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September 30th, 2010

[info]murderbysong in [info]light_of_may

Waiting out, drinking in the dark

Who: Jay and Kiara + Eilir (NPC)
Where: Community park
When: Late evening

Ready to make a deal? )

[info]minaforevermore in [info]light_of_may

The best kind of prize is a Surprise!

Who Emlyn and Mina
When Late afternoon
Where outside Mina's apartment and who knows where else
What First meeting and other silliness

Who are the people in your neighborhood... )

[info]thetruthhurts in [info]light_of_may

You must be joking

Who: Bianca and random NPC guy
Where: Her apartment
When: Mid-morning

Bianca - 1 Flowers - 0 )

[info]justafleshwound in [info]light_of_may

they'll melt your popsicle (and scar you for life)

Who: Brian and Rowan
When: Nighttime
Where: The Berry Bucket

The curfew being lifted had caused a boom in business, much to Rowan's chagrin. Twilight was still playing at the Berry Bucket, which meant tons of girls from school - always Rowan's worse nightmare. Now take said girls from school, and add in the fact that they'd been cooped up without their usual social time for far too long. Within ten minutes of arriving for her shift a few hours ago, Rowan had been: the target for a drive-by cup-throwing when she went to empty one of the garbage bins, had been pelted with gummy bears, asked if looney bins were anything like prisons in the don't drop the soap respect (with an added sigh of 'like father like daughter'), and told that her second attempt at her senior year would go just fine as long as she staged her suicide attempts in the fall and spring, to balance off last winter. By the time the other shift was ready to switch (Rowan refused to admit she was happy that Brian was scheduled to come in), she was filthy, and firmly back in her old routine of going through the motions that nothing at all was bothering her.

Get popcorn. Get insulted. Smile dumbly. Take their money. Lather, rinse, repeat. What a great fucking summer.