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Jan. 18th, 2011


Hypothetically speaking, does anyone know how to get tomato soup off of the ceiling? What about eggs?

Also, hypothetically speaking, is there a way to get a curious smell out of a house in exactly 4 hours and 12 minutes?

One last hypothetical question, say there was a minor explosion on a stove and the Mr. Clean magic eraser wasn't working to get the marks off the wall...Would you hang a picture or paint over it?

Jan. 17th, 2011



Someone lopped off one side of me but I'm all right now.

Dec. 21st, 2010



So. This is gonna sound really cheesy, but I just can't stop myself from asking. The holidays are upon us and I have to admit that I am a huge, huge, huge fan of the holidays. So. I was wondering...

Anyone in the mood to go caroling sometime this week? I don't know what people are doing this time of year, and even though I've been in the city for a few years, I don't really have a good network of people to hang out with, and those that I do have plans with their families. My family, sadly, is not here so.

Okay. Sorry for the pity party there!

tl;dr: Wanna go caroling? Give me a call. [insert cell number here]

Dec. 15th, 2010


Alright. So it's come to my attention that there's a lovely new girl** who just moved into this lovely building. Everyone should show her what awesome neighbors you all are by throwing her the Housewarming Party to end all housewarming parties. I'm lucky enough to know this girl rather well, so I can guarantee you that she'd love to have some people stop by, bring some food, and she'll be nice enough to supply all the drinks. She really hopes that Sunday around 3 will work for people, and if so, you just let me know and I'll pass the word along!

**New girl may or may not be myself. I figure a housewarming party is a hell of a lot easier than me going around, knocking on everyone's doors, and saying hi that way. I don't bite***, so stop on by!

***Biting is done by request. Please inquire privately!

ETA: It's been brought to my attention that I failed to say where. Bathos 203. Be there or... I don't know. I won't like you very much?

Dec. 13th, 2010


[phone call to N McLaughlin]

[A few days after "meeting" him in the forum, Seth decides to call Neil for no reason other than that he'd prefer not to be stuck in his flat all night and a night of drinking is usually better spent in company.  And Neil did mention he knew good places for it.  He dials the number he was given and waits for it to pick up.]

Dec. 6th, 2010



So I know an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and peanut butter's pretty good at keeping jellyfish at bay, and Skittles distract leprechauns, but what's a good repellent for octopi?

Inquiring minds want to know. Or at least, I do.

It's kind of important.