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November 16th, 2009

[info]reidowenfall in [info]light_of_may

Who: Reid and Fin
What: Meeting and discussing living situations
When: (Need to chat with Fin's mun)
Where: Reid's apartment.

Reid had decided to change into something more conservative. The loose black halter was great and all, but he thought that if he were showing the apartment to potential renters... The small, dark haired man slipped a more modest blue t-shirt on, text blazen across the front that read "Stunt Girl", and stopped into the bathroom to brush though his hair. Xercses was following closely behind him, only a few steps back, and the young fox kit looked puzzled.
"You're running about like a delicious chicken with it's head cut off." His voice was soft and Reid looked down at him a little impatiently. "Someone's coming to see the apartment -- and he sounded cute." He informed the fox before moving out to the livingroom to make sure the couch cushions were straight.
"So you're over your boss at the club then?" Xercses asked, still right behind him, and Reid could practically hear the laughter in the fox's voice.
"For your information -- nosy -- No, I am not. He is still the hottest thing on two legs with a brogue I've ever met, but..." He bent down, picking the fox up (despite a yelp and some minor protest from said familiar) and began to stroke its small head. "...if I want to look nice for guests, I'm going to look nice for guests."
The boy said he'd be there soon -- once he got his mom's van. And had Reid groaned internally upon hearing this? You bet he did. Was he really going to be rooming with someone twelve years his junior? Well, it all depended on how their personalities meshed he supposed.

[info]searchfortrees in [info]light_of_may

Artistic Endeavors

Who: Imogene and Charlene
Where: Various places, mostly Town Hall and some random garage.
When: Around 1:00AM the morning of the 22nd
What: Vandalism and camaraderie

One of the worst things about this human form - other than the legs and lack of claws of course - was the fact that she could not whistle or hum or make any sort of noise. )

[info]unruly_heart in [info]light_of_may

Patrick is a dead man.

Who: Patrick
When: June 22, 2009 -- shortly after midnight, with flashbacks to the 21st.
Where: Here, there and everywhere.

It was quarter after midnight when he shot up in bed. )

[info]clear_as_water in [info]light_of_may

Who: Anastasia and Andrew
When: Early evening, though definitely after dark
Where: At Rogue Desires

Having a beating heart should probably not be something in 'Qualifications' on a resume. )