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Jan. 6th, 2011


b. lucine, j. hart, p. worth

[About 10pm last night]

[locked to b. lucine]

Are you okay? Where are you?

[locked to j. hart]

You okay? Don't have my cell, sorry.

[locked to p. worth]

Are you okay, Alfie? Somewhere safe, I hope?

During this: [Comm to Michelangelo]

Uh... Michelangelo? Are you there?

Jan. 5th, 2011


[ text to l. henry ]

please tell me you're held up in your daddy's fortress.


[ message to j. copeland ]

Are you home? Did you Can I

Be safe if you go out there for work. I'd be upset if you got hurt. Where else am I going to get free pie?


[multiple texts]

[text to D. Wiley]
Please tell me you're okay, and not in your apartment in the middle of Rainier Valley and somewhere safe and are able to get here. If not, I'm going to have to come down and get you.

[text to J. Hart]
They said a bunch of those people were moving toward your area. Are you okay? Do you want to come over?

[text to W. Wallace]
Are you okay? Tell me you're somewhere safe. Some girl on the radio said a bunch of those people were going to your area.

[locked to scouts]
I'm inviting a few people over, if that's okay.

[text to L. Henry after this]
I haven't heard from you. Are you in your apartment?