MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


Posts Tagged: 'eridan+ampora'

Jul. 9th, 2012


[day 175] [voice]

Okay. I don't know who's responsible for this.

But whoever it is? Haha. Very funny. Hilarious!

Nothing I've done is even that bad. [...except maybe one thing, but that was still justifiable! And as if she's going to admit to feeling like shit about it openly.] Maybe by bullshit human standards, I guess, but not by my race's!

...Unless this is Terezi's doing somehow? Okaaaaaaaay. Joke's over, Pyrope! Cut the stupid mind tricks or whatever and let's finish this! I've got way more important things to be doing.



[ voice ]

[ As if things hadn't completely unraveled and gone to hell enough over the course of the past five minutes, now Dirk is... standing in the middle of a bowling alley? The welcome message plays and he listens, getting increasingly frustrated. By the time he reaches the end and his list of ~crimes committed~ is read he half wants to crush the damn communicator in his hand. His irritation with the situation would be over nine thousand, if there was actually a scale with which to measure units of being annoyed.

All he's got are his sunglasses -- without his home's wireless network there's no internet for the built-in software to connect to, and it seems the autoresponder's program is just... gone? What the hell?

It's not long before Dirk figures out how the communicator works. ]

Okay, no. I don't have time for this.

Wardens, if I don't get back home to fix things within the next five fucking minutes that's gonna make you accomplice to at least one and probably three deaths. Let's not do this.



Day 175 - Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 175 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny with clear skies ].

Unclaimed personal items belonging to transferred inmates have now been cleared away. Should you be missing an item, you may request for it at the Kiosk in [ Sector 0 ]. We apologize for the inconvenience.

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested!)

Jul. 2nd, 2012



[ Action | Open ]

[The last that this certain troll could remember, he had been wide awake in Marina as he usually was that late at night. There had been some strange conversation he overheard on his headset, when suddenly the power entirely went out and even his vision had begun to go black until it went out much like the power had.

When he finally awakens, it's because he does so with a splash into the ocean. Immediately, he sputters until he gets to the surface and splashes about until he is able to swim his way back to shore, where he pants -- With his lungs, glad that he was able to get out before he had to use his gills too much to breathe. At some point he realizes there are a few fish stuck to him and flopping about, he subconsciously takes them off his clothes and throws them back into the ocean. Thankfully, he looks up towards the floating island above him instead of right away at his strange change of clothes and for once listens to the announcement. Now that he was filled in mostly on what the fuck was going on around him, he finally notices the orange jumpsuit -- Horrified that this was the standard-issue uniform, he immediately strips the wet clothes from his body so that he was now wearing nothing but his grey skin upon the beach wasn't it wonderful to be a superior species with their genitals held inside their body. This prison didn't seem that different to him if like the last one it dumped him right into the ocean. Don't think he hadn't noticed the ankle monitor even before the wardens had mentioned it in their announcement, as well. New prison, was still a prison.

The wardens had mentioned a brown paper bag with his personal affects in it, which was close by on the warm sand instead of in the water like he had been just a moment ago, he gives a dramatic sigh of relief at that. Unfortunately, once he looks into it he rips it apart, there was nothing in it as Eridan hadn't had anything in his pockets. Now on a mission to retrieve his clothes so he wouldn't have to be without them for too much longer, he gets up and makes his way towards where he believes Sector 0 would be.

Once there he will search for his clothes, the strangest sight to anyone who spots him --

A still dripping wet sea troll completely naked without his orange jumpsuit on.

Feel free to get in his way at any moment as he attempts to find his clothes.]