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September 27th, 2009

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

long line of bad days

Who: Ransom and Charlotte
Where: Charlotte's house
When: Evening

After his talk with Jessalyn, Ransom really didn't want to be at home. He was afraid he'd say something and give it all away, or that they'd know just by proxy. He was upset and they could sense it, mad and that was even more curious. There was little that made Ransom angry, and so his younger siblings kept poking him about it. He finally decided it would be a better idea to leave than stay, at least for the moment. Taking the truck, he told his mother he was going to Charlotte's and left without argument-- no one dared stop him, even if he had the truck and no time of return. When he arrived at Charlotte's house, he parked out front, attempting to force a calm as he walked up to the front door and knocked.

Venting and temporary fixes. )

[info]halthegrey in [info]light_of_may

Don't Ask...

Who: Hal and Justin
Where: Justin's House
When: Noonish

Hal had called Justin in the morning to ask if could have a look at his nose. He claimed to have walked into a door and said he was fairly certain it was broken. Justin had invited him to come over, since his tools of his magical trade where at his home.

Letting Fiona know where he was and making certain his cellular was charged and on in case she needed him, he'd headed over to Justin's. Which was his deceased aunt's abode. Hal had been there once, he believed. Lovely woman, good witch.

Knocking a few times, he raked his fingers through his short dark hair. Even though the sun had come out and the clouds had cleared off, he was still feeling a bit chilled. So he had on his brown leather jacket over his dark blue turtleneck and black dockers. Hal didn't bother trying to dress fashionably, he just wore what was practical. He was too old to try and keep up with what was the fad this season. Besides, the fashionable lads he'd seen about looked ridiculous, with their hats askew and their trousers falling off and showing off their pants. Bloody stupid, that.

Folding his arms over his chest, he waited for the boy to answer the door. Hopefully, he believed the door bit, that way he didn't have to explain what really had happened.

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Okay, what did you do?

Who: Tayne and Krist
Where: The house
When: Early evening

It was nice to get home. It was a little less nice to get home and get a face-full of horse scent, because yeah, Krist apparently smelled like a horse, all right. As Tayne opened the front door, he was already fumbling in his pocket for the charm to protect his nose.

Not because horse smelled bad, of course, but more because he was afraid of what the scent might do to him. Though the first scent wasn't causing any problems yet, the key word there was definitely yet.

Closing the door behind him with a foot, he called from the foyer, "Anybody home?"

Guilty conscience? )

[info]fallenxking in [info]light_of_may

Tempting the Vampire

Who: Alejandro and Ava
Where: Ava's apartment
When: 5ishAM

Showing up at Ava's apartment right before dawn wasn't really how Alejandro wanted to spend his morning, but hey. He didn't really have anything better to do, did he? Besides take a flight around the lake, or something, in the damp air? Get caught out after dawn because he loved the damn sun so much, and the weather report said sun today, finally? At least it's stopped raining, so his kitchen window had stopped leaking. Getting that fixed was going to be a pain in the ass.

So was visiting Ava. He had no idea what she wanted, and her admonishment on his answering machine to not eat first had nearly made him laugh. As if he ate here, where people could see him. Yeah, right.

He took the stairs rather than the elevator, and knocked on her door when he got there.

A Lesson in Blood Types )

[info]fullmoonpill in [info]light_of_may

Mentoring: Not as Easy As It Looks?

Who: Connie and Colin
Where: The park, again
When: Late night

Connie sat on the same park bench where he'd waited for Colin last time he saw him, his tail curled around the arm of the bench and his arms flung to either side across the back. His foot was tapping restlessly, and his tail kept coiling up the arm, then down the arm, then up it again. He wasn't as vivaciously cheerful as usual, but he still had his usual energy, so it was actually a bit uncomfortable.

He just hoped Colin didn't take too long getting here, or he'd have to get up and walk in circles around the park bench, and he'd look pretty silly doing that.

[info]boundinblood in [info]light_of_may

A Second Delivery

Who: Spence and Ezra
When: Morning
Where: Ezra's

Once Hannah was gone from his house, Spence showered and dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a t-shirt with his jacket. He took the blood Hannah had given him from the fridge and drove over to Ezra's home, not bothering to call before hand. Spence was hoping this would ease some of the 'debt' he was in with Ezra, and maybe finding one more blood donor, willing or not, would get him off the hook completely.

With the tiny cooler in his hand, he walked up to Ezra's door and knocked loudly.

Don't suppose next time it could be siren blood, could it? )

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

Ungolden Silence

Who: Danny and Tim (NPC)
Where: U of M Hospital
When: Various times are implied, but the actual action part of the post takes place Tuesday morning. We'll say 8ish because I didn't bother to decide a true time.

He loves his parents more than I do mine. He stays with his. Hospitals freak me out! )

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

Insecurities and Assurances

Who: Annabelle & Jackson
Where: Downtown Scarlet Oak. Parade Route.
When: Various times within the parade.

Progress is a slow building thing. Like leveling up in the first Final Fantasy. Truly, a pain in the ass... )

[info]loveless_heart in [info]light_of_may

I Know What You Did This Summer

Who: Annabelle & Morgan
Where: I presume their houses, but I could be wrong.
When: Tuesday, 10ish

Big Brother was watching. Not on purpose, but he saw. )

[info]greekkitty in [info]light_of_may

To make a mountain of your life is just a choice.

Who: Helene
Where: Her house
What: A phone call
When: Evening.

She was going to finish this chapter, even if it killed her. )

[info]ex_beyondrep86 in [info]light_of_may

Some debts you just can't pay back.

Who: Robbie, Becky & Dorcas
Where: Becky's house
When: Early afternoon

There is a dropping path in twilight gloom of deadly yews; it leads through silent slopes down to the Infernae, where sluggish Styx exhales her misty vapours. By that path new Umbrae, the duly buried dead, descend. )

[info]deadthings in [info]light_of_may

Orange Marmalade

Who: Evan, Dorcas and Evan's parents (NPC)
When: Evening
Where: Dorcas's house, Evan's car, The Funeral home, Evan's house
Warnings: NSFW

Parental units met and... oh God. )

[info]_backfire in [info]light_of_may

Whoever said "Don't play with fire" never had fire play back

Who: Jezebelle and Graham
Where: Moonlit Garden
When: Night
Warning: NSFW

And fire LOVES to play back )

[info]takethestage in [info]light_of_may

Making Plans

Who: Hayden and Christian
When: Afternoon
Where: Hayden's room

Christian had been working on Hayden's wall for a good two hours at this point. Sheets spread out to keep paint from dripping to the floor and ruining carpet. He was nearly finished with the wall which was turning out pretty good. He wanted to do something that had a little fire in it, but a forest fire totally wouldn't work without her parents being all 'what the hell' about it. So he'd ended up painting a balcony over looking the beach. Little candles spread out over the ledge overlooking the scenery below.

Read more... )

[info]princessravyn in [info]light_of_may

Shopping of the magical kind

Who: Ravyn Girnwood and Dylan Kingston
Where: Many Paths
When: Late afternoonish
What: Ravyn continues exploring Scarlet Oak

Everyone here would know she was new in town; the accent gave her away every time. She didn't mind it so much, the extra attention. )

[info]remywolfe in [info]light_of_may

You get me closer to god

Who: Remy and Ren
When: 1:30am
Where: Ren's place (NSFW)

Remy stumbled drunkenly from Dante's place and unlocked her bike, she climbed on and wobbled a couple times before taking off. She had done this before, biked home drunk that is, it wasn't as hard or dangerous as people thought it was. She let the cool night air flow past her and had made it all the way too Dogwood Road and W Main Street before she realized something, she couldn't remember having her phone for almost... two days. "Fuck!" she yelled drunkenly, stopping and immediately going through her bag. "Ugh, I must have left it at work," It was the last time she could remember having it and she needed it the next day, it had Torque's number on it. "Fuck." She said again, turning the bike around and making her way toward Dog-Ink. Remy pounded on the door. "Ren! Fuck, Ren, open up!" she rested her head on the cold glass and waited, still hammering on the door sporadically.

Help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex I can smell. )