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April 4th, 2011

[info]ex_claret380 in [info]musings

B Thorne

[Call to B Thorne during the Arbor Day party]

[info]mariphasa in [info]musings

[email to O. Monarch]

[Sent in the early hours following the party. It doesn't even have his usual use of initials for greeting and sign-off.]

I'm expecting an explanation.

[info]glovedup in [info]musings

call to a. main

[Call placed after Orin's "distraction"]


[info]excellentaim in [info]musings

O. Monarch, V. Anna. R. Morgenstern

Locked to O. Monarch
[after reading about the whole coke incident]

What happened? Is everything okay?

Locked to V. Anna
[shortly after]

Hi Valerie. I'm Willow, Orin's kid.

I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay right now.

Locked to R. Morgenstern
[After she wakes up the next morning]
Hi Rowan. This is Willow. I think we were supposed to meet for lunch on Monday?

I don't think Orin's going to be feeling up for it. Should we reschedule? Or I can still meet you somewhere if that's better?

[info]bylined in [info]musings

K West

[The morning after the Arbor Party, early.]

[Very reluctant call to K West]

[info]sagittal in [info]musings

A Main, H Radcliffe, V Anna

[Left on A Main's desk at work Monday]
[A floral arrangement, a thank you note, and a new salary notice from HR, which details a 5,000 per-annum raise. Additionally, there's a separate envelope with a 1,000 cash bonus.]

[Left beside H Radcliffe's desk at work Monday]
[A baby ficus, a thank you note, and a new salary notice from HR, which details a 10,000 per-annum raise. Additionally, there's a separate envelope tucked in the damn ficus tree, which towers over Hayley's desk, with a 5,000 cash bonus.]

[Delivered to V Anna]
[Fifteen vase bouquets of long stem roses, with a bouquet delivered every ten minutes for over two hours.]

[info]calledtoarms in [info]musings

Lock to O. Monarch

Real lovely work at the party. When am I getting the sit down and explanation for that stunt?

Also, you know I hate to ask, but I need a very large favor.

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musings

[voice mail to o. monarch]
[These arrive around four in the morning, the morning following the Arbor Party. He doesn't wait for the phone to finish ringing, just sends his calls straight to voice mail. Voice mail the first.]

I'd ask what the hell you were thinking, but it's pretty clear you weren't. [There is a strangled sound of immense irritation, and the phone goes dead.]

[Voice mail the second.] You're an idiot, Orin. An absolute idiot. Do you realize the ramifications this will have? [He hangs up again.]

[Voice mail the third, arriving on the heels of the second.] If that was for any of the goddamn masks, you're twice the fool. You owe them nothing, not your reputation or your sanity. There are better ways to create a goddamn diversion that snorting crack! [The clattering sound followed by static is him breaking his personal phone. Not his brightest of moments.]

[Voice mail the fourth, some time later, from his work phone. He is considerably calmer.] Daryl has suggested I'm overreacting. For that, I apologize. You would never be so stupid as to do drugs at something like that, if at all. Therefore, I must conclude your actions had a deliberate purpose. To that end, I remain of the belief you did it for the masks and I stand by my assertion that there are many better ways to create a diversion without acting like a crackhead. Start a fight over Val next time - your face is pretty enough that if it were beaten, the media would pay attention. [He is quiet for a moment.] You owe Ro an apology. I will begin doing damage control.

[locked to r. morgenstern]
Open this to the family at your own peril, Ro. I want to know what the hell was going on that O thought looking like a crack addict was a good plan.

[info]mashedmagic in [info]musings

work email to p. rawlings

[The email is sent the day he misses work, in the early afternoon, at which point she is a frazzled mess and has lost one of her shoes.]


We missed you at work today. The tax team almost strung me up to sacrifice me to the gods of the IRS, but I found someone in legal and financial to help. I've also seen more the US Tax Code than I ever wanted to, and I think I may have stapled part of one of our copies to a lawyer's jacket, but I could be wrong. That whole stretch of time is a bit hazy.

Anyway, I hope you're just down with a cold and it's nothing serious. In this city, you can never tell. [...] And since you put the offer to me, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here.


[info]theviola in [info]musings

Various messages.

[After The Fight with Eli. Evening.]

[B. Thorne.]

Thank you for staying this morning. I know it wasn't pleasant.

It's best if you stay away from Eli for a while. I know you like to taunt him but [...] not about this. Please.

[Call to S. Preston]


[info]glovedup in [info]musings

text, e-mail

[After this, Monday morning]

[ Text to S. Djaevelen ]

What do you know about drug addicts and interventions and stuff?

[ E-Mail to W. Lowell ]


I got a present today from Mr. Monarch. I know you think I deserve a raise, and I can't disagree with you, but [...] this is a lot of money. I'm not worth If Friday night was just the tip of the iceberg, he could be making business decisions while on drugs. I don't think he'd do this while [...] sober. We don't know what else he could be doing, and for all we know he's gonna start handing out cars left and right.

I think we should get in touch with his family and find a rehab program. Until then [...] someone has to keep an eye on him before he does something he can't fix later. Let me know what you think.

- Hayley

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[Postcard fliers seen around town, including a small stack in the lobbies of all the buildings. There is also an address and phone number on the opposite side of the card. Any online information is conspicuous in its absence - no email, no website.]

Grand Opening )

[info]dubious_methods in [info]musings

[phone call to K Vrenko]

[Bright and early the day after the Arbor Day Bash]

Ring ring

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

Seattle Times

[This is published with an urging from the Editor for readers to send in their thoughts on the Masks in Seattle.]


[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

op-ed: letter to the editor

[Letter to the Editor]

The Seattle Times: Op-Ed: Letter to the Editor )

[info]napoleonic_star in [info]musings

locked to j. corvus

Please remind me that murder one isn't something I'd like on my permanent record.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[Letter to the Editor]

The Seattle Times: Op-Ed: Letter to the Editor )

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[Letter to the Editor]

The Seattle Times: Op-Ed: Letter to the Editor )

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings


[After this is published.]

Mr Morgenstern, we're all aware of your bid for public office. Do you honestly intend to make incorporating the reprehensible masks your campaign slogan? You'll forgive me for being blunt, but that almost sounds like some sort of registration you'd enforce, should the fine people of this city choose to elect you.

Or am I misreading you?

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

I seem to have missed the first round of recruitment for people interested in stopping Creation-related crime. I hope I'm not too late for second season.

[info]reform_wanted in [info]musings

i. hughes

[Phone Call, day after the Arbor Party.]

Ring, Ring

[info]secondknight in [info]musings

[Private to T. Brandon]

I'd like to see Gwen.

[info]sanslumieres in [info]musings

email to

[sent from her phone after this]

You'll have to excuse my rudeness, but there's a painting here. And I can't help but think it could be of me.

Please tell me I'm going crazy.

[info]the_automaton in [info]musings

text to A. morgenstern

If I'm not allowed to be brilliant in public, neither are you.

[info]bylined in [info]musings

T Brandon

[After this and this, Monday afternoon.]

[Call to T Brandon]

[info]amestoplease in [info]musings

locked to A. Gideon

Uh hey.

I have uh. Weird. Thing. I've been avoiding this like the frickin plague.

You know when everyone got all those uh.. memory things?
Tags: ,

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

locked to t. brandon

I know you're likely to refuse, but I'd like to speak with Oracle, if I can. There's something I need to talk to her about.

[info]creationsanon in [info]musings

s. preston

[Delivered to S. Preston, c/o SAAM, earlier today]

A check, made out to the Seattle Asian Arts Museum for the amount of $10,000. In the memo line, it reads Stop working so hard.