MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


November 18th, 2014



[No Subject]

[Rubber ducks. There existence hasn't ever phased her much. She had one, as a child, as many children do. It bobbed around her as she sat in her bath, and it's presence had been that of any toy animal. A friend and a comfort, with it's company spoken through her own mouth, it had pretty much stopped existing as soon as she got out of the bath and got dry. Years later she thought about buying a new one, for the memories, but never got around to it.
Now Gwen stands still. Watching an assortement of the vinaly creatures sorted from small to large she tries to remember how big hers was. It couldn't have been the largest, although her hands remember them that way. But her hands had been smaller. Putting a finger against the glass she mutters to herself.]

That one. I think... I think that one.