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Sep. 21st, 2009


While my guitar gently weeps... not really

Who: Adelle, Graham, and OPEN to all
When: Noon time
Where: Community Park, then The Golden Dragon

Take it as it comes and be thankful when it's done )


Out and About

Who: Dante and Remy
When: Early evening
Where: A liquor store

After a long shift at work, Dante decided to treat himself to some drinking. He could have gone out to the club, and probably would have, but today he was being decidedly cheap. Why spend so much for one drink when he could grab a whole bottle down at the local liquor store? Stepping into the building with an annoying little jingle of a bell, he tucked his keys into his pocket and headed straight over to the vodka. Pouring over the bottles, he rubbed his chin and tried to decide just how wasted he wanted to get.


Who: Oscar and Logan
When: Afternoon
Where: Sunny's Diner

Another reunion...but not such a happy one. )


Place holder Filled

Place Holder fillage for Kevin and Sloane making chit chat and niceties. )


Cute things shouldn't come with claws and slobber

Who: Kikuya, Eiji (NPC), and OPEN
Where: Inside then outside her condo @ Cherryblossom Place
When: 8am

The phone began blaring within her home. Groaning for a moment, Kikuya rolled over in bed, rubbing her heavy eyes open. Who the hell was calling at a time like this? The sheets tossed and turned as she inched her way closer to the nightstand, reaching lazily for the phone. Oh, how she wanted to ignore it, but Kikuya was so used to receiving calls about job offers that she simply had to pick it up. True, she was on hiatus, but maybe it was something absolutely fabulous. Something that would put her back in good light of the media. Or maybe...

"Herro?" She mumbled in her broken English upon finding the phone.

What do you mean there's no snooze option? )

Sep. 20th, 2009


Who: Nathaniel Bartimeus and Adam Rowe
When: June 16th / 2009 10:30pm
Where: On his way to Heme
Rating: Original Post: NSFW [Sex and Violence], Thread TBD

Winding his car expertly around the streets of Scarlet Oaks he headed towards the Vampire Bar, Heme. )


You can't be too careful anymore when all that is waiting for you won't come any closer.

Who: Cedric
Where: His home
When: Sunrise
What: Ritual

You've got to reach out a little more. )


Time to celebrate.

Who: Helene and Ross
Where: The bakery
When: Just before the start of the parade
What: Tasty treats for the big parade

When she'd gotten in that morning, she had decided to make special cupcakes for the parade. It was a big deal and so many of the people in town were turning out to celebrate a hometown girl's big win. Helene couldn't help but be caught up in the excitement. So, in the pastry case, there was a tray of cupcakes with crowns decorated on them. There was also a tray by the register, hoping to entice customers to try and to join in the celebration. And she was happy, something that was now probably residing in her cupcakes.

In truth, though, she was distracted. Seeing Gavin yesterday was great, even if they hadn't gotten a chance to talk for too long. he had changed, sure, so had she, but he was still that sweet guy who had tutored her all those years ago. Was it silly that seeing him again made her feel a little giddy, a little like a teenager again? Maybe it was a phase, but she wasn't going to argue with herself about it. Helene was going to take it as if comes and just enjoy the feeling. Though, she was wondering if he was thinking the same thing.

Sep. 19th, 2009


Canvases bathed in bright red, red

Who: Quentin James (solo)
Where: Quentin's apartment
When: Early evening
What: Earlier in the day, Quentin received a package from Maine, including a ship in a bottle that belonged to his brother Kevin, and a case of his favorite beer. This is what ensues.

He heats up the shower, he paces the hall / Scrub for an hour or more but he won't get it all / The paint in his fingernail beds... )


New friends

Who: Emma Jane and Becky
When: morning
Where: Grocery store

Grocery stores don't have to suck really )


Email to Helene Latios

From: Cecilia Blackwell <cblackwell@candinekdesigns.com>
To: Helene Latios
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:33:24 AM
Subject: Candinek Designs

Food for the workers, yes? )

Sep. 17th, 2009



DATE: Tuesday, June 16, 2009.

WEATHER: In the morning the clouds finally give way to the sun. Temperatures are cool, in the mid seventies, but it's extremely humid.

EVENTS: E Main is closed for several blocks for Miss Michigan, Annabelle Marrock's parade. The turnout is excellent, as with the way things have been lately, many are looking for something to be happy about for a change.

The increased number of strays and wild animals is still in the news. There are several more animal-related accidents and near-misses on the outskirts of town. Residential areas on the north side of town might even spot a raccoon, skunk, fox, or even a deer passing through their backyard. The animals never linger long, and a were or vampire would be able to tell that these animals are not weres. At one point in the parade, a pair of raccoons actually run out of the crowds and through the street, but no accidents are caused and everyone gets a good chuckle.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

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