MarinaNova Asylum

No longer your prison.


August 21st, 2012



[4th Wall] [ Video ]

I can't be here! [ Says the woman on the feed. She looks disheveled; unkempt and unmade and curled up in a corner in some alley, the bad lighting adding to the image of an ordinary, humble citizen of the Imperium huddling in fear and barely-concealed panic. She has taken some sort of stick or another with which to poke the infernal contraption until she could activate it to make this broadcast.

There is a calculated quiver of her lips as she fights for more words. Her eyes regard the device with mixed awed and fear. A fear that it might just leap up and bite off her arm if she so much as touches it, much less loos into it as it takes her image and plasters it all over similar devices on this network. ]

I've got a family! My husband's in the PDF, you know. He'll— he'll come looking for me! [ She does not sound too certain of that. Amberley doesn't sound too sure of anything right now.

Someone had better come looking for her. A kind soul, perhaps? They wouldn't leave a cold, scared woman alone in a place like this... would they? ]

[[ OOC: so i herd u like GRIMDARK marina.

More info on her profile, but generally speaking I won't have her do anything physical against a character unless you give me the O.K.! ]

[ 4th wall ] [ video | action ]

[ that welcome message didn't help for squat. at least the communication device is much easier to figure out, and after cursory inspection to ensure it won't shock the bejeezus out of her fred decides it's time to make a cry for help.

or just, a pleasant call for assistance? whichever. here, marinanova. you aren't sick of distressed people yet, are you? this one has a nice leather jacket that is obviously not hers. maybe you can steal it. ]

Hi there! [ oddly cheery for someone who looks like she is about to throw up. ] I'm new, though I guess you can tell that already seeing as how you don't know me yet. I was just... Wondering...

[ ohgod angel is going to kill her. he saved her! and now she lost his freakin' baby. she holds up the jacket now for emphasis, as if that helps anyone who doesn't already know she's fresh out of a back alley birthing extravaganza. ]

Have any of y'all seen a baby?

[[ ooc: hey guys hey, it's winifred burkle from angel: the series. specifically, from the end of 'lullabye' and she hates her life. ]]

[Video / Open]

[ So many people! And many people means many dreams to feast upon~ It's strange, but Phantasos sees people moving outside from hir perch on one of the pretty Sector 4 buildings, and zie sees people in the little shell zie held in hir hand~ How cute!

With a little sound of glee, Phantasos gives the "shell" a smile and a wave, blond hair draping over the straps of her (illusionary) black dress~ ]

Look at you little people going about your day, with your little smiles, little frowns and tears. It is very entertaining!

Tell me, do little people dream as well? Care to share with me your most fondest wishes and deepest desires? Or just the things you see when you sleep at night. Nightmares are amusing in hindsight, aren't they?

(( OOC: This be Portrayer Phantasos, a Dream God whose domain is that of Fantasy and material desires, or one of the Greek Oneiroi. Zie hails from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas. ))

[4th Wall] [Video/Action] [Open]

[A pale, dark-haired man in green and gold armor (though bare-headed) appears on the screen, and appears to be listening intently to something. And then he smiles. Gleeful. Manic, even. His very blue eyes rise to meet the camera as he spreads his arms wide.]

Well, isn't this exciting! Such a charming little setting, and with such noble goals.

I am truly obliged to the wardens for my freedom, such as it is.

[The smile widens even further, though the undercurrent of menace is unmistakable. ]

I am Loki of Asgard. And soon, I shall be your new master. [Loki makes a sweeping bow, and the feed ends.]

[ooc: Loki is post-Avengers movie. Because he is just visiting, I don't have a permissions page; if you would not like him to work his (reduced) mojo on your character if the opportunity presents itself, let me know.]



[video | action | open] 4th wall

[There is a very confused red head standing in the park looking up at the dome as though she's debating what she should do]

I can't feel the sun. It's very depressing here.

What is this place? How did I get here? Is anyone else here? Dick? Donna? Raven?

[ooc: And for our second Starfire, this is Starfire from the New Teen Titans the 80s version taken from when she returns to Earth after being called back. Just ignore the disconightwing in the icon]

[ 4th wall | video ]

[A young blond woman is visible, glancing around as she arches her brows and purses her lips slightly.]

See, this? Definitely not my office.

[She starts off speaking normally, in surprisingly chipper tones for her situation, but the more she says, the faster she speaks.]

I'm sorry to be a bother, but I'm pretty sure I haven't committed any crimes. I mean, not that being a criminal makes you a bad person, or even really different from any other person in most cases. Anyone can be driven to drastic action by a difficult situation, and the actions of pretty much any individual, when taken out of context and viewed objectively without an understanding of their psychological and physiological state, not to mention just the circumstances, can seem pretty reprehensible. Not that there aren't more severe disorders than can potentially present legitimate dangers to society, of course, but I really doubt that most people here fit that bill. Overall, that's a pretty rare occurrence, and typically those disorders are manageable if they're properly monitored and treated by a mental health professional.

[So most of that happened really fast. You probably didn't catch that much of it. She finally pauses, tilting her head just slightly, and her tone shifts.]

Anyway, where was I? Oh! Right. Home. Who can I talk to about getting there?

[That bright smile just doesn't falter.]

[ooc: I'm at work but her post sort of demanded to be written RIGHT NOW and when a muse says a post is gonna happen, you just can't stop it. Tags will happen later! ♥]

day 181 | video + action

[ santana lopez, in her cheering uniform, has been pushing her way through the crowds trying not to panic -- or at least not outwardly showing how much she is completely freaking out. ]

First off all, I'm seventeen. So, any crime I have committed should land me in juvy, not some freaky sci-fi nerd's wet dream.

And I swear to God; if one of these little robots comes near me again, I'm going to go all recess kickball on it. And when Santana gets her kicks on, folks need to step on out the way.



[ voice ]

A question for people who've been around longer -- is there any precedent for this sort of thing happening? A system glitch followed by a whole herd of new people appearing with an incomplete welcome message -- or even none at all -- and spared from the tacky orange raiment that is usually so lovingly provided? If so, how'd that go before?

〈 4th wall 〉 video

Crimes? Well... I suppose I did leave a bottle of hot sauce halfway empty instead of emptying it completely on my ice cream that one time.

I didn't think the authorities would feel so strongly about hot sauce too!

[hey, marina. she doesn't look like she belongs here at all. and she also doesn't look like she's too worried about her sentence; if anything, she's just surprised. besides, doesn't she look awfully familiar? like this familiar? she should.]

I do hope we manage to get along. If we are all to be here for the rest of our lives, it's better to be surrounded by friends.

Ah, I apologise. My name is Mitsuba Okita.

[a small bow of the head at that.]

I suppose it makes me a bad sister to wonder this about my younger brother, but is Sou-chan here? He likes to nap and--oh, sorry! His name is Sougo.

It's nice to meet you all despite the circumstances.



[Video / Action] | [Open]

Haha, it had to happen, didn't it? Mr. Spooky has finally snapped and pays the price by ending up in this get up.

[Pause. He's definitely not standing still, he's on the move and exploring his surroundings. He'll be questioning anyone who talks to him.]

Please, please don't let Scully be here.

((ooc; Introducing Fox Mulder from The X-Files, he can be found wandering around anywhere. I'm chill with anything.))




What the shit's going on? Everything's all moved around and freakin' weird.

Any of you dipshits get into my stuff and I'm gonna have to kick all your asses, one by one.

[A brief pause, because angry Kanji is angry.]

... Where the hell did the Shelter go?



[video/action | open | 4th wall]

[There's a teenage boy (notably dressed in civilian clothes, not the orange jumpsuit) in the arcade, though he looks visibly perturbed as he stares at the screen.] I'm booooooored.

What else is there to do around here? I've been ice skating, I've hung around the arcade - and I've beaten every game. Twice! - and I've stopped by and had lunch and dinner at places and this's all without my super-speed, so they all went by really, really slowly. I wanna do something exciting!

Not like "save the world" exciting, since that's kinda hard when you're in jail, or even "let's bust out of here" kind of exciting, since we're underwater and we can't breathe underwater, but like "let's go have fun" exciting! There's gotta be somewhere cool here, right?

[The feed ends here, but Bart's quest against boredom doesn't, and he's off, again trying the arcade games to see if the third time IS indeed the charm.]

[OOC | Bart Allen/Impulse is from DC Comics (pre-reboot) and is specifically from the end of Young Justice, but before Graduation Day & Teen Titans. Feel free to run into him anywhere, since he's definitely bored enough to have ditched the Arcade for somewhere "more exciting."]



[4th wall | voice | action]

[The Trois Park in Sector 3 just got a lot less peaceful and relaxing, as it serves as the place where one (1) angry Fire Nation princess suddenly finds herself in. She skims through the welcome message, paying attention only to the important things— like the fact that she is in a prison. A prison. And despite the weird names of the wardens, it is clear to her just who is behind this.]

I must say I'm impressed. It’s not every day I find myself in a place I have no memories of ever arriving to... so I guess it would be unfair of me not to give you some credit.

But really, an underwater prison? [It seems the Avatar and friends were a little more than impressed with Lake Laogai.] So unimaginative. Then again... I suppose that's all one could expect from a bunch of losers incapable of protecting Ba Sing Se against three little girls. [She stresses the last three words, voice undeniably sarcastic.]

But listen, Avatar. Don't think you will get away with this. Imprisoning me was a mistake... and I'll make sure it's the last mistake you ever make. [And the last thing he ever does, at that. To dare to imprison her... well. She'll make sure he— and his stupid little group of friends— pays for that.]

[[OOC: Hi, here’s Azula, from Avatar: the Last Airbender, from the beginning of season 3, so she’s decidedly non-crazy. Well. As much as she can ever be.]]


[Garak is just chilling at the cafe, examining this little device. Once he figures it out, he decides to send a shot out into the dark.]

A most interesting system of jurisprudence. One might even call it Cardassian.

[He sounds cheerful, even a little admiring.]

Almost. [Sorry. Cardassians do everything better.]

I would be extremely interested in meeting this "Veridical."

[His cheerful tone remains, but it's tinged with...menace? Is that menace? It's hard to tell.]



[Action | Open]

[If you go anywhere today, you might notice the penguin in the orange jumpsuit waddling around the Dome. Except it's by no means a natural penguin, being completely disproportional, like someone's idea of a cartoon penguin toy, unrealistic. Yet it moves and lives, carrying along a can of bugspray in one wing, that fancy communicator having fallen off into the koi pond a while ago. It wasn't edible anyway.

Have food with you? 2 is probably eyeing it right now. Don't? Well, that's okay too. There are plenty of bugs to kill out there, right?]



[video/action if you wanna run into him]

Okay, the fun's over.

Why did I just wake up in a tree. Not just any tree, of course, but a really lumpy tree one with fliiiimsy little branches. I just want to know, you know, because it's really not that fun. Falling out of trees, this is. One second you're warm and comfy on a sofa, the next you're nursing what just might be a fatal concussion.

But my nose is fine. For the record. Rest assured, this beautiful mug is still intact.

But now I think I'm a little disoriented from the fall. Can any of you be so kind as to direct me back to that lovely [hand gestures, wriggling fingers] sheltery building. The one with all the free food and the nice furniture?

...Or better yet, hey Rapunzel! I'll bring the blueberries, you make the pancakes? Seems like a fair deal to me. The lizard gets nothing.

4th Wall//Voice;

So, I know I'm new and all, but are the mass arrivals normal? These don't feel like when I got here or nothin'. And the way everyone else is freakin' out and all, I have a feeling they aren't.

So should I be expectin' anyone who shows up now to disappear again in a few days or what?

[ooc: if you want to action run into Jessica, feel free to run into her anywhere , though I imagine she'd be particularly hanging around Sector 5 and checking out the Blood Shack there.]



ғᴏᴜʀᴛʜ ᴡᴀʟʟ → ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ | ᴏᴘᴇɴ.

Well, that was a neat trick. [ hey marina, did someone order the guy who invented electricity? because fuck that asshole, edison, tesla did everything first. and better. ] Tell me, how did you compensate for the infinite number of variables present when tampering with not only time, but universes as well? Got to hand it to you - it's bold and dare I say impressive, but a bit on the reckless side.

Especially given that while you have an abundance of entrances, you seem to be lacking a proper exit. [ slow clap, wardens. slow. clap. ] Well done. [ the sarcasm is strong with this one. ] Should really look into that lack of worthwhile entertainment - and stop with the whole Skype meets Halo thing. The headset is tacky and even Skype itself has a text feature. Honestly, for a group of beings of your technological caliber, the whole video to video only thing is really weak.

Now, would someone care to point me in the direction of this facility's transdimensional systems? [ he fully intends to fix it. ] I've been here five minutes and I'm already bored and in dire need of a fine chardonnay.

( ooc | nikola tesla! yes, THAT tesla, only he's the sanctuary version of himself, so while he's he real deal, he's also 155 and an electromagnetic vampire - like a genius magneto with fangs - but don't worry, he doesn't eat people. ew, we have snobbery standards here, tyvm. )

[ ☆☆☆ video ]

[ There is a positively terrified girl interrupting the network today. The last thing she remembered before arriving to Marina Nova was passing out after being seen by that man with a voice so much like her father's. ]

Archangel! Please ... Please answer me, Archangel!

Miss Murrue, please --- someone?!

[ But when she didn't get a reply, her terror only seems to escalate. She could only conclude that she had been captured by Coordinators.

But this was not like any prison or base she'd ever been to. Not knowing where she is and who had her prisoner]

It--it's not my fault ... I'm ... I'm not guilty ...

I'm not guilty!

I didn't do anything ...

It is all their fault! It is all those Coordinators' fault!

[ She drops the communicator. Then there was nothing but static and her voice in the background. ]

I want to go home ... daddy ...


[ Remember this face, prisoners? Miwako is wearing a not-so-stylish orange jumpsuit, and looking quite disgruntled about it. Orange does not compliment pink hair. ]

It's not fair! I'm in one prison, and the next thing I know, I've been arrested again, sent to a different-but-very-similar other prison, and even have to wear one of these hideous things! [ She tugs at the jumpsuit for emphasis. ]

But I've been seeing a lot of the people I knew at the first prison, so maybe we've all been double-arrested for bad behavior. That must be why we have to wear the jumpsuits, as punishment. And if that's the case, then I'm sure they didn't let me keep my cat... Poor Dorian.

Has everyone here been double-arrested? Because this must be the jail for the people who had to be put in jail, in jail. Right? I didn't think I was such a seasoned criminal... Wow.



[Action | Voice]

[Sam was disoriented as all hell when he found himself under the ocean, in an orange jumpsuit, with someone talking in his ear. He grabbed the thing off his face and tossed it out of sheer panic and instinct before slowly creeping up on the device as if afraid it’d jump up and bite him. He picked it up and turned it over with some confusion before turning his eyes around his surroundings. He was … in a park? Somewhere. Under the fucking ocean. The first thing to even occur to him after the initial shock was that he just shot his brother…]

Tommy? TOMMY!?

[Frantically looking around for any sign of him. There wasn’t any blood or much of anything to indicate he'd been nearby. It didn’t matter how he got here right now he just needed to find his brother. He hadn’t set out to kill him just… teach him a lesson or… dammit.

He put the Bluetooth-like device back on his ear with shaky hands and clicked the button to record.

He-Hello? [Clearing his throat.] Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me? My name is Sam. I need help. I don’t know where I am and I can’t find my brother, Tommy. He’s been shot and needs immediate medical attention.

If you see him, please… [He sounds pretty desperate and worried by this point. The rush of his anger and adrenalin from everything very much gone. He’s left with the crippling realization that he let his anger get the better of him and he hurt another person. He shot his brother and now he has no idea if he’s okay.]



[Video| Action possible!]

[Hi, have a confused, scarred prince on the other side of your video here. He’s wearing a tattered, less stylish RED prison uniform!]

This is definitely not the Boiling Rock.

[Hello captain obvious.]

How did I… [No. Wait. First things first. They needed to regroup.]

If anyone here knows me or what the heck I’m talking about then uhm… just, ya know, use this… … … thing.

[Yeah he’s got nothing. It’s weird and confusing but it speaks somehow and he doesn’t have time to marvel at technology. He’s too busy with the whole UNDER THE OCEAN thing. He wasn’t sure if Sokka were even here or if he managed to remain undercover. So he couldn't afford to drop names. He could be their only chance at this rate.]

This is Zuko... In case you didn't already know that. [Right. Yes. Turning it off now cause he was awkward enough as is. Also facepalming at himself. Can he do that over? ]

[voice | action if you so choose]

((ooc: As a note I will be writing his quirk out in full because homestuck canon depicts his voice this way, it is not text. If the strange use of twos and double I's is annoying to you, please just ask me not to use it in the header when you tag. I will refrain from tagging in yellow courier however (cause I am lazy and that color is kind of painful). I will not type out his lisp otherwise, I assume by this point you will understand he has one.))

angry mustard yellow text under cut )
[Sigh.] ju2t fuckiing an2wer me iif anyone ii2 here that ii know.

[ action ] [ 4th wall ]

[ Klinger rises from the bed of flowers, wide-eyed, unseeing, his clutch dangling from a white gloved hand. ]

Clean air. I smell clean air!

[ he starts to his feet, frantically going to and fro and to and fro! No mess tents. No choppers, no scent of blood hanging in the air...

Hah! ]
Hot damn! I'm free!

I'm free!

I'm free!

[ he skipped, he leaped, he… ] Wait just a second here… This ain't Toledo. Where all the hell am I? [ he looked down at his wrist and dug through his purse until he found (not the compact he was looking for) but his network device. ]

Huh? What is this thing? [ he gave it a raised eyebrow before shaking it. ] It doesn't look edible... [ he shook it for good measure, pursing his lips and… he jumped! ] Who goes there!

Speak up. I may be crazy, but I'm certainly not blind!

[ and there goes Klinger, dressed in a flower print dress and spinning as he pawed for an absent rifle. At least the warden had the good sense not to mess with his fashion sense. ]

((ooc: Corporal Klinger from M*A*S*H (TV) at your beck and call! He can be found all over the dome but for the moment, he's in Två Park in Sector 2. ))

4th wall . action/video


[ why yes, that is a bright orange (no jumpsuit necessary!) M&M on your communicator screen, and looking particularly sickly too, as he's not sure this is really what he signed up for on the filming contract. ]

L-look, I know I said I'd do eight more gigs for this new 'prison break' series of commercials, but I don't really think that's the best idea. [ nervous laughter ] I mean, I' M&M and everyone loves M&Ms and I hear they don't really serve very good food in prison so....I don't think it's safe for me to In prison.

[ ehehe....he.....okay, this really isn't funny anymore. ]

I'll just be....waiting. Over here. By the...uh...noodle stand. You can pick me up any time!

[ and indeed, there will be a foot-tall bright orange M&M, should you choose to walk past the noodle stand. no eating :( ]



[ action ]

[There was a confused and unhappy Gargoyle staring at the bightly lit dome above him. He had a communicator, but no orange jumpsuit. He'd gotten himself up on to the PA island so he could watch everyone below. Not that he didn't trust anyone, but, well, right now, he didn't trust anyone.

Eventually, he came down to explore once he had better feelings about his surroundings. However, for the time being, he was staying mostly in Sector 0.]



[ video ]

[There was some fumbling.]

Oh... there it is.

[She might look familiar to some Marina people. She tilted her head a bit, confused.]

Um. Hello. I'm a little confused. What is this place?



[ action ]

[Having talked a bit with No Name and a few others by now, Midii was in the process of learning the area. She wasn't sure how long she was going to be here or anything for the moment, but she might as well learn what she could. She could be found around Sector 3 for the most part. She had a hotdog in her hand from one of the foodstands in Sector 0.]

[181] Voice.

I love meeting new people every now and again. But this is really going over board, and isn't it funny that it is right after the Wardens glitched. I'm pretty sure this same question has been mused and thought over today by more than myself. How can this large of a group be coming in, I just don't understand if they come in such small sums otherwise- unless this new group has just caused so much trouble.

All of that aside, I welcome any of the new residents. Even if I am wary of the lot of you I haven't met today.

action, video | open

[The video starts immediately with static and a pained scream from a young woman. Lucy, you see, has just been stabbed in her home world. Thankfully, though, she hasn't bled out, because here she is instead completely healed, but fallen on the floor just outside the library.

While coughing,]

D-Desmond--! Rebecca! Shaun, w-where are you!? Fuck, what--?

Desmond! What the hell happened?

((OOC: End of AC: Brotherhood Lucy Stillman for you.))


[Oh hey, look over there, Marina. Over near one of the taller buildings, there's some guy climbing it in black clothes, complete with cape and hood. After reaching the top, he looks around for a moment or two before jumping off the building entirely! Dear gods, is he trying to commit suicide? No, it seems he has landed in a very conveniently placed water feature near the entrance of the building.

So yeah. That just happened.

Do you perhaps feel like approaching this hooded man?]

((ooc: Ezio is from the end of Assassin's Creed II, just fyi.))