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November 15th, 2009

[info]seersha in [info]light_of_may

sing like you think no one's listening

Who: Rigby and Saoirse
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: Guitar Center!

Saoirse was in an awful mood, but so were most of the people in her house. There'd been a vampire attack, an actual local vampire attack, and who else was going to come under immediate fire but the Heme crowd? It would still open tonight, but Saoirse wasn't looking forward to it. And she couldn't stay in the house, everyone was so stressed out and Saoirse wanted her space from all that. She'd headed to campus to see if she could find a free practice room - and of course, she couldn't. Great. She needed her own damned piano. She had one, in Grand Rapids - her parents had actually kept it - but she didn't feel right having it brought down here. That piano belonged there, back in the place where Saoirse had been a human.

God, I make no fucking sense. Driving herself crazy with her own thoughts, Saoirse finally headed over to Guitar Center, and straight into the keyboard room. She didn't have any intention of buying, not really. She just wanted to play for a while. The staff here was pretty cool about letting people dick around and jam away, so that was what she did. She sat down at one of the electric pianos, and just played, whatever came to mind, whatever she felt like, and she didn't care who was listening.

[info]typhoidsunshine in [info]light_of_may

Who: Ryan and Ruby Lu
When: Afternoon
Where: The Dollhouse (Strip club in Ann Arbor)

The daylight crowd in strip clubs were always either disgusting or just sad. You'd see business men on their lunch hour who claimed to be here for the wing buffet; these tended to be the more disgusting ones, as they would call you over for a lap dance while stuffing their face with slimy hotwings - hotwings that never stayed in their system if Ruby Lu was the dancer. And then there were the guys that were just plain sad, the lonely looking bastards who just wanted a beer to cry into and someone to talk to. Some strippers didn't like the talkers, but Ruby Lu did. She was a charitable soul. She liked to help.

Today, Ruby Lu found, the place was really quite dead. She was one of two girls who had stage time, and there was very little point in it right now. She sighed and looked down at her super cute vintage 50s bikini, all white and ruffles. What a waste. Making a tiny squeak of a frustrated sound, she headed up front and took another good look around. Total. Waste. Sighing, she set her sights on the bartender. Oooh... he was new. Well, newer. The last bartender had died (heart failure in his early thirties, how ever did something like that happen?) a few weeks ago, and she had not yet had the time to meet the one one. So she bounced on over and took a seat at the empty bar. "Hi! Are you as bored as I am?"

[info]findingthewords in [info]light_of_may

And I don't wish to know the secrets of summer at all...

Who: Adam Rowe and Langston Wilde
Where: A nice restaurant in town
When: Around dinnertime
What: Adam asks Langston to join him for a birthday dinner.

It was with that thought in mind that he gathered what courage he had and called up Langston. )

[info]inked_daddy in [info]light_of_may

Who: Austin and Darcy
Where: random takeout place
When: 6:45pm

Austin had drawn the short straw and was nominated to go pick up take out for the shop. He didn't mind really, he was itching to get out of the shop some. So, he had tried to call in their order but realized they didn't take phone orders, so he got direction and drove there.

He walked up to the counter and placed their orders and sat down in the bar area to wait. He ordered a beer, the liquid feeling cool and smooth as it trickled down his throat. His mind flashed back to this morning. His mother had called and said that they were bringing Grace up so he wouldn't have to take time off to do it. Plus, they were meeting some other weres in Canada and this was somewhat on the way. So he was extra anxious to get things together so Grace would feel at home.

[info]undercoverkitty in [info]light_of_may

Father's day a little late

Who: Noah and Rowena
When: Evening
Where: Noah's place

Rowena had wanted to do something special for Noah for Father's Day, but with her sister's birthday being Monday and her having to work, she'd rearranged things and spent Father's Day with her sister and Raina's birthday with Noah. Either way it worked because by the time quitting time rolled around, she'd finally finished putting the finishing touches on her present for Noah.

but better late than never )

[info]oscardarton in [info]light_of_may

Piano lessons

Who: Oscar and Johan
Where: Scarlet Oak Community Center
When: Mid afternoon

for a skittish and hungover weredeer )

[info]_backfire in [info]light_of_may

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

Who: Autumn and Graham
Where: The Owl's Nest
When: Late evening

I still blame LS for this. )

[info]___cookin in [info]light_of_may

Finally off work.

Who: Sonny and OPEN.
Where: Sunny's Diner.
When: A little after three p.m.

Such a long damn day. )

[info]lullabyhaze in [info]light_of_may

Even if it Never Gets Better

Who: Brogan and Vivienne
Where: U of M Hospital/Vivienne's house
When: Monday June 22, 2009 Early AM

Everything's Going to Get Lighter )

[info]troubador in [info]light_of_may

All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

Who: Rigby (solo)
When: FLASHBACK to May 1, 2009 - the Light of May
Where: A bar in San Antonio, Texas
What: A day when it really sucks to be a telepath.

Most of the time, he’d be far enough away from the other people at the bar to drop their thoughts to whispers. Today, it was like everyone was shouting. And they were all thinking about something called the Light of May. )

[info]garecares in [info]light_of_may

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

WHO: Gare and Gid
WHAT: Keeping each other company
WHEN: Three AM or so
WHERE: Gideon's place

I guess he got laid tonight, in <i>my</i> god damned truck. )

[info]dusty_storm in [info]light_of_may

Making Up

Who: Dusty and Gareth
When: 6:34am onward
Where: Trailer Park

You're on top'a me... )

[info]dusty_storm in [info]light_of_may

Class Is In Session

Who: Dusty and Ava
When: 10pm-midnight
Where: Ava's place

Concentration is aided by a healthy breakfast, so to speak. )