MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'suzaku+kururugi'

May. 11th, 2016



[Day 375] [Video]

[ Click. Have a very pretty teenager wearing the most affably self-deprecating smile you've seen recently, Marina! ]

Thank you very much, Wardens Verdical and Conscienti, for the spirited welcome. [ A chuckle; casually pushes his bangs out of his eyes. So harmless. ] I'm sure we all feel much better for it.

[ Lelouch holds eye contact with the video a moment more; violet and intelligent and watching you for any sign that you might not have felt better, because he has doubts, you see -- but perfectly normal, and normal even without the contacts. Which is not acceptable, FYI. ]

Well! As bracing as this morning has been, [ His smile shifts ever so slightly. ] it's no excuse to take leave of one's manners. My name is Lelouch. [ Just... that, for now. ] I'll be looking forward to meeting you all.

Ah, and I do have one question, if any of the veterans are feeling generous enough to answer it...

[ Gesturing eloquently. ] These... "rehabilitation points". I've never heard of a prison putting a numerical value on something like that before! [ Smile! Even more affably self-deprecating than the first. ] An example would be appreciated.

Apr. 8th, 2016



Day 370 [Audio/Action]

[Audio/OPEN] (because what is light?)

[The day has been going as you might imagine. It's dark and dangerous and while she feels a thrill when engaged in a fight she also has more than her fair share of concern when it comes to others. She feels protective of the inhabitants of this dome which is probably a good thing for the leader of the Defense Force to have, but it also runs deeper than that. It would be there even if her position changed. Always one of the X-men, but also someone who has just lost too much for too long.]

Report in. Anyone. Force or not. We're all in this today. [But she also hopes they heeded Suzaku's warnings and stayed in. Too many heroes getting themselves hurt today isn't going to help anyone. Same could be said of her of course.] I want to hear some voices. [If only to know you're okay.] What are you seeing? Anyone need help?

[Nathan, Reid, you're both getting private calls if she doesn't hear from you. Help, a girl out.]


[She's wearing glow sticks around her neck and arms to provide a little light without being too cumbersome. There's a traditional flashlight hanging from her belt if she needs it. She's also dressed in uniform from her life as an X-Man—tight, blue, low cut, but it's durable and easy to move in.

She's not necessarily trying to engage with the beasts, but it doesn't stop her from running up against them on her own or to help someone out. Watch out for blood splatter if you run across her while her claws are out. She's not taking prisoners.]

Apr. 4th, 2016



Day 370 - Video

[ Suzaku wakes up early. And he is out of the house, early, running, practicing...

Which is why his message comes soon after the static common transmission.

Good morning, this is Suzaku Kururugi, with the Defense Force.

I'd like to notify you all that some of the aggressive beasts from Sector 6 have been released into the remaining sectors. It is advisable to stay indoors as much as possible. If you are in need of assistance or under attack, please do not hesitate to call out for help.

[ For the older Kitty. ]

Has something like this happened before?



370 - Fear Itself: The Revenge



Mar. 28th, 2016



[Day 369] Defense Force Mingle

[Video | Closed to Defense Force]
This afternoon we're going to do a thing. Be at the headquarters. If you know someone who isn't a member, but they're interested in joining you can bring them too. [She knows it may not be the best day after hearing this morning's announcement, but since the wardens played with them yesterday she knows the day should be clear of their interference and they have some new recruits so they should probably all meet each other.]

[Action | MINGLE!]
[The thing in question is on the roof of the headquarters. Kitty brought food and drinks which thankfully she did not prepare. It's all snack-sized finger foods. She wants everyone to have a chance to know their teammates better. She isn't going to force any group activities but there are some tables and chairs for people who want to relax more or maybe play a game. She did leave a few decks of cards out.]

Feb. 29th, 2016



DAY 365 — Anniversary Festival Mingle

Happy Day 365, Marina Nova!

Hear ye, hear ye! Inmates, prisoners, fellow underwater dwellers! Lend me your ears and hands and actually just bring all of you because we're having a ye olde Renaissance Faire to celebrate a full year in this bubble under the sea!

The dome has of course been decked out appropriately. Flickering torches light the pathways, interspersed with larger bonfires that you can cosy up to with that special someone - or perhaps just a glass of honey mead. Pennant banners hang across the gates and along the buildings, sporting the proud coat of arms of the prison (a lot of purple and octopi, for some reason) and many of the clothing stores offer time-appropriate options for those of you who still knows how to have fun. The kiosk has even been re-imagined into a castle.

Many areas within the dome has activities to partake in and, if you're skilled or lucky or both, prizes to win!

Let the celebrations begin! Fanfare! )


Jan. 25th, 2016



360 - Instant Replay Mingle

[Maybe you're at the media store or educational center to play your disc. Maybe you're just out and about somewhere contemplating what you saw or whether to see it. Either way, you're bound to run into someone!]

(OOC: Instant Replay Event Info)

Jan. 4th, 2016



Day 357 [video/action]

[The video turns on while Yuuri is still mid-freak out. This is only fitting because he may well be freaking out for the remainder of this body swap.

Which means the face you're seeing and voice you're hearing is not Yuuri's. It normally belongs to Aigis. He's just the very unhappy renter.]

I'm a girl! I'm a girl robot! I'm a girl robot without feet! Who took my body!?

[BOOM! BOOM! His dresser bites the dust, and his eyes are as expressively horrified as his robot-form can manage.]


(OOC: Action also open. For probably inadvisable reasons he eventually leaves the apartment in the "hand" gun-toting body!)



Day 357 — Body/Mind Swap Mingle

[Everything may be a bit topsy turvy today. Maybe you lost your head. Maybe you lost everything else. Or maybe you're perfectly you and it's just your friends and neighbors who don't make any sense.

Good luck going out and about to figure out your new surroundings.]


Oct. 7th, 2015



Day 344 [video\open] [action where appropriate!]

[The video opens on Euphie's face, smiling, but there's an undertone of uncertainty. Everything seems normal. Same pink-haired princess as usual sitting in her room, still on her bed apparently. Does she wear frilly night dresses to bed? Of course she does.]

Good morning, everyone. [A little pause as she decides how to continue.] I was wondering if someone might be able to provide a little assistance. I'm wondering what's going on, and if someone could help me to the beach?

[She lets the video pan down from her face and over her pink fish tail. That's princess mermaid to you!]

(OOC: Backdated to early morning.)

Sep. 11th, 2015



Day 340 Video | Open Action

[Video | Private to everyone excluding Kitty the elder]

[The video goes out in the morning, before all the therapy and inevitable drama. Ianto looks predictably business-like even for this message.]

Hello. I know it seems like it's shaping up to be a busy day this morning but it's also Kitty's birthday. We'll be hosting a party in our flat this evening if anyone would like to stop by. It's a surprise, so please try not to utterly ruin that aspect for her in the few hours between now and then.

[Open Action]

[Fastforward to evening and party time. Somehow Ianto has found the time between therapy sessions to get the apartment he and Jack share tastefully decorated and throw together some food and, of course, coffee. He's not sure how many people will be feeling up to this after spending the day talking about their problems but even if no one attends he suspects she'll still appreciate the gesture. He's told Kitty to come over for drinks and talking, conveniently leaving out the bit where people are going to jump out and yell surprise when she arrives.]

Sep. 7th, 2015



[Day 340] Murderers Anonymous Therapy Group

[You'll find the Murderers Anonymous group in one of the rooms at the Education Center. Snacks and drinks are provided. Chairs are set up in a circle in the center of the room. The door will be kept shut for privacy.]

[Paper and pencils and materials are provided on tables throughout the room. Feel free to move around.]

Warm Up
- How do you feel today? Circle all that apply. Why do you feel the way you do? Pick some other other emotions on the chart and discuss those. ("I feel angry when...", "It makes me happy when...")

- Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side, draw a representation of the part of you that is dangerous, violent, or evil. On the other side, draw a representation of the part of you that is kind, nurturing, and good. Share the result. Explain why you drew what you did and how you feel about each aspect of yourself.
- Silhouette Collage - Make a silhouette of yourself and fill your head with whatever is going on in your brain. What do you think about? What do you like? Dreams. Fears. Hopes.

- Write your own eulogy. What would you want to read at your funeral if you were to die tomorrow?
- Write a eulogy for someone who has died/could have died as a result of your actions.

- Discuss this paraphrased quote from Elie Wiesel: "Violence is a form of communication for a person who fails to find words." What are you trying to communicate?
- What are your views of death and the afterlife? What happens to us after we die?
- Do you have any regrets? Things you would take back, do again differently...
- Do you feel murder is justifiable? Explain your position.


((OOC: Feel free to add in your own activities or prompts! Info.))




[The Post-Traumatic Stress Group is being held in Trois Park—a particularly relaxing corner of the park has been outfitted with comfortable seats arranged in a circle, with hot soothing drinks and filling comfort snacks right on hand. There are also pillows and weighted blankets. Very soft and slow harp music plucks away from somewhere.]

[After characters are invited to introduce themselves and then to spend 5 minutes doing a focused breathing exercise, there are a variety of activities in store for those attending the group. Everyone is strongly encouraged to share their work.]

There are personalized journals with the names of all mandatory attendees on them, but there are unlabeled extras. Inside each one are pages with writing prompts and blanks for free journaling. Prompts include...
— How are you feeling right now? How would you like to feel?
— Do you have nightmares about the event? Are they the same as your memories, or different? Compare any differences and consider why they may be that way.
— Write as much about the traumatic event(s) as you can. Use as much or as little space as you wish.
— Identify what triggers the worst reactions to your trauma. How do you cope? Do you think your coping techniques are healthy or unhealthy? How can you change them for the better?

Art Therapy
There is a list of prompts including the following...
— Draw or paint a scene that gives you peace. Feel free to be as specific or vague as you wish.
— Using the craft supplies, put your feelings into a tangible form and explain the symbolism you've chosen to the group.
— Attempt to express the trauma or a great fear you have because of it. Draw, paint, sculpt, create a diorama.
— Draw or paint a portrait of yourself, emphasizing your good traits.

Partner Discussion
Settle in with your choice of comfort foods/blankets to chat. Everyone is given topics to discuss, including...
— Is it easy or hard to talk about what happened to you? Why?
— Do you blame yourself or feel guilt? Explain why.
— Do you have anyone who you can talk to about it? Help each other identify possible allies in your life or within the group.
— Discuss any topics or situations you usually avoid, and why.

((OOC: You're absolutely welcome to come up with your own prompts and ideas, too! These are just meant as a starting point. Jump in and have fun!))




[The Loss/grieving therapy group was directed to the pet cafe. There are treats for humans and animals alike as well as activities to keep you busy and sharing and growing.]

Animal therapy
Talking about painful things is always easier when buried under kittens.

You look at them and discuss of course!
[Examples: A and B (Don't worry about actually taking that test.) Use any inkblot you find or make up!]

There will be a handout with the following instructions:
Go through the alphabet with a partner, taking every other letter. Come up with a word that starts with your letter which you associate with someone or something you miss and explain what it means to you. [Example: (you) A — Apples — Dad always peeled his apples first, but then he'd eat the peel too. (partner) B — Baseball — My dog had this ratty old baseball he took everywhere. He always slept with his head on top of it.]

Card prompts
There's a table full of cards to get conversations started.
— Finish the sentence: "Today, my grief feels like..."
— Finish the sentence: "Today, I'm really missing..."
— List 5 things you don't miss about what you lost.
— What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
— What would you say if you had the chance to speak with someone you've lost again?
— What do you think they would tell you they want for you?
— Name 3 things you will do to fill your time and the void left behind.
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)




[Welcome to the Family Issues group therapy located in a room at the education center. There are tables, chairs, prompts and various supplies along with food and beverages and a bot to keep an eye on things. Enjoy!]

There are family member photos everywhere. Make sure to use them to prompt conversations.

Roleplaying exercise
There is a hand out that explains roleplaying each other's key relatives including:
— Tell the person how you feel and what you needed from them.
— Express frustration/anger with the foam bats provided.
— Hug it out.

There's a poster with the following instructions.
Word associations: start with a word that makes you think of family and then go back and forth with a partner, occasionally stopping to discuss what the words represent.

Card prompts
There's a basket of cards to get conversations started.
— What do you think of when you think of family?
— Who are you closest to in your family and why do you think that is?
— Who are you most distant or confrontational with in your family and why do you think that is?
— Have you lost a family member? What happened?
— What is your earliest memory?
— What was your childhood like?
— What sort of stressors were there in the family? (Separation, divorce, moving, loss of job, births, deaths, abuse)
— And many more...

(OOC: Don't let these prompts limit you. Be creative, if you want a different kind of prompt or activity then run with it! It's fine if your ideas require additional supplies too. This is everyone's post. Mingle! INFO)

Aug. 12th, 2015



Day 336 | Voice | Open

[ The voice message was not long, and the voice of the young man who made it was soft but steady. ]

Hi. I've been here since yesterday, and I was wondering what places people like for exercising? I'll take any sort of suggestion, I'm just used to quite a bit of physical activity and wouldn't want to get... flabby.

[ There may or may not have been a hint of a smile with that last word. But no more than a hint. Then even that is gone with the quiet addition, ]

My name is Suzaku Kururugi, if you need to get in touch with me about it.