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Mar. 17th, 2011


Text to P. Barnes

[Before the blackout, but after this]

Broke my leg. Need a ride.


Note for M. Barnes (an outro)

[Backdated to before the blackout but after Mere and Poppy's fight]

[Left stuck to her office door at the shop. There's a package with paperwork and keys to the car she didn't take with her.] )

Mar. 6th, 2011


Locked to F. Torres

[Sent a day or so after Mere ran into Poppy. He isn't sure what to say and eventually decides to just come out with it.]

Poppy is back.

Feb. 3rd, 2011


I can't believe I'm fucking doing this.

So anybody know who bidder 9 is?

I'm going to kill you Frankie.

[Locked to F. Torres]

Happy now?


[locked to M. Barnes]

Have you talked to your winner yet, Prince Charming?

Jan. 30th, 2011


[locked to M. Barnes]

I saw your post about the police and Hazel, earlier. Are you doing alright?

If you're not up for the date thing I can try to buy you from your bidder.

I hope I don't have to come over and peel you off the floor again.


Its been months since some creation fucker put my sister in a God damn coma and since then not a word from fucking police. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Are you all just fucking incompetent or do you just not give a shit about her cause you don't think she was fucking important enough?

Jan. 27th, 2011


Locked to F. Torres

Why the fuck did you sign me up for this auction?!

Jan. 22nd, 2011


LOOKING FOR: One mechanic from Frankie's garage. Male. Yay high [he makes the hand motion but obviously people can't see that]. Kinda susceptible to self-protective brotherly type behavior without actually being a brother.I totally forgot to get his name though but I NEED HIM. Not in the creeper kind of way, but in the 'he amuses me and therefore is my friend' kind of way.  Even that sounds kind of bad, but I swear I'm not really creeping on him.  If I wanted to do that I'd just hack-find him.  It's just really important that I get a hold of him.  Like yesterday.

Jan. 17th, 2011


Phone call to P. Barnes

[Call made to P. Barnes late Monday afternoon]

ring, ring

Jan. 5th, 2011


Do any of you college kids out there need some extra cash? It’d be nice to get some extra help around the shop, just someone to work the register and do inventory and things like that. Bonus points if you’re good with cars, but it’s really not necessary for the kind of things that need to be done around here.

[Locked to M. Barnes]
I hope you’re feeling better, take all the time you need. Your job will be here when you come back.

Dec. 9th, 2010


[Phone Call to Barnes Residence]

Very early Tuesday morning after these events.

[ring, ring.]

Nov. 21st, 2010



There is something fucked up going on around here. Any ideas why this time?

[locked to M. Barnes]
I can't hear if you're outside, and I don't want to leave my room. Are you okay?

Oct. 24th, 2010


(I can't believe I forgot to officially intro him in the forums OTL)

God I can't believe she is fucking making me do this. . .

So my sister has been bugging me about introducing myself on this stupid thing. I don't get what the fucking point is, but let's get this over with.

I'm Meredith Barnes.

[. . . ]

If you say one word about my name I will bash your head in.

There, I introduced myself, happy Hazel?

Oct. 1st, 2010


[accidentally public; should be locked to M. Barnes]
Mere stupid Poppy stole my favorite shirt and won't give it back! She says it makes me look like a slut. I'm not a slut tell her I'm not a slut. And hit her!

[accidentally public; should be locked to P. Barnes]
Are you making ribs for dinner again tonight? By the way I hate you right now. I don't want to eat ribs. You know how I feel about eating animals. Let's have salads. Stupid thief. Theft is wrong! The President says so! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU YOU MEANIEBUTT.