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Jun. 23rd, 2011


GUYS. SERIOUSLY. This fog is the best thing that's ever happened. It's a totally free smoke machine! Let's get our dubstep ooonnn!!! I know this super great DJ and I think I can get my hands on some pretty cheap glow sticks.

[Private to M. Main]
So like. Need a babysitter? What's your hourly rate? In high school I got paid 10 20 bucks an hour.

[Private to D. Galakis]
How much do I have to bribe you to go party with me toniiiiiight?

Jun. 16th, 2011


In which Sara leaves drunken messages

[Left on the cab ride home from the party after the effects of her costume have worn off]
[on Rian's machine]

[Silence and then giggling] Is this ooooooon? [More giggling.] I went to a party. There was a man with a crossbow, and he didn't like vam-van vank- [. . .] people with fangs. [Even more giggling] I don't think they sparkled though, pretty, pretty sparkles.

[. . .]

I like rum.

[on Leo's machine]
Did ya go to the p'rty? I didn't see yooooooooou [giggling.] I went and it was weeeeeird. I was REALLY thirsty. [More giggling.] That cloud looks like a puppy. I always wan'ed a puppy. My uncle never lemme have one. [She sounds sad now, but then she giggles again.] I w'uld named it SNUFFLES!

[. . .]

I'm sleeeeeepy.

[On Poppy's machine]
Poppyyyyyyyy. Poppy. Poppy. Poppy! [giggling]

[. . .]

Did you know y'ur name was a FLOWER. My mom was nam'd af'er a flower. I like flowers. Did you go to the partyyyyyyy? It was WEIRD, and I have a guitar. And it was WEIRD. [More giggling.] It t'morrow already! Go 'way sunnnnn. [giggles]

Jun. 3rd, 2011



[After giving the police a few days to scramble around looking for evidence.]

I feel that I have made my message clear. The system in this city is ineffective, and the masks are not willing to go far enough in administering true justice. I have no interest in innocents, and I have done everything within my power to inflict no collateral damage at all. All I am interested in is the wicked in this world, and where they are presented to me, I will strike them down. I do not ask that everyone does the same. I only ask to be left to my work.

May. 24th, 2011


Open comm.

If you don't know knife fighting or knife defense, now is the time to tell me.

Robin, where are you?

Apr. 13th, 2011


open vigilante comm

[From inside his apartment, Rorschach has heard commotion from people moving about in the halls and shouts from outside. It doesn't take long for him to tap into the media machine.]

Act now?

Mar. 29th, 2011



First of all. I'm fairly sure what's going on is a VIOLATION OF RIGHTS. My right to a head free of outside thoughts and external invasions, and your right to keeping your deepest feelings to yourself. I don't want them, and I'm pretty sure you don't want me to have them; overall it's just a lawsuit in the making. Speaking of, to whatever sick, degenerate FUCKTARD is causing this: expect to hear from my lawyer once I manage to intimidate one into representing me pro bono. If I'm getting them from other people I can only assume SOMEONE is getting mine, and I'd LIKE THEM BACK. Or at least compensation for your idiot decision to steal them.

I would apologize to anybody who got mine, by the way, but it's not my fault the cumstain responsible shared. So instead, I just say YOU'RE WELCOME. Hopefully it gave some entertainment to an otherwise boring afternoon.

On a related note. If you are on the Board of Directors for Thomas, Inc and/or a soldier (no clue in what war, I would be more specific but apparently your brain isn't. WW1 or later is the best I can estimate), I would really appreciate it if you could get in touch with me. I've got a few questions for you both. You can reach me at [insert phone number and email address here] or just reply here.

Mar. 17th, 2011


Text to P. Barnes

[Before the blackout, but after this]

Broke my leg. Need a ride.

Mar. 5th, 2011


You were a hard one to track down. Pepper, is it? Interesting choice for a codename.

Feb. 27th, 2011


P. Barnes, S. Hawthorne

[Text to P. Barnes]
do you have a study group for chemistry yet?

[Text to S. Hawthorne]
how do you feel about not exploding things in lab?

Feb. 15th, 2011



I know everyone's pissed, but I kind of liked the paper. The pictures were really cool, you know, and it's nice to see people enjoying themselves. I mean, someone had to put that whole thing together, you know? And almost everything was free, and everything you purchased, the money went to charity, so.

And really, who doesn't like reading about how Mr. Morgenstern and his girlfriend are getting on, you know? It's like a movie romance, but in real life. So, whoever put this thing together, I dunno. I liked it, at least.

Jan. 31st, 2011


phone call to j. bly

[Backdated to Sunday night]

[ring ring.]

Jan. 29th, 2011


e-mail to poppy

[The e-mail is sent the evening after this incident.]

Subject: Status

Been few weeks. How doing?

Jan. 17th, 2011


Phone call to P. Barnes

[Call made to P. Barnes late Monday afternoon]

ring, ring

Jan. 12th, 2011


[text to d. pendragon]

Dottie, I want a status right now, I need to know whether I should be wearing black.

[text to e. keeling]

If a little apocalypse has killed you I am going to be pissed.
Tags: , ,

Jan. 11th, 2011


email to rorschach

Subject: --


I am gone for two weeks and there is an outbreak of FUCKING ZOMBIES.

I need a casualty list, I can't access one from my phone. Is my brother on it?

Dec. 23rd, 2010


phone call to b. lucine

[ring ring]

Dec. 20th, 2010


[locked to e. keeling]

Do you know much about New York?

[locked to m. caulfield]

I'm leaving.

Dec. 12th, 2010


[locked to J. Bly, B. Lucine, D. Wiley, D. Pendragon and A. Bazinski]

something has happened to hazel going to the hospital now text me if i'm needed hope you're feeling better bunny

[locked to e. keeling]

hazel is in hospital i think you know the cop who told us find out if its bad please please please

Dec. 9th, 2010


[Phone Call to Barnes Residence]

Very early Tuesday morning after these events.

[ring, ring.]

Dec. 8th, 2010


locked to P. Barnes, D. Wiley & J. Bly

exams are next week. can has study date nao? this weekend, all weekend!


al's place is available if you promise not to touch the computers! you break it you buy it! tomatoware official policy :D

bly bly you are invited because you are cool XD

secret lair encoded address: LOL pigmarket14

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