MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


June 10th, 2013



Day 223 | Video

[She's so sick of this prison. If it's not losing people to dimensional stabilizers than it's getting in stuck in super prisons with no powers and mandatory activities. And now she's back to the first one with a slew of new confusing memories to deal with.


At least now she knows what else the Niklaus here had been hiding from her -- he had disowned her. It recolors some of the interactions here in the prison to be certain and she finds herself suddenly grateful she had decided to turn on him before he got the chance to turn on her again.

Not that it matters now. He isn't here anymore.

And neither is Kol. Who's dead back home. There's so much new information to process, she doesn't know where to begin. So she tries to push it down.

She opens up the feed, a bored expression on her face.

So did everyone come back here with a slew of fun new memories to torment themselves with, or is that a special little gift they gave me?

[ooc: someone's been canon updated to the end of season 4. So there may be spoilers referenced in her post and replies.]

Video | Open

[Look who's back. Back again. Look who's back tell a friend. He looks livid but more rational, for now.]

How could I possibly have been asleep for 45 days?!



day 223 | i » video → open.

When I said I wanted to get out of Mystic Falls for a while, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Ruins of some ancient prison in Italy or China, maybe, but not underwater and in some alien dimension, or however the hell that's supposed to work. [ if he's getting the gist of this right. he's going by video game logic here. ]

And what happened to a trial by a jury of your peers? Is that not a thing on Planet X? Too human a concept for you? Is throwing eighteen-year-olds in prison for skipping a couple of classes back in high school [ and eradicating an entire vampire bloodline via staking finn mikaelson, but shhhh ] just something you do for fun around here?

[ just when things had calmed down and the world was returning to normal (or as normal as the world was capable of getting after everything that happened back home), this happens. it's just his luck, too. nothing ever stayed good for matt donovan. his life sucked, and it looks like graduating from high school meant it was only going to get suckier from here on out. ]

So much for the world tour.



DAY 223 — Morning Greeting

Good morning, inmates. Today is day [ 223 ]
of the first generation. The weather scheduled for today is [ warm and sunny with clear skies ].

The [ disruptions ] from earlier have been stabilized and the facility is operating according to [ standard perimeters ]. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

New inmates will be arriving in the facility shortly. Please be aware of this disturbance as you go about your day and help them get started on their [ rehabilitation ]. We value your cooperation.

Have a nice day.

[ And like always, we end this message with a jaunty tune! You're welcome. ]

(OOC: Kiosk requests will be handled by Conscienti unless otherwise requested! Mail submissions go here! )



Day 223 [video | open]

Oh no! I'm innocent! I didn't have a trial! I was in the middle of something really important, and most of all I hate orange!

[She manages to look adequately distressed, but there is a note of insincerity in the voice.]

I don't know what to do. Tell me how you've been coping.

I'm listening.



Day 223 [voice | open]

[Euphie's voice is soft and she omits the video this time, opting only for sound, which she very rarely does.]

I just wanted to thank everyone for their help in the other prison. I'm extremely sorry for the the things I said and did. I'm especially sorry to those I hurt and scared. I'm not feeling any of those urges anymore since we returned. I hope I never do again.

[She pauses, wanting to say more. Wanting to put it right. But what can she say? She called for the deaths of innocent people. She considers offering to leave the school to someone else's care, but she also doesn't want to burden anyone. In the end, there's not much more to say. She isn't looking for sympathy. She just wants people to know they're safe.] Thank you for your time.

[Private | Yuuki]
Yuuki, I... [Her voice shakes a bit.] Are you feeling better?

[Private | Housemates]
I would understand if you don't feel comfortable living with me anymore.



Day 223 | video - open

[ the feed clicks on, showing a very consternated young woman. and then off. and then on! off! on! off! betty has no idea what she's doing, but there's a switch and she's flipping it back and forth angrily because she can't tell whether it's on or off and didn't pay as close attention to her welcome speech as she should have. ]

Stupid, bloody -- [ off. on. ] -- piece of -- [ off. on. ] -- even is this -- [ off. on, steadily now that she's taken the damn thing off and looked at what she was doing. that helps! but now she looks like she's about to cry and is trying very hard to be stiff upper lip about it. ]

What kind of prison gives you some comic book gadget, anyway? [ she takes some deep breaths now that the battle of the weird head thing is over. deep and calming, leading to an awkward pause as she realizes just what was on that list of crimes. now she's afraid and offended. ]

You know, that list of crimes is a bunch of bunk. If they think building bombs to stop Hitler is a crime then they're a bunch of Nazis!

[ probably (most assuredly) not the best first impression, but the feed clicks off again before she has a chance to fix it. ]

Day 223 [action/video -open]

[He didn't expect for a prison to look like this. Where were the bars and shackles? It seemed the wardens were thoroughly convinced an ankle monitor would be enough to control their prisoners. At first he hat thought he was captured for the sake of capturing or taken by a familiar enemy but the wardens claimed no association with his enemies, even after reading off a list of crimes he had committed that only an obsessive enemy would bother to compile.

Now he was outside in what looked like a city. What type of prison was this? Surely the city was just a friendly looking act hiding the real life of the inmates. The Doctor found a bench and took a seat. Pulling up his leg and the orange material, he stopped to have a look at the ankle monitor. This device would be difficult to remove any time soon without his sonic screwdriver. At least the wardens had not realized the psychic paper was more than a blank notebook.

After examining the monitor he turned on the network device he had been issued. It wouldn't hurt to greet the other inmates and find out what type of people had also been imprisoned. After fooling around pressing buttons he finally started a feed.]

Hello! I just arrived here and I'd like to speak with any prisoners who have been here for a while. I'd like to meet with you and talk about our situation and whatever the wardens left out of the introduction speech. I appear to be in "Sector Zero" right now.

[As he sends out this message he looks around the area. Perhaps there were other prisoners nearby willing to speak with him.]



[video | open] 1st Discovery | Day 223

[Well, it's another of those orange suits marking a new arrival, huh? This one belongs to a young woman standing calm and looking straight in the camera with not a hint of nervousness. She might look a little like she has some bright pink gum in her hair. No -- more like her hair is bright pink gum. Very long bright pink gum. She's not exactly human.

Though she's lacking any sort of royal dress at the moment, viewers might notice a tall golden crown on her head as she speaks. The plain orange jumpsuit doesn't stop her from making an address in tones reserved for public speech, beginning with a gesture in the air with her arms.]

Citizens of Marina Nova!

Greetings! I am Princess Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom in the Land of Ooo. I understand we've all been brought across some manner of trans-dimensional vortex to this...prison. If my calculations are correct, at this moment we could be any one of thousands of locations in the multiverse.

I implore any of my fellow scientists to lend me your insights into the workings of whatever technology allowed this. For the good of scientific knowledge, collaboration into the science behind this facility could lead to fascinating new discoveries for us all. If there is not already a scientific conference, let us establish one to exchange our ideas on this.

[Her voice takes on a more tender, personal tone.] Finn? Jake? Lady? Any of my people? [There's others she could say too, but--] If you're out there, worry not; I am certain we will get this situation under control.

[Now back to public speaking mode.] As for anyone else... Any personal anecdotes on this facility could be highly useful for my research. I thank you in advance for anything you are able to contribute!

[P-Bubs out.]



Day 223 [ video - open ]

[ Well, this certainly wasn't the manor. I mean it's not like she hasn't been through this before. The whole waking up in a prison thing usually meant an interesting ending. Ehhh. Not a happy ending to say the least. This was not good. Not good! ]

How do you work this stupid--

[ raising a brow, she fiddles with the device, Phoebe's never seen something like this so give her a moment. annoyance was plastered all over her face. ]

Is this thing on? [ Obviously it is. ]  Oh.

You know, the jumpsuit is a little overboard. Orange isn't my color.

[ she seems experienced, like she's been down this road before. calm in her outer appearance, but a mess inside. ]

Listen, I won't be stuck here for long. My sisters will find me and when they do, be ready.



[Video/ Open Action] Day 223

Hey, everyone. I'm sure there are still plenty of people I haven't met yet. I'm Asami. Asami Sato. And I want to... [She actually isn't rightly sure how to preface this question, so she launches right in.]

Do you feel safe here? The Wardens aren't trying to hurt us, but there's plenty of other... stuff. [Like people trying to hurt each other.] Does it worry you?

[Asami will be spending a large chunk of the day either out wandering to see what random bits of detritus she might be able to find around the prison or at home looking to see what she can make out of it.]