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Aug. 29th, 2010


locked to b. merchant

how are

how have

are you

Have they caught that girl yet?
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Aug. 25th, 2010


locked to b. merchant

[After this.]

Read newspaper article. Are you alright? one man dead and three wounded, christ
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Aug. 23rd, 2010


To the woman I passed on the street today while bringing home groceries -

Throwing your sandwich into the face of a homeless man and accusing him of laziness hardly seems appropriate behavior toward another human being, but who am I to judge you? Your coat indicated a certain level of wealth and ease of living, but maybe you've scraped your way up from the gutter, and you know what it is to be someone at the bottom of society's barrel, and you know how very lazy most of them are. Maybe you got where you are today solely by ingenuity and hard work. Somehow, however, your extensive and immaculate manicure makes me doubt your proclivity toward hard labor. So if you were so blessed as to marry well (as your ring seemed to imply) or, maybe, inherit well, I don't think you are in any position to judge a man on the street looking for loose change to buy a fast food lunch with. May your husband be sleeping with your maid, and may the little boy you had by the wrist grow old enough to spend all of your money and leave you destitute. Maybe then you'll understand what it's like to suffer the indignity of begging for loose change, and the desperation that makes a man keep begging even after a woman of high society has thrown her lunch at his face.

Aug. 20th, 2010


Anonymous Activity

[In the wake of the Inkblot-related events of the last day]

Left beside the box of food left in the Hamartia lobby )

Private Message to C. Moran )

Private Message to the Cipher )

Aug. 19th, 2010


[After this.]

There's a box of canned goods sitting full in the lobby of Hamartia, for anyone who's hungry. Our elevator barely works, so far as I can tell, so there's definitely no cameras or snoops.


[Posted late, after this.]

Are men in masks breaking into one's apartment for food in the middle of the night and then politely exiting the usual fare around here?

Aug. 18th, 2010


I hate trying to figure out what to say on these things.

Hi everybody. I'm Adam. I seem to have misplaced my vanilla ice cream. Can anyone be bothered to share?