MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


July 22nd, 2014



Day 281 - Action - Closed/Open

[Closed to Inara]

Things weren't going so well for Mal. He woke up angry already, but everything felt a little weird. He let out a groan and started. That sounded suspiciously not human. Come to think of it, what was that odd snout in the field of his vision. Mal reached up and felt... fur?

He was awake in a snap and staring at... at... if he were thinking properly... at the head of an ass that happened to be attached to his body. But all he could see was a monster. He began swearing madly, but all that came out were brays.

[Open - Sector 0]

He should have been hiding in his room. He should have been hiding in his room and not talking to anyone, but Mal was so angry he was going to see the wardens if it was the last thing he did! Except the whole walking with the head of a giant animal isn't easy and he tripped on the way into sector 0. He started swearing again, incenced even more at the harsh sounds the creature made and wondering if anyone would understand him.

[Note: Think Bottom from Midsummer Night's Dream. In all threads... anytime he speaks will be in italics. If your character has an ear piece in - you can understand it. If not, it'll sound like a donkey braying. Furthermore... he's having a difficult time with the earpiece and therefor will not have translating powers for any animals. He still understands English and Mandarin.]



day 281 -- open video/closed action

[ Clay never thought he'd be making another one of these-- an open post to the prison network. but here he is, doing exactly that. It's curiosity, through and through. If he was smart, he'd lay low. But no one ever said he was smart. ]

So. Animal parts. Fun gimmick, almost enjoyable. [ His voice is manic, holding back something of a frightening laughter. He finds the situation amusing, but not for the right reasons. ] I wonder what everyone has become. I wonder if we'll be able to see a pattern. Rhyme or reason! [ And there's a slip of chuckle. ] There's always a reason, always, always, always.

So, Marina. What have you transformed into?

b//closed action to REBECCA CRANE )



DAY 281 Animal Trouble Event Mingle.

[ It is a beautiful day, not too hot nor too cold . There is just that one little detail that perhaps gives it a sour note. Some of you have woken up with new and improved bodies all together, others might have the addition of a tail or perhaps paws for hands or feet.

You might be spending the day raiding the dog food aisle, contemplating if it is okay to lick yourself or just simply how in the heck your are suppose to even open a door with paws. Either way this will be a interesting day, ]

(OOC. This is the Mingle for the Animal Trouble Event, have lots of fun and here is the Info for those that need it. Here )