a bit.

Jessalyn was relieved to have a distraction, especially one in the form of Tayne. She hadn't been sleeping well, and she couldn't pace her room all day. Her parents were already starting to notice her behavior, and Jessalyn was a horrific liar. She didn't want to be caught in a situation where she admitted everything to them just yet. So when Tayne called, she was quick to leave the house. She had been meaning to thank him for helping Madock, so now was a perfect opportunity.

I know what I am. )



Who: Nate and Chrissy
When: Early afternoon
Where: The park

After the day before, with Danny and his dad, Nate had thought about laying low by staying home and working on his magic. But he figured if Danny was suddenly wanting to kick his ass, Nate's home would be the first place he'd come looking, so he headed out to get some fresh air, driving to the park and finding an empty bench he could sit on. He wasn't afraid of Danny, or even of getting a few fists to the face. He supposed that would help Ezra's cause, having Danny realize his dad's behavior was Nate's fault. If the two men were close, no doubt Danny would be doing whatever he could to help his dad out, including going to Ezra. Nate could only hope.

a friend of mine... )


Who: Mal & Skylar
When: Noonish
Where Various locations including downtown Scarlet Oak Miss Michigan parade route.

She was tired but she would at least make a quick detour to the parade route and try to find Lucas before taking to hide out in her room to deal with all the craziness swimming about in her head. )


Placeholder for a Ty Open scene

Sep. 22nd, 2009


Here's the thing about small towns...

Who: Kiley & Morgan
When: After the parade
Where: Downtown Scarlet Oak

You're almost always bound to run into someone you know... )


Momma, meet my babies' momma.

Who: Niko, Isis and Niko's mother Gwendolyn (NPC)
When: Evening
Where: Niko's house

Upon getting home from work, Niko had ran around his house like a mad man to get things in order for his mother who was coming over that night. She wanted to meet this girl of his and she wanted to cook. Niko was pretty certain that she also wanted to get away from his father for the night.

Once he thought the house was up to par, he went to Isis's house to retrieve the girl and bring her back to his place. Upon arriving, he led her inside and flicked the lights on. "Are you nervous?" he asked her. He was, but he was trying desperately not to show it. Not that it really mattered. Isis would know he was nervous even if he did look calm, cool and collected.

Sep. 21st, 2009


A short way from home, a long way from sanity

Who: Adelle and Miranda
When: 2AM
Where: The wilderness northeast of town, off N. Appleblossom Rd.
Warning: NSFW due to excessive violence

The night had been tumultuous, but it wasn't over yet. The young dancer had awoken on her floor feeling like a veritable pile of crap. She was still dressed in Kikuya's ripped shirt, her own clothes in a pile near the couch that had been shed when she'd first shifted during their fight.

But something else didn't feel right. )


The clouds are all on fire

Who: Lia and Quentin
What: Dealing with the aftermath
Where: Quentin's apartment
When: Late

He sits in his basement from midnight 'till four painting pictures that nobody sees... )

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