MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


September 30th, 2014



[ action | open ] Daily Mail

[Out and About]

[So, yesterday got a little sidetracked. Oops. Duo was feeling back to normal now, though, so he was catching up on the newbie baskets that should have been sent out yesterday.

Darn it.]


{OOC: Any newbies who want to thread out receiving their baskets, please feel free! It's not a requirement, but it's good for AC if anyone needs a thread. ^_^ We can start however you want, with Duo contacting the new arrivals via the communicator, or with them meeting up in person. I'm open to either! Keep in mind, newbies aren't on the mailing address list, yet, so he'll likely be contacting anyone via communicator first!

New submissions for mail go here, as well as any sign up forms for characters who want to help out and deliver stuff for the Post Office!

Interactions on this post are definitely open to Siren Clam pearl shenanigans, so, even if you're not getting a delivery, this can be an open post for the event if you want to thread with Duo for that!}



[ video ]

I know yesterday would normally have been a reception for the new arrivals over at the restaurant, but I figured all the strange happenings would have made it difficult.

[Piper sounded off, but she was kind of plowing through her message. All the happy-happy of the past few days was gone, and dramatically. Though, there was no Lost and Found spell to fix this. The pink pearl around her neck was still there. It just wasn't doing its job today, nor did it yesterday.]

I know some people had permanent changes? [Herself included, but she wasn't going to mention that right now.] So, I think for this round we might just want to wait until the next one.

Sorry for anyone who wanted to go. [Her apology sounded clipped and sort of forced, like she didn't care as much as someone apologizing might sound.]



day 291 » open / closed action

[ open ]

Dexter is out today, looking for a few basic items he needs for his class - some basic chemicals, such as your standard household hydrogen peroxide, the things he needs to mix his fake blood, that sort of thing.

As he's out, he's also observing those around him. It's never particularly overt, but he's always attentive to his surroundings and people near him. He takes note of their behavior and mannerisms as he does and, when they look at him, he provides his own well-rehearsed pleasant smile in response.

It's still holding together - for the time being, the game he and 'Rudy' are engaged in is providing enough to satisfy some of his predatory inclinations, the hunt, the investigation. Of course, there's no payoff to be had here, and that leaves him still a bit on edge.

closed )