MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


December 16th, 2012


Day 197; Video

[Jessica's sitting at one of the stools at the blood bar, taking a break from one of her shifts there to make this. She's sipping on a glass of blood through a straw before she starts speaking.]

Really kinda dropped the ball on the whole video bloggin' thing, didn't I? Sorry 'bout that.

So I've been tryin' to think of a good topic to start out for this first one. I'm not really sure what people wanna know, you know? So I know one thing that seems to surprise people 'round here is how open I am 'bout being a vampire. I know it ain't something vamps from all worlds are. But see, back home? Vampires were common knowledge. Back in 'bout...2006 or so when they invented Tru Blood.

See, Tru Blood is kinda like the synthetic blood they have here in the blood bar. It's got all the same nutrients and shit as real blood does, but you know, don't come from a human. Tastes like shit in comparison, ain't gonna lie, but it'll work. So once that's invented, vampires came out of the coffin, so to speak.

It's been kind of touch and go assimilatin' into society ever since. 'Course I wasn't turned until after all of this happened, but yeah. So back home, it ain't really a huge life changin' shock to hear someone say they're a vamp. Sure, some people are still prejudiced dicks 'bout it, but I imagine you're gonna run into that wherever you go, you know? If people aren't gonna accept you for what you are? Well fuck 'em. I may not of chosen this for me but I ain't gonna apologize for it either.

We even got things like the American Vampire League to help with our relationships with humans.

So that's the basics, if you got any questions or comments, feel free to leave 'em, and I'll try and answer best I can.

And if you got things you'd like me to do a future entry 'bout, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

[She slurps, finishing up her glass.]

Now, I better get back to workin'.

[And the feed closes.]