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January 8th, 2010

[info]dr_congeniality in [info]light_of_may

hospital food getting you down?

Who: Adrian and Charlene
When: Evening-ish.
Where: U of M Hospital.

If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients, and that much worse for the fishes. )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

This way, to the lake!

Who: Noelle, Roxy, Calder (NPC), and Roxy's family at the start (NPCs)
When: Afternoon
Where: Local lake for swim tiemz

An internet to those that get the reference. )

[info]fieldwitch in [info]light_of_may

Revenge is Sweeter Than You Ever Were

Who: K-lee, Malo (NPC) and Linda Diaz (NPC)
When: Late afternoon
Where: Diaz household

K-lee hadn't needed to look very hard to find out where the Diaz's were keeping themselves these days. It wasn't like they'd ever been hard to locate when she was younger and that didn't seem to have changed. There were still way too many of them and they all lived too close together for her understanding. Just sharing a house with her parents, aunt and brother had been too much for her. The entire family? Not a chance in hell. That many demonic-blooded people couldn't exist together without someone ending up dead, related or not.

Not that it mattered right then. She was sitting in her car, staring up at the house that she'd found out Roxy lived in, fingers drumming on her steering wheel as she tried to figure out the best way to get Roxy's mother alone. Because, knowing Linda (and K-lee did have that advantage after knowing Roxy for all that time back in school), she wasn't alone in there. She probably had half a dozen friends over for no reason other than to chat. Or even worse than friends, her in-laws. K-lee'd gotten along just fine with all of them, chatting away easily, but she knew that her reception if she walked in to face a bunch of Diaz's wasn't going to be anywhere near pleasant.

Want to go watch me ruin a life, Malo? )