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Apr. 17th, 2011


[phone call to h. weisz]


Apr. 8th, 2011



Imagine my surprise when on my lunch break I found the Bat staring at me from the shelves of one of the nearby kiosks, and not in the form of the usual anti-Mask tirades I have come to expect from the conservative media. It's extremely cheering to see that not all public perception is so close-minded, particularly in light of the tragedy that has struck recently thanks to misinformed individuals. Kudos to the author, wherever he or she may be.

Mar. 2nd, 2011


[e-mail to H Weisz]

I have a meeting tomorrow at 2, would you be interested in getting lunch beforehand? Provided there's nothing on your schedule, of course.

- Hayden

Feb. 23rd, 2011



Does anyone know where I might be able to get my hands on a copy of Poe's Phantasy-Pieces? The closest copy I can seem to track down is New Jersey, but I figured no stone should be left unturned.

Pardon the abrupt introduction. I've never had my brother's flair for useless information about tomatoes.

Feb. 22nd, 2011



In the 1896 case Nix v Hedden, the Supreme Court declared tomatoes officially a vegetable. The reasoning? People tend to use them in dinner rather than dessert. Interesting, yes?

Although I'm certain you all are wondering in regards to relevance. In truth? There is none. I've had a link to this site sitting in my inbox for ages thanks to a former business associate who thought I might find it interesting, and while the partnership has since soured, the link remained. I thought it time I look into it, and an interesting fact was as good a means of introduction as any. Feel free to take it as you wish.

In any event, proper introductions are likely in order. My name is Hayden Weisz, and I have resided in this particular city for around three years now. I am certain it will prove enlightening to be a more active part of this little community of ours rather than merely standing on the sidelines as I have done up until now.