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Aug. 17th, 2009


Whadda you wanna watch?

Who: Ben and Morrigan
Where: Local DVD rental store
When: late afternoon

Ben was in the mood for movie night. And movie night required movies, and when you had a respectable and well-paid job and a nice television set there was no reason for said movie night to be watched on the computer which, of course, meant a nice trip to the DVD rental store. Because Ben wasn't stupid enough to buy movies he wouldn't know if he liked.

Making the choice, however, was difficult. So much to choose from and he wasn't even sure what genre he was in the mood for today. So, he just walked around the aisles looking, thinking, reading the occasional synopsis. This was boring!

Aug. 16th, 2009


Ink Fades

Who: Torque and Ren
When: Afternoon
Where: Dog Ink Tattoos
What: Tattoo Touch Up 

It had been a long night the night before, the first he had spent alone with a toddler. Who he was convinced was possessed by a demon when it came time for dinner/bedtime. Or, at least, last night she had been. The shy little girl/cub had thrown a tantrum when he had not been able to explain why exactly neither her parents nor her grandparents would be tucking her into her new bed. Once she finally settled down from that, she pushed one of her books into his hands and he had not realized quite what she wanted. It took him a full minute to realize she wanted him to read to her.

Then this morning there had been the scent of something dead, and dirty on the breeze at the Camelot Apartments. A vampire, was what he could surmise, but not even one of the ‘good’ ones.

At least, Patience had been back to her normal, shy and quiet self by morning. Otherwise Torque would have been tearing his short hair out.

He really should find her a part time babysitter, or something, even if she did seem content coloring or playing beside him while he worked. But, as it was, he got someone to watch her for a short enough time this afternoon, because he knew that he had to begin a retouch of his tattoo, and needed to see if the new artist was free.

The Marine, former or not, walked into the shop, and looked around the place before he called aloud, “Hey, anyone here?”


You're not so bad

Who: Alejandro and Jovie
Where: Dinner out, Alex's place
When: An hour before sundown or so

Two doses left. Alejandro had been very good about not downing them just to experience them; it'd been tough to resist, but he had. He'd taken one as soon as he pulled up at Jovie's place-- the warmth that spread through him immediately was probably better than anything else he'd experience tonight-- but he had the last dose with him, just in case the first one started wearing off.

He honked from the street. She knew he'd be coming-- an hour before sunset, so as not to look all vampire-ish-- so hopefully she should be ready.

you're not really the cuddle and snuggle type, are you? )


Waiting For the Light To Change

Who: Hal and Joseph (NPC)
When: Noonish
Where: UofM Medical Center

Hal had managed to keep some toast down, although the water he'd drank with it was threatening to come back up. He felt like utter shite. He ached all over, especially his back. And the spot where they'd given him the tetanus shot. That was an experience he'd never want to repeat. The bastard injection had hurt worse than his back had. His stomach was still threatening to divorce him and take the rest of his innards with it when it left him. And he was bloody freezing. He'd gone home to get a proper change of clothes, which included one of his heavier jumpers that Emmy had sent him from home.

And he was still bloody freezing.

Settling into a chair in the waiting room after being told he still couldn't see Fiona, Hal heaved out a long breath. Waiting was the worst part of it. Really.

If she were anyone else, and we were anyone else, she'd be dead )


Who: Brian and Fox
Where: Fox's office and wherever Brian is
When: Friday afternoonish

Phoneland is just so damned convenient... )


How to be used

Who: Nate and Chrissy
When: Morning
Where: Chrissy's house

Since he had some time before meeting up with Rowan, Nate decided to find an interesting way to pass the time. Otherwise he would be lounging around the house bored, and when he got bored, that's generally when he got into trouble. He was flipping through the names on his phone and debated calling Ezra, but he felt like that might take a bit longer than he had and he would have to postpone on Rowan again, which he didn't want to do.

Nate came across Chrissy's name and he smirked for a moment before finally punching in a quick text.

you busy this morning? want to go somewhere? - nate

The things you do to make people like you )


Making A Call

Who:: Chris and Tayne
Where: Via the phone
When: Friday, June 12th, early evening

One ring, two rings... )


Can't handle the pain.

Who: Jessalyn and Madock
When: Evening
Where: Phonelines and the vigil

Madock rested for a short while at Gabe's, thankful to at least have somewhere to crash for the time being. After calling his mother and letting her know that he had somewhere to go, he called Jessalyn so she'd know he'd be alright as well. His mother had sounded more than pleased to know he wouldn't be spending any time at a hotel and he figured that Jessalyn would be just as pleased.

Jessalyn had been waiting for Madock's call, and when he phone rang, she answered it quickly, rolling over in bed to lay on her back. Her mom had been hovering all day, so it was nice to fake a nap and have some quiet time. "Hey," she greeted quietly, with a small smile. "Are you okay?"

big boys don't cry )


Not exactly a mentor...

Who: Joseph (NPC) and Fiona
Where: U of M Medical Center
When: Evening

Read more... )


Pissed and Planning

Who: Aiden and Dorian
Where: Bar
When: Night

Aiden had gotten Dorian's voicemail, and had finished up his work as quickly as he could. He had heard about the missing teenagers that morning on the news before he'd left for the garage, but he hadn't caught any of the names. He was shocked and disheartened to hear Rhys was among the missing. Aiden was just finishing up when he got Dorian's text about where he was, and he drove across town as quickly as he could, leaving a message for Jules that was going to be late getting home.

He pulled into the small parking lot and walked into the bar a few minutes later, his gaze scanning the room for Dorian. When he found him, he walked over quickly to take a seat beside his friend. "What the fuck happened, man?"

Read more... )


Hoping the Best & Fearing the Worst

Who: Ransom and Charlotte
Where: Charlotte's house
When: Afternoon

While he understood his family's reasoning for being clingy, Ransom could only take so much. They'd always felt close and now they felt suffocating, and after a morning of his mother whining about their safety, he "snuck out" to visit Charlotte. In this case, sneaking out meant that everyone in the house knew except his mother, who would be notified once he was a safe enough distance away. She didn't need to worry, but he needed to breathe.

Ringing the doorbell, Ransom shuffled nervously. Besides feeling like he'd failed as a protector, there was also the small concern that Charlotte's mother would know more than she needed to. It was the first time he'd have to face her after the conversation she'd had with Charlotte, and the condoms she'd given her, and he was worried the color of his face might give them away.

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Holding Up

Who: Gabe and Madock
When: Late afternoon
Where: Phonelines

After leaving Jessalyn's Madock headed into Chilli's to talk to his boss about getting a little time off. That was easy enough considering the circumstances. He was thankful his boss hadn't asked any questions about the bruising that continued to darken on his cheek and jaw. Explaining his fight with his father had been hard enough to do with his girlfriend, the last thing he wanted was his boss to know.

Leaving the restaurant, he headed in the direction of a hotel, but had a change of plans about halfway there. He knew he should check in with Gabe and had been partially avoiding it because he really just didn't know what to say, but he couldn't do it any longer. He wanted to make sure the guy was okay. Pulling over into a shopping center parking lot, he grabbed his cellphone and dialed Gabe's number and waited for his friend to pick up.

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Aug. 15th, 2009


Who: Jackson & Annabelle
When: Friday, June 12 - 10:12pm
Where: JW Marriott Hotel Grand Rapids and the Lowell home via Text message.

Maybe she was odd, maybe she was letting herself get carried away with this intense attraction to him. Maybe.  )

Aug. 16th, 2009


Who: Alex and Justin
Where: Justin's House
When: Afternoon

Never Too Soon if you Really Care )

Aug. 15th, 2009


Visiting at Sunny's

Who: Tayne, Felicity, and Krist
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: Late afternoon

While today wasn't quite as exhausting as the day before, Tayne still came up to four o-clock and his quick break for dinner feeling exhausted. He retreated to a booth with a bowl of chicken soup and a few garlic rolls, watching the patrons and listening-- since he had his charm in his pocket again, rather than on his wrist. He was trying hard not to wear that, whenever he could. Gotta get used to it all, right?

Right. Tayne sat, pulling out the pocket notebook he'd gotten and the little pencil nub he'd tied to the binding, and dug in while he tried to identify things he was hearing and smelling.

Aug. 16th, 2009


My Only Offer

Who: Psalm, Bunny, and Olivia (NPC)
What: Performing a seance
When: Friday June 12, 9:00 pm

Don't worry about me I'm already dead )

Aug. 15th, 2009


Making Friends and Influencing Tails

Who: Connie, Isolde, and OPEN
Where: Heme (because it's the hopping joint)
When: Just after sunset

Two perky vamps walk into a bar... Looking for harassment volunteers. )


In Between the Spaces

Who: Cara and Colin
Where: Home
When: 2 AM

It's all just a waste of time )


Saturday Night Plans

Who: Tanya and Scott
When: Early evening
Where: Ze phone!

An Adamanitum pelvis would crush a girl into powder. )

Aug. 14th, 2009


Waking Up Alone

Who: Gabe
Where: His house
When: Morning
Note: This occurred at the hospital.

"Le-me-go," Gabe mumbled, his head shaking as he threw his arm out, hitting the back of the couch. His head was heavy as he tried to lift it, his limbs fighting to stay weighted down. Gabe fought against them, the result being a tumble onto his living room floor, his legs tangled in a blanket. He opened his eyes in confusion. Hadn't he been in the hospital, fighting off orderlies? How did he get home? And when? He tried to push himself up to a sitting position, his arms still weak from the tranquilizers.

Read more... )

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