MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'itachi+uchiha'

Oct. 26th, 2012



Event mingle: POWER OUTAGE

((OOC: This post begins the power outage portion of the mod-approved Ghostly Event!. This is a mingle post so feel free to post and tag around freely. Action and network posts are both welcome here! However, you are of course more than welcome to make your own posts related to the sudden onset of pitch blackness. Enjoy!))

[The hour isn't too late just yet, the costume party's still in full swing and less mask-oriented inmates might still be out and about, doing whatever. Lovely night, isn't it? Too bad it's about to take a serious left turn.]

[Regardless of where you are in the dome, all of a sudden there's a minor power surge as the lights strain with over-brightness for just long enough to draw looks of concern, and then the entire dome is plunged into complete darkness. Anyone paying a whole lot of widespread attention might note that the first lights blink out in Sector 2, then the effect cascades through the remaining sectors.]

[Not long after the dome goes dark, there's a loud clap of thunder and then a torrent of unrelenting rain starts falling. The only light you'll get tonight is half-second streaks of lightning arcing down from the dome.]

[No lights, no power, a nasty storm, no kiosk to complain at. Have fun.]

Oct. 7th, 2012



[Day 187] [Late Evening] [Voice|Action|Open]

[He had been very laid back about his punishment from a few days ago, to the point that he had barely remembered it. But in the end there was a reminder, and Itachi sits a table at the Education Center, not caring about the time or the mass of papers he'd wasted writing different things on each. His writing lacks any flourish, tiny and precise--perfect kanji and hiragana in perfect rows, perfectly justified. It's too much of a habit, even in death.]

Hn. Such a peculiar form of punishment. If they truly wanted remorse, perhaps something less inane would have been more effective. [Not that he really cares enough to be remorseful about something like putting holes into an unused building.]

"Methods in which to avoid destroying property when fighting someone with intent to kill," seems much too long for a title. Suggestions for an alternative?

Sep. 19th, 2012



[Day 185][Video | Action | Open and in no way filtered]

Defense Force assemble! [It sounded so commanding and yet now the leader of said force has broken into giggles. Yes, giggles.]

You guys, [more giggling] they're like giant fuzzy wasps. I swear they're laughing too. It's weirdest thing. Probably not the weirdest. I've seen weird things. This one time I was supposed to take out the leader of genetic experimentation plant and he had three heads and none of them had eyes. He totally saw me though. I don't know how.

What was I talking about? Oh! Right, they, um, they can sting. Don't get stung. [More giggling.] Oh! [Wait for it.]



No, I forgot. I think I'm just going to lay down. Here.

(OOC: Kitty is in Sector two. I'd like her to eventually reach the educational facility lock down, but for now she's outside it and there could still be hyena wasps around.)

Sep. 17th, 2012



[ action | video ] OPEN

[The damage in Sector 2 has long been repaired from a certain chimera's rampage a few days earlier, forcing Saber to navigate the maze of alleyways from the small corner she'd hid herself away in to rest, instead of going straight through building rubble like she would have been able to before. She eventually manages to squeeze out onto a main street; looking generally worse for the wear with her blue gown wrinkled and rumpled, silver armor scuffed up a bit, and complete with a tiny smudge on her cheek. Some of it from the fight with Zelgadis, some from the tight spaces she ran into on her way.

She makes to dust off her dress before pausing, seeming to realize it's a lost cause, and the next moment it's as if her armor shatters in a brilliant flash, leaving the small girl in a crisp black suit now, blonde hair pulled back neatly and no trace of her previous dishevelment. Throughout all of this, and while starting to fiddle with her device, she keeps an utter impassiveness-- what part of this is out of the ordinary here, after all-- but a hint of unease gradually seeps into it when her attempts to contact Zelgadis go without an answer. She knows her master is present, can feel him even if only slightly at this distance... so she merely assumes that he's incapable of replying. Which means her options are... wandering around, trying to follow their connection to his location, and the network that she so dislikes making use of. But desperate times, and so she straightens out both her tie and expression, and readies to spit out her request as quickly, yet courteously, as she can]

I apologize for any interruption I may be making, but if there are any who could provide information and the result of the-- [Shortest pause; she's aware time has passed but not entirely how much. Who listens to announcements, ever?] -- recent incident in Sector 2, it would greatly appreciated. It is of utmost importance to me, and I have been indisposed for some time, so--

[A sudden, deep rumble interrupts her, echoing at least to the next block and eliminating whatever was going to be said next from sheer surprise, and the girl freezes, expression momentarily unreadable until she very swiftly ducks her head with both clear embarrassment and a hurried "thank you" to the camera before she flicks it off.

It seems the first order of the day should not be information, but food...]

[[ ooc: seiba back from hiatus |D And like it says, her hungry can be heard for quite a distance, so passing people wondering what the hell that noise is, or just witnessing her mahou shoujo-ish transformation, are all very wanted! ]]

Sep. 10th, 2012




[It's hard to care too much about an orange jumpsuit making you stick out when your skin is as blue as it gets. Being center focus either way, she doesn't even stop to really consider finding a change of clothes and instead looks for somewhere to hide out. It may be the coward's way out, but she doesn't think she can take the attention without having her abilities available to blend her in. Trusting people is a hard thing to do.

She'll be heading towards the Clocktower's apartment complex in fast strides, avoiding eye contact and people in general as best she can. Talk to her if you want, but she'll be skittish and likely eager to leave your company.]

[Private - Zelgadis]

[And when she finds a small one bedroom apartment, she paces the floor. She sits to think for a moment. Digest everything. There is someone she could call, someone she'd trust would know this... feeling more than anyone. Who might be willing to help her out.] Um, Zelgadis? It’s Raven.

...I was wondering if I could ask you to do a favor for me.

Aug. 31st, 2012



[Day 182|Late Afternoon] [Video|Defense Force Filter]

[The video comes on as Itachi lightly smooths his hair back into place--if only because the strays in his eyes are inconvenient. The background is inside an empty building. There is only minor damage to it.]

The person causing destruction in Sector 2 has been subdued. He appeared incapable of comprehensible speech and unlikely to answer any questions intelligently. He's contained and bound.

[The video pans away from him to show Zelgadis with his upper body wrapped in thick parchment like paper--as if rolled into a carpet.]

Suggestions on what to do with him are welcome.

Aug. 28th, 2012



[Action | Open]

[The stone-skinned, wire-haired man storming through the streets may have familiar features, but gone is the reserved, stoic demeanor of Zelgadis' personality. Today, he races down the street in a snarling rampage, knocking anything from his path be it chairs, brick walls, or innocent people.]

[If anyone calls to him, it's likely that he won't respond except to turn and attack in a blind rage. Whatever this thing is, it sure isn't Zelgadis. And it has to be stopped.]

((OOC: Unfortunately, Sasha's attempt to cure him didn't quite go as planned and now Zel's in a sort of berserker mode. Fun stuff!

In this state, Zelgadis will injure people without much thought; I won't call it impossible to reach him with words, but it will be difficult. Victims are very welcome, as are those or want to try and knock him out/restrain him (knock out being preferred but it'll take a lot to crack a stone head). I'm more than happy to have injuries to your character be limited if you want to avoid IC punishment (which only applies if the character goes to the hospital). Poke me on Zel's contact post if you want to plot around this!))

Aug. 20th, 2012


Video + Action

[Eric was trying to sleep, as he normally does during the day. Unfortunately, the influx of people, smells and noise make it virtually impossible. That's why Eric is awake and currently glaring at the network. There's no evidence of the fight he got into with Spike on his face because he has a special fairy that felt indebted to him. Also, he's not naked. Isn't everyone excited? He's wearing a black tee shirt and a pair of jeans. He's at the blood bar with a glass of blood in front of him. Spoiler alert: He's a vampire.]

Just when I thought this place couldn't get more irritating. Would someone care to offer a decent explanation?

[A few moments later at Sookie's behest]


[ooc: Open to everyone. Please, please, please feel free to threadjack among yourselves.]




[Natasha's in civilian wear at the moment, long plain black pants and a nondescript shirt and jacket. If she had known that she was going to be kidnapped and sent to an underwater facility then she would have kept the electric taser in her boot and widow-themed weapons on her belt. unfortunately, it was her day off.]

[well, she's been through collectively worse. at least she wasn't strapped to a chair]

This is Black Widow. Hopefully imprisoning me in this facility was a part of your plan, which means you know what I'm capable of. If not, then consider this a test run.

[she pauses, packing her jacket with some convenient cutlery and broken shards of glass]

Twenty four hours. If you can't keep me here in that time span, then you'll have to reconsider what exactly this place is good for. [she turns off the feed, stretches her legs and shakes out her arms, and takes off for a run through quatro park. she'll probably stop to question the few people she comes across, but other than that she's running]

Aug. 17th, 2012



[Day 180] [Video | DF-Locked > Open]

[Private to the Defense Force]
Lacus informed me I took the vote. [She questions your decision-making skills...and is also flattered in a tsun way.]

Seeking sector team captains, investigation/research members/leaders, and telepaths/empaths )

The Defense Force is aware of the situation with the glitches, but not necessarily the full extent. If you find something odd—odd for this place—call dispatch and report it. We can't necessarily stop it from happening, but the more information we have the better.

[Oh, and she should probably...] Also, I'm the new head of the Force. If you've been wanting to join, let me know.

On a more personal note, is anyone here a metalsmith, alchemist, reality bender? Really anyone who can do impressive things with metal with the abilities and resources you have here. [Someone has been rebuilding her claws and needs assistance.]

(OOC: I am working on OOC organization for the DF too! But I wanted to get some things worked out ICly first.)

Jul. 21st, 2012



[Day 176|Afternoon] [Video|Action|Open]

[Itachi is assessing the athletic facilities in Sector 1 at the moment, particularly the training fields and the equipment provided by the sentinels. They seem to be more than acceptable for the purposes he has for them.

He lightly tests the weight of the practice weapons, flipping them and spinning them to see how balanced they are. Wood is not the same as metal, but it is still a usable for training. He can't spend his days doing nothing, he's bored easily enough now as it is. Yes to some he may look odd, with his discolored skin and red-on-black eyes. But you'll find he doesn't much care what other's think on the matter beyond abject curiosity.]

How interesting isn't it, how easily we fall back into the familiar routines here. The familiar becomes an anchor. Hn.

Tomorrow, six o'clock in the morning, will resume the Physical Defense course, for those who still wish to attend it. For those who have never heard of it, the name is self explanatory. It focuses on hand-to-hand combat and diversion tactics. There is no experience level required to participate. Volunteers are accepted as always in assisting in daily lessons and exams.

Come as you like, leave as you please. I have no desire to those who do not wish to learn.

Jul. 2nd, 2012



Day 174 - Welcome to MarinaNova

[You're in a new prison and free!

Well, free to look around anyway. Maybe you'll pick your pet up from the pet cafe or search the pile for your personal items before someone else gets to them first. You could be inspecting the barrier around sector six. Did you just hear something scratching it from the other side? Maybe you want to find the nearest clothing store and upgrade from prisoner-chic to something a little more you. Maybe you appeared somewhere awkward and could use a hand with that. It could be you're just wandering around, familiarizing yourself with the new space.

Whatever it is, you're welcome to do it here.]