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Jun. 2nd, 2011


VERY PUBLIC, Delilah might even make fliers. -- and suddenly not.

[immediately following this]

[ UPDATE: After the post has been up for two hours, and the damage was done, the post becomes privatized to only those who were already involved in it. BUT if your character didn't get a chance to comment, and it's crucial, feel free to drop a new comment thread in and we'll say it happened before Delilah locked it. Good? Good! ]

I would very much like to send a public thank you out to Isobel Hughes, I would send flowers, but that seems hardly adequate for what she's done for me. She saved my life.

I could never be more grateful for what she did for me that night. A man mugged me last month, and she came to my rescue whether she intended to or not. I do believe that a normal, vapid partygirl would run the other way from violence, but upon seeing myself injured, she intervened.. not only healing me, but also the man that attacked me. While her help allowed him to escape, I hold no grudges and know that one day criminals like himself will be brought to justice. I can only hope he does not not do more serious damage to anyone else.

Isobel truly has a heart and hands of gold. Without her, I would have certainly met with death.

Thank you, Isobel. You have truly been touched by angels to have been given such an ability, and now the world can know it.



I don't know what I did wrongDoes anyone know a place that is hiring? Due to recent events I don't understand, if she was not a prostitute, why would she dress as one? I just didn't want a prostitute walking around my place of business, I thought I would have gotten in troubl I am looking for new employment, as soon as possible, really, so if anyone has heard anything, I would be very grateful.

May. 24th, 2011


[Private to K. Vrenko - Unhackable by Gideon]

It was a pleasure having you tend to my wounds. I'm sorry I've been out of contact for a while, but my job flies me around the world and I just got back.
Would you mind greatly if I asked you out for dinner? As repayment for helping and not pressing too hard into the issues I've been having.

[Text to A. Gideon] )

May. 6th, 2011



In the interest of avoiding having to sort through the crap on the internet.

Best way to prevent a five pound speed freak with fur from tearing up my shit? Short of letting it get hit by a car.