MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


May 19th, 2014



Day 272 : Shared Dreaming — OPEN!

[Dream 1 : Misspent Youth]
[You're in Chicago and a young girl brushes past you. Her face is a little dirty. Her hair is a little mussed. The clothes aren't tatters, but they could use a turn in the washing machine. She should look familiar. You've seen this face before, but it's younger—thirteen to be exact. She doesn't want you looking too closely though. After all, she's going for your ring or watch or wallet. Whatever you might have. In fact you might have these things even if you shouldn't normally. Don't worry, you won't have them for long unless you catch her.]

[Dream 2 : The Kiss]
[Lips are pressed firmly against yours. It's been awhile or maybe forever. There's a longing in the way she sighs and a hint of urgency in her touch. It doesn't matter who she was dreaming about before you came into this dream because now it's you and whether things get more heated or frigid just all depends on how the dream goes.]

[Dream 3 : Tombstones]
[Welcome to the cemetery. As far as you can see it's just barren land dotted by markers—some crumbling into ruin. There are names on each, but you can't seem to read them all. A few stand out—Carmen Pryde, Theresa Pryde, Piotr Rasputin, Spencer Reid, Allen Walker, Tyki Mikk, Peter Parker, Zelgadis Greywars, Itachi Uchiha, Data, Nathan Harris, Jack Harkness, Ton Phanan, Ianto Jones, and there are more. In fact, the longer you stay the more names you might make out and even recognize even if Kitty doesn't. Don't worry, it doesn't stay so still and somber forever. Eventually, they'll come for you too. Was that a rumble in the distance?]

(OOC: Just let me know which dream they are starting in and we can always transition to another one listed or something custom if you like. It's a dreamworld! Oh! And I'm totally fine if the middle one goes into NSFW material. Also fine if it doesn't!)



Day 272 : Shared Dreaming — OPEN!

[Dream 1 : The Massacre Princess]
[You're still in the dome, but the landscape has changed. Some buildings have been smashed to ruins, trees uprooted, and there are bodies bathed in blood. Maybe you'll recognize them if you stop and check. It could be anyone really. Anyone but you and the pink-haired princess piloting the knightmare frame. She sits in the cockpit destroying everything she wanted to protect and enhance even as her hands shake. Feel free to run or fight or try and talk to her.]

[Dream 2 : The Woman]
[Euphie shakes out her long hair before slipping slowly into the steamy water of the hot tub. She's wearing a pink bikini which was not blessed with an abundance of fabric. It molds tightly against her as she offers you a drink. Maybe you're already in the water or perhaps you need some coaxing.]

(OOC: Second one is as steamy as the setting implies. Anyone is welcome at either. Male CR is more likely to go to an NSFW place in the second, but we can always see what happens! Also, totally happy to respect any fade to black or other boundaries anyone else would have!)



Day 272: Shared Dreams: Open!

[ First Dream ]

[ Ten Forward, the crew lounge of the USS Enterprise-D, is where you will find yourself. It is duplicated down to the smallest detail. The table placement, the impressive view, the lighting... The only difference is the patrons, and the complete silence. The normal, usually cheerful, din is completely absent.

Lal is waiting tables, just as she did when she was actually living on the ship. At one table sits Data, flanked by Counselor Troi and Guinan, the woman who runs Ten Forward. Oddly, none of them are chatting, though they are all smiling serenely, and making the same exaggerated head movements. Identical to the ones Lal so often employs.

Scattered among the rest of the tables, are the entirety of the Enterprise's senior officers (and Wesley), the core group she'd witnessed the most interactions with. And they're all silent and still, save for those disjointed head tilts.

[ Second Dream ]

[ It's unlikely that most would recognize this setting, even those familiar with the actual location. It's a rather sophisticated laboratory that's been constructed from images of the ones in the Daystrom Annex on Galor IV. It is lit only by the ambient glow of the few computer panels that are still working, intermittently placed along the walls.

The room is circular, and next to each panel in the wall, is a large glass cylinder. At first, it might be a little difficult to see exactly what's inside of them, thanks to the lighting. But a sudden flash of light through the windows, thanks to the raging storm outside, provides a glimpse, even if only for a few seconds. Inside each is the form of Lal's father, Data, though very much younger than the one in Marina. Younger, even, than he was when he created her. They all appear deactivated though.

The room is completely deserted otherwise, aside from a lone figure on a metal table directly in the middle of the lab. It is Lal, and she might appear to be deactivated along with all the other androids. But, upon closer inspection, her eyes are moving. Darting back and forth wildy while the rest of her remains motionless.



( day 272 ) shared dreaming!

dream option one: mystic falls cemetery.
[ there's a crow. it's the first thing you notice, how it's perched on top of stone and screaming before flapping away, leading your eyes into an old cemetery. the sign reads: "mystic falls cemetery, estd, 1792."

there's something different about this place, whether you've been here or not. a girl you might know with straight dark hair is leaning against one of the tombstones, her diary in her lap. she's writing. what's odd is this cemetery? it's in somebody's backyard. elena's backyard. her house is not three yards behind her. if you walk inside the cemetery grounds, you might catch some names on the headstones.

most of them are gilberts: "john, miranda, grayson." one says "jenna sommers" and another "alaric saltzman." maybe you recognize "stefan salvatore" and "caroline forbes," too. one of them, the one elena's sitting at? it has her name.

dream option two: hunting.
[ the bar and grill you're in is small and packed. she's a girl with a warm smile, drinking without a care in the world. she's even throwing her hands up in celebration at the game of pool she's winning. but something's not quite right about this place - there are too many shadows. you might notice the girl's smile isn't quite as warm as it seems. she pulls a man into those shadows. you watch as the veins around her eyes darken and her eyes redden. she doesn't hesitate to lunge for his neck and viciously pierce his skin with her teeth. ]

dream option three: home/potential smutty option.
[ there are flowers on her sheets. red. there's a window seat behind you and a breeze that comes in. a vanity to your left has a mirror. there are pictures stuck in the frame, of elena and her friends, her family. this is elena's room, at home. maybe this is where you start. maybe the shower is running in the next room and you're in there with her, her wet lips insistent against yours. you could be clothed and on the bed. player's choice~. ]

ooc: everyone is welcome to all options! if anyone wants to choose the smut option but fade-to-black, that's totally okay with me! we can discuss. :)



DAY 272 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 272 ] of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ mild and overcast ].

We have recently explored the empathy of the [ body ]. In an effort to further your rehabilitation and mutual understanding of each other, we will today explore the empathy of the [ mind ]. Please, remain calm. We appreciate your cooperation.

The following inmates have been found guilty of breaking the [ facility rules ]. Full details of their punishment will be transmitted to their devices shortly.

William Pratt: Assault, multiple accounts.
Martha Jones: Injury
Clay Kaczmarek: Injury
Nico di Angelo: Injury

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: The Shared Dream event has hereby... begun! Event info can be found HERE. Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here! )



Day 272 / Video --> Action / Locked to Martha

[The moment he hears the morning greeting, Jack's opening up a call to Martha, his face worried though surprisingly unbattered considering his brawl with Spike last night. He has his own methods of instant healing, luckily.]

Martha? Are you all right? What happened?



Day 272 : Shared Dreaming — OPEN!

[Dream 1 : Pants Optional*]
[Did you ever have that dream where you showed up to class or work or to give a speech but somehow you forgot your pants? Welcome to that dream. Yuuri Shibuya, average high school student and king of the demons is walking around the prison in his school uniform coat—black with gold buttons but the pants are no where to be found. Instead, he's just wearing the royal underwear Gunter gave him. He hasn't actually noticed the problem yet.]

[Dream 2 : Take Flight]
[There's nothing like the feeling of freedom and this dream abounds with it. Yuuri is riding on the back of a large dragon. Maybe you're holding on to him as you both dip and swoop along the countryside. Maybe you're on your own dragon or just waving from the ground. Of course as easily as a dream can start it can also shift. New places. New feats. New adventures to be had.]

(OOC: *While this dream can remain silly, embarrassing, etc. it can also find itself drifting into NSFW realms if you like. No pressure either way! Just let me know if you have a definite hope for it.)



272 | Shared Dreams | Open

[ First Dream ]

[Welcome to the Labyrinth. You won't find a bulging Goblin King twirling his balls down here. This is Daedalus' Labyrinth. It has a mind of its own. The walls move and shift. Any room may contain a trap or a puzzle or a monster. A younger Nico is wandering through here with the ghost of King Minos. It's unclear which one is in charge. There are many exits, but good luck finding one.]

[ Second Dream ]

[You're in hell. Literally. Tartarus is hell. A primordial god. The ground is sharp stone and glass. But look closer. Look under all that, and it's flesh. The air is poison. The rivers are fire, lamentation, pain. Pus-filled boils fester over the surface, incubating monsters - dragons, giants, Titans, serpents, harpies, you name it. Those who have already been born are coming for you.

There's Nico up ahead. Something dead is at his feet. He's got a wicked black sword in his hand. He's waiting for something.]