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April 14th, 2011

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

the backlash continues

[Both shooters are currently in Virginia Grace Hospital. Their names are Marcus and Tom Fitzpatrick, a pair of brothers in their mid twenties. Marcus, the elder of the two and the man who shot at Orin Monarch and killed a journalist, is currently in stable condition after being beaten into a bloody pulp by Orin. Tom, who held the guard hostage in the lobby of Aubade, is in critical condition after being shot by police, and is not expected to survive longer than a few days at the outside. The journalist, a Mark Johanson who worked for the Times, was DOA. More information will be released later by the press, but this is what is circulating on the news.

Meanwhile, mobs have formed outside Aubade and the hospital. Both locations are being protected by the police, who are waving through residents at Aubade and patients and staff at the hospital, but blocking everyone else. The mobs are split - some are trying to break into the hospital to lynch the men who tried to kill the Bat, acting in support of the masks. Those gathered at Aubade are calling for the head of the Bat, be it in the form of Orin Monarch or Thomas Brandon, and blame the Bat and the other masks for bringing violence down on the heads of innocent civilians. Both mobs share an angry, violent mood.

The mobs will remain active until the morning following the attack, and stay outside both locations all through the night. The split nature of the crowds at each location, with protesters and counter-protesters at both, will lead to scuffles, fights, and arrests.]

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musings

[text to D. Hockney]

I just saw the article in the paper position Orin is Batman, I am Robin, and you are the mysterious, never-seen but speculated about Batwoman. Why can't I be Batman?

[info]enchanted_rose in [info]musings

[Text to Adam maybe an hour or so after the shootings.]

Going to the Hospital to help. Stay safe.
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[info]digitaldelphi in [info]musings


[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

[The fliers go up on Thursday.]

Fliers )

[info]ex_theredlig387 in [info]musings

J Bly

[Locked to J Bly]

Hi, Jackson. It's Wren. I would have used that old email address we used, but since I saw you at Quinn's party [...] I know it's a busy time, but are you still making things?

[info]youre_welcome in [info]musings


[Posted absurdly late/early on the day of the shooting, depending on your perspective, and copious amounts of alcohol were probably involved.]

[Click for foul language and drunken ranting about how much Job hates people. You have been warned]Read more... )

[info]listenformybell in [info]musings


I can't even get into my work without being hounded. What the hell is up with people?
No I'm not a doctor. No I don't know anything about the stupid shooters except that they have terrible aim.
And here I thought I had it easy being as I live in Hamartia.

[info]revelsended in [info]musings

locked to r. maheu, v. anna

locked to r. maheu

I wish I could say that being locked inside my apartment was outside the norm. Are you alright?

locked to v. anna

Are you alright? How is your fiance holding up?

[info]gibberishexpert in [info]musings

[The sticky note stuck to the inside of Thea's door is bright green and the writing looks like scribbles to most people. But its intended recipient would easily recognize it as Babylonian.]

Congratulations again on the new job, I hope you like your present.

[There are more stick notes with arrows on them that lead to the kitchen table. Sitting atop the table is a rather roomy cage, full of wood chips, a water bottle, and a little running wheel. Curled up sleeping in the corner is a small hamster.]

[info]strikes_twice in [info]musings

[Locked to D. Pendragon]

I have no idea what to do for this pre-lab, just, what are they even trying to say? Oh god I hate Chemistry, so close to being done. Help please?

[info]faultorvirtue in [info]musings

Emal to T. Brandon )

Email to B. Sablier )