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Dec. 26th, 2010


text to L. Henry )

Nov. 21st, 2010


Dear whoever is doing this,

I do not need someone else's naughty memories.



Dear everyone else,

I am really sorry if you're getting something bad from me. :(


Oct. 24th, 2010


(I can't believe I forgot to officially intro him in the forums OTL)

God I can't believe she is fucking making me do this. . .

So my sister has been bugging me about introducing myself on this stupid thing. I don't get what the fucking point is, but let's get this over with.

I'm Meredith Barnes.

[. . . ]

If you say one word about my name I will bash your head in.

There, I introduced myself, happy Hazel?

Oct. 21st, 2010


I think I've fallen in love.

Man have I missed living in an actual city. Seattle? > Edwardsville. Bright lights. Fast cars. Frat parties. University life? Way cooler than I thought it would be. Just have to remember to pace myself. Must find some time for studying in between festivities. There's like. An event for everything. Amazing.

So. Now that I'm up in the middle of the night and actively not studying. Is there anyone in Bathos that feels like an epic battle of the bands via Rock Band? It'll be legendary.