MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


May 23rd, 2013



Day 220; ⛎ | Video

[Caliborn is somewhere behind the recording apparatus of his communicator. All that is visible is a blank Sector 2 apartment wall.]

Have you buried yourself in some closet. Wrapped in a blanket. Hoping for the big scary monster to go away. Or maybe you've just distracted yourself? With some bullshit I probably don't care about. So don't share.

Then, hey.

Let. Me. Help.

[Now it's pointing out the window, soaking in a full view of the occasional bit of tentacle. The sounds are not too strong yet, but that's why Caliborn is a helper. His androgynous, sharply dramatic voice intones in time with the pounding.]




[And then he turns the camera around on himself, but only so that the lower half of his face is visible. The part with the lopsided and mean toothy grin, and the incoherently adorable red bowtie.]

How long. Until it breaks through. And we all die?

Do you think it will eat us. Or does it just. Want to taste. Your fear?



Emergency broadcast

You are probably paying some attention to those tentacles now. I advised against that, but I suppose it was unavoidable. You are easily distracted. However, we do have the situation well in hand.

We advise remaining indoors and toward centralized locations.

Keep calm and carry on avoid doing anything incredibly foolish. Stay prepared for additional messages if they become necessary.

(OOC: Event information here. Thursday conditions are go!)



[Video | Action for housemates]

Okay I dunno if my filters are messed up because of the Octa-brothers outside so I'm gonna say this here and really hope I'm going to be having an awkward 'your feathers are all ruffled over nothing' giggle of relief in like three seconds.

Derek Morgan, you better answer me, Mister. I know the lone hero thing is sexy as all get-out but we're being Captain Nemo'd here and I'm freaking out and I really need someone to cling to. And I know you're here because you wouldn't leave me alone. Right?

Just... please answer, okay? I'll feel way better about all this craziness when you get home.

[By the end, she's sounding less confident and way more like she's about to burst into tears. How the hell is she supposed to ANYTHING without her best friend?]

Day 220 Action | Video Open

[Evening falls, finding Eric at the Blood Shack as per usual. There's a bit of a subdued manner about the entire place as well as it's host. There are hurricane lanterns lit and scattered about the room. In preparation for 'what if' there are large tubs with ice in them. Bottles of beer, soda, water and even liquor are sunk down into the ice. There's a chalkboard menu behind the bar advertising Hurricanes, Blood Hurricanes and a small assortment of bar food: pizza, buffalo wings, cheese sticks and something called a Blooming Onion that Spike seemed to have an affinity for. It's all takeout, purchased and arranged for ahead of time rather than anything remotely fresh. Few people know how to prepare for a disaster like residents of Louisiana or thousand year old vampires.

He addresses the video screen with a charming smile and a dry tone.]

The Blood Shack is, of course, open for business. I've taken the liberty of preparing for the worst. Do come by and have a hurricane or a bloody hurricane with us. [If you can't guess what a bloody hurricane is, you don't want to ask] To borrow a famous British motto during a disaster: Keep calm and carry on.

video/open action | day 220

A brief disclaimer before I say anything more: I'm well aware that I'll be met with many telling me that this is unwise or dangerous. To that, I say, "oh well"!

[ aradia seems relatively unphased by the goings-on -- more curious than anything. for those that have seen her before, there's a "new" addition to her appearance in this video broadcast; there are barely-visible transparent red wings now sprouting from her shoulders. being able to toggle the "features" that come with being god tier is fun. ]

For those that are willing and capable, I'm going to be heading up as close to the edge of the dome as I can get later, and you're free to join me! I'd like to see if these tentacles are actually attached to anything.