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Apr. 27th, 2011



[ after reading this ]

Apparently when the real estate agent told me that Aubade was the ultimate in privacy and security, she meant the opposite.

Apr. 26th, 2011


[phone call to k. michaels]

[About fifteen minutes after this.]

Ring, ring.

Mar. 24th, 2011



I've decided to start a book club with my friend, Miles and was wondering if anyone out there would be interested in joining?

All our welcome. Likely to be held at my flat in Bathos, unless those interested have a better location.

Mar. 22nd, 2011


phone call to M. Melbourne

[ Call to M. Melbourne ]

[Last Wednesday morning, around 8 am.]


Mar. 4th, 2011


phone call to k. michaels

[Because she's bored and figures talking to Kayla is better than killing another orphan, she picks up her phone.]


Feb. 23rd, 2011


phone call to M. Melbourne

[Wednesday evening, at around 7, Kayla finally decides to call her "number one fan."]


Feb. 18th, 2011



[After reading this]

Anyone else doubt innocence?

Feb. 7th, 2011


[Public and various.]

I notice that many of you have been coming out meeting about your abilities in the interest of networking for the good of us all. I also know that there are safety concerns involved. I know I have them.

To that end I thought that I'm offering my services. I'm a network, so to speak, a public purveyor of information. Some of you might remember me when we were all trying to deal with the Reavers. I use the inane sounding, when I put it this way pseudonym Rescue.

If you want to connect with me and let me know what your ability is--or even not, just that you have skills, or a safe place, or an interest in helping--then you can do it here. My idea was that rather than putting yourself out there, I could buffer the requests for assistance with the actual people in an interest of safety. Before showing up in a dark alley, I could tell you what was there.

It's a risk for many of you, and for me, too, come to think of it, but everything in this community begins with a damned anon post and a lot of hoping for the best.


From the booking report that just popped up, I see they caught someone lauded to be the Night Terror. Is that fact?

Also checking back with you about the possibility of a blood sample previous to the hotel incursion.Blood breaks down after a time but there's a small window left.

Sorry, I know you're busy.

[E. Pride]

You need to work on your anonymity.

...Or don't, come to think of it. I like that about you.

Your friend with the butter knife is a weird case.