MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


March 14th, 2016



DAY 367 — Morning Greeting

Welcome to Day 367. Once again there are more of you. Do try to settle in agreeably. Other than that I have no intention of further entertaining you today. See after your own needs. Some of you will do so passably I'm sure.

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Veridical unless otherwise requested. Warden request post | Mail submissions)



day 367 :: open

Morning, prisoners. Welcome to one more day of absolute boredom and suffering. [ quite the exaggeration there, but Damon's been in a pretty bad mood lately. he's annoyed, frustrated and everything ever. (mostly looking at you, veridical!) Elena, the only face from home he could somewhat tolerate, has once again disappeared into the abyss or stabilizer or whatever. he can't, for the life of him, understand why she keeps being played like a yo-yo. ]

For those of you who are new and for those of you who don't know me, I'm Damon. I run the Blood Shack at Sector 5. [ he's sitting in the back office right now, enjoying a full glass of whiskey. ] I'm looking for fresh blood. Not of the bag variety. Trust me, I have plenty of those in stock. I need bartenders and waitresses, and all kinds of multitasking types. If you're keen on racking up some points for good behavior, or are simply incredibly attractive, or you're looking for a way out of a purposeless existence, blah blah blah, let me know.

[ he points a finger to himself. ] Feel free to ask me any questions. Totally, one hundred percent-ly, open to it. [ he finishes his drink and pours himself another glass. (it looks like someone's not looking to get through the day sober.) ]

Also, ooh. Important to note. We pride ourselves in being discreet about what we serve and who we serve them to. So if your deep, dark secret at home is enjoying sucking on a brain or two, being a cannibal or an alcoholic, we've got you covered. No worries. [ he ends the feed with a wink. ]



Day 237::Open

[Hak's sitting on the ground squinting at the device that is doing the video recording. This is all way over his head and completely beyond his wildest imagination. All the technology surrounding him is a bit much for Hak to handle. Not to mention the neon orange jumpsuit is enough to burn anyone's retina's.]

All of this seems like it would cause a headache. Is it really necessary? Orange isn't exactly my color. It looks like it would be safer to look straight into the sun than stare at this fabric for more than 2 seconds.

[For all his complaining, Hak is here for one reason and one reason only. He has a job and this job is extremely important to him. There's a slight problem though because in order to do his job, he has to be by someone's side and right now she's not here. He can't just ask for her though because she's not supposed to draw attention to herself.

Not that he's even sure he's using this thing correctly.]

Is this thing even working?

[He doesn't have a clue and tries to focus on the visor part of the device with his eyes, but he ends up leaning over too far and falls over on his side.]

I don't like it. Take it off. I can find my friends the old fashioned way...



Day 367 - open


[Congrats MarinaNova - here is a Yuuki look-alike. She looks almost exactly like the young Kuran except her hair is slightly more wavy. Perhaps Yuuki is trying out a new look. Or not. Either way, Ai has already gotten rid of her orange jumpsuit because no way was she going to be seen in that hideous thing. Instead she's acquired a maroon dress that suits her much better.]

I've been sent to a prison? That list of crimes doesn't even make any sense! You can't claim someone was disturbing the peace if they're doing their job as a prefect. [And... some of those other things as well. Quieter now:] Mother is going to be upset.

To sentence someone to prison without even giving them a trial is unjust. Who do I speak with in order to dispute these charges? Surely there's a lawyer somewhere that I can consult.

Action - For Yuuki

[With her wardrobe and phone call taken care of, Ai takes the opportunity to look around the prison. Wandering through the different sectors because surely there has to be somewhere to sleep other than to become a hobo and find some store doorway to call 'home'. Her map says there are apartment buildings but of course Ai has to check them out before deciding which one to live in.

It's in her search that she comes across someone familiar. Though her hair is shorter than Ai last saw, she speeds up to head Yuuki off before she disappears.]


[Well, at least her mother can't be mad for ending up in prison...]



367 ♫ video

[Technology in any form is beyond foreign in its entirety to Jae-Ha, so naturally, it's taken a fair amount of time to get a good enough idea on how to use the communicator. His very first thought when the announcement began was just that he must be hearing voices. Not for the first time.

He's also done some exploring here and there, still as curious. From the looks of it he's currently in a park.]

Greetings, Marina. I must say that this place is incredibly deceptive in all of how fascinating things are in every direction I look.

[It may or may not be easy to tell that he's forcing these pleasantries, his tone clipped.]

However, I've never in my whole life seen nor heard of anything more disgusting than this set-up we all have been forcibly dragged into. Its cruelty is only amplified a hundred-fold by how pretty it seems at first glance. The length of our chains are great, as we're allowed about all over this dome. Yet in the end, they truly are no different than ones which hardly allow us to take even a step.

[As someone who was shackled to the floor and walls of a small stone room for twelve years, he would know.]

While I can only pray they aren't in such a terrible place as well, if anyone can let me know if there is a Yona present, or Hak, Kija, Shin-Ah, Zeno, or Yoon, I would appreciate it.

[he pauses after that]

Until then, I wouldn't mind being given some kind of tour around this place. There's a great deal of things I couldn't have ever have imagined. Having a pretty girl or two by my side would especially ease my frustrations, even if a little bit.




I apologize for not getting back to you sooner about your invitation, but the general and I would be happy to join you for dinner. That is, if the offer still stands.

Good morning, residents of MarinaNova. My name is Princess Leia Organa. I'm hesitant to refer to us as "citizens," for we're all prisoners within this facility, regardless of whether we enjoy our accommodations or feel deserving of our sentences. I apologize to anyone who has recently arrived to the prison, for perhaps that makes my question poorly timed, but the influx of new inmates reminded me of something I must ask.

Who is and isn't from a planet called Earth? I am not, and I hadn't heard of it until I was brought here. I come from a world called Alderaan in a galaxy I'm sure most of you have never been to before. [ though some of them may have seen, as has been the case with a few. ] Surely I'm not the only one who finds it odd that an intergalactic, multidimensional serving rehabilitation center favors the population of this one world over those from other systems.



Day 367 | Video

[There is a man with an English accent waving at the camera as the video clicks on. He looks friendly but worried as the ridges on his forehead seem to indicate.]

Hello! I hope someone is able to hear and understand me! This communicator seems to have an inbuilt translation programme as I was able to understand our graceful hosts just fine, but … you never know, right? [He catches himself before he goes on rambling.]

Anyway. I’m the Doctor. I just came here and am now wondering if anyone is able to help me out? The introduction was rather informative already, but some experience reports would be appreciated. How long have all of you been here? What planets are you from? Which time period?

[Some of the worry seems to leave his face as he talks, it being replaced with a small but friendly smile. It disappears again quickly however as he remembers something he should ask as well.]

Oh, and have any of you seen or heard of someone named Clara Oswald? A human, bossy, brunette and short teacher? [He indicates her supposed height with his hand.] If someone could point me in her general direction I would really appreciate it.

Doctor, over and out! [With another small smile, he ends the message.]