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Jan. 6th, 2011


[public post]

[Never has he been so glad to have a smart phone]

I don't know where else to put this, so... Update:

1. Scientists have found a difference between the cannibalistic subjects and humans at a genetic level. As they are unaware of the existence of Creations, they believe the cannibalism and attacks to be symptoms of the genetic variance. This is a vast assumption and could prove problematic.

2. The subjects have a complete absence of higher brain function. The tissue itself shows signs of necrosis and hypoxia, meaning their brains are rotting and low on oxygen, though the cause is unknown. It is at a level that is far past that of recovery. They are essentially brain dead, and will remain so until termination.

3. The National Guard has quarantined several bite victims and is holding them for observation. Guards are watching for behavioral changes, but their tissues are also currently being tested for similarities to the cannibalistic subjects.

[Attached are several blurry photos of a lab notebook, handwriting neat but a little shaky, relatively unintelligible numbers and notes to anyone not studying genetics. The last one is a slightly clearer pic of 3 sets of DNA mapping, the top labeled "human", the second labeled "subject", the third (his own, done secretly) labeled "creation". The bottom two have a slight but obvious difference from the top.]

Jan. 5th, 2011


[Text to A. Lang]

Considering the circumstances, I will not be perturbed by you not coming to work until after these events are complete. I do expect you as soon as the situation is quelled though.

Nov. 28th, 2010


Real tree? Fake tree?

I like the smell of a real tree, but my love is fickle for a slowly dying tree carcass in my living room and that lack of enthusiasm can become a fire hazard.

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Posted by J. King

[Group Lock to T. Orsini, J. Wilson, and Z. Ramey] )

[Locked to T. Orsini] )

[Locked to J. Wilson] )

[Locked to Z. Ramey] )


Are we keeping a data base of these memories or something? I can't be the only one wondering who these memories belong to.


[text to t. orsini after she gets this.]

I don't could you are you busy? can you come over?

[locked to j. palmer]
I'm sorry but I won't be able to make our meeting. This memories thing is getting a little out of hand and I don't believe I'll be able to present myself at my best.

Nov. 21st, 2010



The people on these forums are disgusting. The way they flaunt themselves and no one has any restraint.

I have been told that these forums are an excellent place to inquire as to an assistant. I find I am in need of new one, as the last has decided to take her leave of me. It seems to be quite difficult to find someone who understands the concepts of loyalty and keeping your damned mouth shut discretion these days.