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September 9th, 2010

[info]laughingatdeath in [info]light_of_may

Came across a place in the middle of nowhere

Who: Antonin and Nikita
Where: Some old, unused store
When: Evening?

Don't look back just keep on walking. )

[info]_cookiedough in [info]light_of_may

Chasing sunbeams & butterflies

Who: Aurelia and Silvia
Where: Sunny spot in the park
When: Afternoon

Silvia wasn't starting to think of herself as Cookie Dough (yes she was) but she did feel like she was becoming even more kitten-like in her behavior. Like the other day, playing with that fox, she hadn't even thought once of switching back into a human girl even though the fox was technically a predator. A were, but a predator just like she could count as prey if someone really wanted. Yeah she had claws and fangs but she was a half-grown cat. Who was wandering away from her home a little more often because the twins were busy. Which she understood but she needed to do something and playing in the park seemed like a really good idea. So she'd slipped out after Aurora left and pranced her way to the park. It had taken a lot longer than it just to but that whole having four short legs thing did it.

Humming in her head, Silvia's eyes caught sight of a colorful butterfly fluttering out. Eyes lighting up she felt herself crouch, butt and tail wriggling as she started chasing after it, pouncing in and out of sunny spots and ignoring the people she passed by. Or, in one case, landed right in the lap of. Aw, I lost the butterfly!! Muttering, which really meant that she was mewing to herself, Silvia shook herself and licked off a patch of dirt, completely ignoring the fact that yes, she was perched on top of someone. They should be grateful to have such a cute kitten to play with!

[info]witchyguardian in [info]light_of_may

Home at Last! Now what?

Who: Amelia and Cerri the Turtle
Where: Driving through SO and then Home
When: Early Morning around 9 am

The light of Amelia's Blackberry dimmed. The phone, which she had disabled before leaving the U.S., was getting more action than it had had in a very long time. It was still early and she was sitting in the backseat of the cab, heading home from the airport. She felt that she should have more people to tell of her return but ultimately, she didn't. Eventually she would have to reach out to more people but right now she just wanted to rest and take in her home. Besides, she had more email waiting for ther than expected. That was another thing she had stayed away from at the medical facility in Switzerland.

Read more... )

[info]thetruthhurts in [info]light_of_may

Looked at with an ice cold eye

Who: Bianca and OPEN
Where: Streets of Scarlet Oak
When: Directly after this
Warning: Disturbing content...of some degree...dead things, okay

All helpful urges should be circumvented. )

[info]fiercetide in [info]light_of_may

Please keep your hands down and stop raising your voice

Who: Charlene. Felipe & Linda Diaz (NPCs)
Where: Diaz home
When: Early afternoon

It's a simple suggestion - why can't you shoulder the blame? )

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Off of the trail and off of your hands

Who: Kikuya and OPEN
Where: Snow White Sweets
When: Noontime

and onto a new plan is the cost to stay lost. )

[info]itsjustadream in [info]light_of_may

From the table in the corner

Who: Adam and Laurent
Where: Lenore Bookstore and Cafe
When: 3:00 p.m.

Could see a world reborn. )