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October 11th, 2009

[info]only_hawk in [info]light_of_may

A triumphant reunion

Who: Hawk and Tilly
When: Wednesday June 17, 5 pm
Where: U of M hospital

Happiness, sunshine, and rainbows )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

A much belated phone call

Who: Tayne and Johan
Where: Phoneland
When: Around 4ish in the afternoon

It had been a long day, and it was only going to get longer in the last two hours of work, but instead of pausing to eat something or even take a nap, Tayne had again begged Annie for a few minutes alone in her office to make a phone call.

He sat at her desk and nervously twisted the phone cord around while he waited for Johan to pick up. God, he hoped the guy didn't hate him.

Can I treat you to dinner? )

[info]boundinblood in [info]light_of_may

I Have a Surprise For You

Who: Ezra and Elizabeth
Where: The shop, then Ezra's house
When: Mid-afternoon

His morning hunting behind him, as well as the call from Danny and the one appointment he had that afternoon, Ezra decided he had made Elizabeth wonder about her surprise long enough. Provided Dorcas had told her about it, that was. If she hadn't... well, she really would be surprised, wouldn't she?

He parked his car out in front of the antiques shop and wandered inside, his clothes down to a simple button-down and slacks today. It was hot. He'd be glad to be a ghost, on a day like today, and oblivious to the weather.

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

Happy Happy

Who: Annabelle and Jackson
Where: Their places, or at least Jackson's place and wherever Annabelle is...
When: Wednesday Evening

Oftentimes, your own worst enemy is yourself... )

[info]loveless_heart in [info]light_of_may

The Pie Is But A Decoy!

Who: Annabelle and Morgan
Where: Annabelle and Oliver's house
When: Wednesday, dinner time

It's her favorite for a reason. Yeah, Morgan knows how to play it safe. )

[info]panthera_onca in [info]light_of_may

Gonna Be A Little Bitter

Who: Torque
When: Late Night
Where: His Apartment

His hands were steady, they never shook. Not on the grip of a gun, not on the multi-colored wires of an explosive, and definitely not on the firm and bare flesh of a woman’s body. They shook now, only slightly, and only for a second, but they shook all the same. The envelope rustled in the tiny shake of paper, the Marine Corps emblem gleamed darkly on the uppermost corner of one side, the mark heavy enough it was nearly physical.

My gods a little sick, And he wants me crazy )

[info]seersha in [info]light_of_may

a welcome distraction

Who: Nic and Saoirse
When: Evening
Where: Heme

Saoirse had been mentally restless ever since seeing Graham. The night (or rather, morning) she'd been planning on meeting him she'd been given orders by her boss to make a run up north for blood, and she had no way of knowing where he was now. And did she even want to see him again? Realistically speaking, wasn't it better for all involved if he just forgot he'd ever run into her in the first place?

She kept going back and forth on the issue of Graham, and everything that entailed. She kept struggling with whether or not she should try to track him down, and every time she decided against the idea she found herself waiting to see if he'd come back to Heme. To see her. And as soon as she caught herself wondering such a thing she'd become furious with herself for being so silly. Thus, mentally restless.

Other employees at the bar had taken to giving her her space, and she wasn't sure whether or not to be glad for it. It being a weekday, she was the only bartender on shift, and she had more than enough time to be left alone with her thoughts. Frankly, she was pretty damn sick of her thoughts. She stood behind the bar with her arms crossed, staring a hole into the bar top, wishing for her brain to just turn off for a while.

No, seriously. What are you? )

[info]sirensongbird in [info]light_of_may

Five fingered discounts and fun at the food court for new friends

Who: Pavel and Sky
When: Afternoon
Where: The Mall

Now for the really tough life decisions... Pizza, Chinese or Hot Dog on a Stick? )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

What Kind of Were Are You?

Who: Krist and Tayne
Where: The house and around the house
When: When Tayne gets home from work

Krist had taken a different approach to being alone by the time the next day had rolled around, and, after sleeping in until around noon, he'd climbed off of the couch to begin his day. He'd showered happily, enjoying the warmth of the water and glad to have been introduced to it. It was relaxing, and helped him to wake up better. Once his shower had been finished, Krist had grabbed the rest of the lettuce in the fridge and headed outside to explore the outdoor areas of Tayne's property. It wasn't huge by any means, but it was still nice... and it was good to be outside. He'd been feeling a little cooped up, which was his own fault for having stayed in the day before. As Krist wandered through the grass he worked on the lettuce he'd brought with him, glancing up through the trees and feeling more at home out here already. The rest of the day was spent much in this manner, trying to refrain from shifting forms as he wasn't sure how safe he was here. After the negative experience with Tayne's phone, the last thing Krist wanted was to have more to deal with.

When Tayne got home from work, there was no sign of the horse-were-- and his smell, when Tayne took off his sense-blocking charm, was oldish. So, as he'd planned on doing from the start should the guy wander off, he went and dialed his cell phone. He just hoped Krist still had it in his pocket, or something, or else finding him would be a bit harder to manage. Still, Scarlet Oak wasn't that big....

What does being bitten have to do with it? )

[info]notouchnosee in [info]light_of_may

New Lows

Who: Cara and Colin
When: Late afternoon
Where: Cara and Colin's place
Warnings: None as of yet

Colin had slept like crap all day. Worse than usual. In the last two days, he'd managed to piss off or hurt almost everyone who gave a damn about him. Unintentionally even. Which just made it worse.

He generally got up around the same time Cara did, so that he could spend some time with her before work. Hopefully, today wouldn't be a repeat of their date that he'd ruined by being depressed. He had a bottle of blood while he whipped her up some pancakes. Yeah, it way almost dinner time, but for Cara it was breakfast. She was as nocturnal as all the dead people in her life, after all.

[info]hearingthings in [info]light_of_may

Who: Charlotte and Lily
When: Evening
Where: Hospital!
thinger )

[info]hiddenpsalm in [info]light_of_may

Where You'll Find Me

Who: Psalm and Myra
When: Wednesday June 17, 2009 late evening
Where: U of M Hospital

It's a mystery )

[info]i_can_has in [info]light_of_may

you're free, now gtfo

Who: Psalm and Bunny
When: Late afternoon
Where: Bunny's house

When Bunny got the news, she had broken down. Utterly lost it, falling to the floor in hysterical, happy tears. She forgot about her mom on the phone, she forgot about the horrible week she'd had, she forgot about the giant douchebag chained to a column in her basement, and she let everything out. "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." she said the words over and over again between her cries, though she didn't know who she was saying it to. She'd never been a particularly religious person, but if there was a God, perhaps this was the time to thank Him.

Once she finally pulled it together, she hung up the phone (her mom had called her from work to tell her the good news), and got up to run to the door. She had every intention of running all the way to the hospital in Ann Arbor. She was halfway out the door when she did remember the giant douche. Chained to a column. In her basement.

Oh, thank God! She could let him out! She could get rid of him! He would run to Myra, and he wouldn't be her problem anymore! Though honestly, by this point she had no idea what Myra saw in him, and she felt a little bad unleashing his company on a kidnap victim. That was neither here nor there. She'd kept him down there so he couldn't hurt anyone, and now he wouldn't want to hurt anyone - except Bunny herself, probably. And she was not scared of Psalm The Douche Everest.

Thank you for choosing Casa de Bunny, we hope you've enjoyed your stay. STFU and GTFO. )