MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


January 2nd, 2017



DAY 409 — Morning Greeting

Today is Day 409. I considered making this the day you all clean your living spaces with a special formula. Instead, we'll play the following song for the next 24 hours. Please enjoy.

[409 by the Beach Boys plays three times before ending completely. You've been trolled.]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)



Day 409 Action | Open

[Dancing/Athletic Complex]
[Kitty didn't go ungifted on Day 407. There was a pair of worn, blue ballet shoes waiting for her when she woke up. She hadn't seen them for at least seven years, but she knew they were hers—every scuff was felt familiar like she'd been delivered a shard of the past. It took one day before she tried them on—snug, but not too tight to wear. Her feet had almost stopped growing at that age. It took until today for her to find her way to a quiet little corner in the athletic complex away from the punching bags and weights and exercise equipment. It's a large building designed to serve many purposes and one room with a bar at just the right height and large mirrors and a smooth floor was the one she'd passed by many times without ever using until today.

It might be that you would have passed by it too except for the music playing while she stretches and starts to dance. She couldn't find any in the prison that was exactly something she'd danced to before, but this one was similar to the feel of the Nutcracker and as long as she was bringing back memories she might as well go all the way to the time a Jewish girl danced the lead in a Christmas recital.

You're out of luck if you were hoping for a tutu!]

[You'll also find her walking around the prison—sometimes airwalking. Yes, that's walking on the air. Or walking through things because walking around things is for chumps. She'll hit up places for food and check in on the HQ. You can even make a private call to her here if you want!]