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Apr. 13th, 2011



The world's going crazy again. I'm starting to think it's time to take another case, far far away. Maybe it's time to go to Hawaii and take a tiny internship as a bug collector. Anywhere but here, dealing with all of these madmen.

Mar. 30th, 2011


[ Public, with one exception ]

[This post is public to all save for S. Duncan]

I must say that this round of experience exchange was much more enlightening than the first. Never before did I know that monsters could share memories with men. It's fascinating how narrow the gap between them truly is, perhaps even nonexistent. After all, a monster thinks like a man. What distinguishes him if not thoughts?

[ Locked to S. Duncan ]

Are you al I suppose congratulations are in order. You have survived what I believe is the second round of memories and sensations being transmitted between individuals in Seattle. Did you receive anything from How are you feeling?



It feels like I've been missing something. In any case, I'm home now in case anyone's missed me. I was helping out a friend with her whale watching, just kind of hanging out. Next thing I know, there's all this sabotage, and an orphaned whale. It was a mess. I'm definitely done kayaking for a while, this old woman had me running around the island and I didn't even get to meet her.

If you're wealthy and really old? Don't become eccentric and leave weird clues all around, okay? It's a pain.

Anyone miss me?