MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


January 26th, 2015



Day 308 - Open action


Mal had been shocked that the bots had been asking for people to clean out the stables yesterday. Hadn't he done a good enough job? He spent all his time there it seemed. So today, he made sure he actually did a decent job cleaning all the stables before taking Serenity out for a ride.


Afternoon found Mal in various places around the dome. Some time in the fitness center fighting against a sandbag, the library picking up various books, and in various parks reading. Or just staring into place. Anyone curious might notice the title of the book - The Art of War by Sun Tzu.



DAY 308 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 308 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ cool with steady rains through the afternoon and evening ].

For this day only the museum will host an exhibit on [ adhesive patches of plastic used to cover the papilla in the context of burlesque dancing or athletic activities ]. Please take this opportunity to further your education.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: For this day only the museum will hold an exhibit on nipple pasties for both recreation and work! Yes, there is a gift shop!
Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Warden request post is HERE for your convenience! Mail submissions go here! )