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June 23rd, 2010

[info]bloodygood in [info]light_of_may

Life leaves you surprised, slaps you in the eyes

WHO: Kieron and Gilbert (NPC, his familiar!)
WHAT: Coming to terms, or maybe not.
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: Kieron's apartment.

Over the crappy speakers hooked up to his laptop in his tiny apartment, Kieron blasted “Totally Wired” by the Fall and with a cigarette in his hand pretended to play the drums. The smoke filled the apartment pretty badly and so sometimes he'd have to keep the door open just so that his apartment would choke him. When he finally noticed that his door had opened wider there was a small leopard lizard standing in the middle of the doorway. Putting his cigarette out in the ashtray, Kieron wandered hunched over to take a closer look. “Well 'ello there li'l buddy. You wander out your owner's house?” he asked the little creature who he was sure wouldn't understand what he was saying. “Great Kieron, you're talking to a lizard.” he said to himself and stood up to look for something to catch it with.

Life leaves you surprised, slaps you in the eye )

[info]scene_chick in [info]light_of_may

I always wanted to know a mermaid

Who: Charlene, Kat & Roxy
Where: Redleaf Lake
When: 3:00 p.m.

Excited? No way, Kat was worlds above excited, she was thrilled and ecstatic and practically bubbling over because she got to see Roxy! It felt like it'd been years since she'd seen her big sister. First she'd been kicked out and then she'd just vanished to god knew where when the demons came. Kat had practically worried herself sick over that but then she'd found out that yeah, Roxy was fine and even better, she got to see her! And her mermaid girlfriend. Hard to really tell what part was more exciting for the moment. Both mixed together, Kat decided as she fiddled with her hair. Way too blonde and natural since her mother had gotten away with bleaching it back, but at least the rest of her outfit made up for it with the black and pink bits she wanted in her hair so much. Luckily she'd manage to slip out of the house without her mom seeing that she wasn't wearing a shit because for whatever reason that was a big deal. Not like it mattered since she was just going to be swimming anyhow. In this god-awful heat there was no way she was staying out of the lake.

"Roxy!" Kat shouted as she reached the edge of the lake, flicking her sunglasses up to peer at the water and then around at the surrounding area. Ugh, she felt like she was going to melt if she stayed in the sun much longer. Shrugging, she kicked off her flip-flops and wriggled out of her shorts before plopping right down in the shallow water, delighted at the cool water that went right up to her stomach. After a moment of relaxing she glanced around. Roxy had to be there somewhere. Unless she was running late. Maybe her make-up had been messed up or something, who knew?

[info]bbstarsnake in [info]light_of_may

Part of this terrible mess that you're making

Who: Alanna and Zach
Where: The Court
When: 5:00 p.m.

Being cooped up because of demons wasn't Zach's idea of fun. His idea of fun was stretched out in the sun soaking up some rays after a good game of basketball. Being stuck inside with nothing but fake light and tons of other people was like a form of torture. But now he had all the time in the world to laze because he had taken a few days off work just for that. So he was - stretched out on a table in front of the court in the early evening sunbeams, shirt crumbled on the bench beside him. He'd thought about going down to the courts to shoot a few hoops but his laziness had prevailed and so he stayed here. Besides, there had been a niggling thought in the back of his head about that redheaded chipmunk girl from a week or whatever ago. He'd smelled her at the gym too, but been unable to drag himself off his cot to go look for her. She lived in this apartment though, he was sure of it, and he figured that if he waited around for long enough then he had to see her.

Alanna, that was her name, it came to Zach in a flash and he grinned to himself. She was definitely the sort of person who could be considered as prey no matter her form. And being a snake by nature even more than he was a human, Zach could not help but feel like this could be one of the more interesting ways to hunt. Not that he'd hurt her, but that terrified smell that she gave off had been rather intoxicating. He wanted it to be there again. It was almost as good as the thrill of scoring the winning basket at a game. And he couldn't have that for awhile so hey, he'd settle for the next best thing.

[info]sinful_song in [info]light_of_may

A History Lesson, But Only Because She's Bored

Who: Adelle and Kiara
When: Noonish
Where: Museum

It was hot. Again. So after a lonely workout in the park, Adelle made her way back home for a shower and changed into a skirt to hopefully alleviate some of the heat that seethed across her flesh. An hour of sitting at home bored saw the little brunette scooping up her purse and keys and sitting in her car with the air conditioning blasting to escape the heat. Before long, and halfway into a Lady Gaga song, Adelle pulled out her iPhone and began shaking it for things to do. Most of it involved food, and the one place she didn't ever see herself going popped up. The museum. Really, what was there at the museum for a girl who loved the sun, the surf, and the lifestyle it brought? Well, there could be a hot nerdy guy, and it was probably air conditioned.

So off Adelle went, but instead of wandering around the various wings on her own, the siren stopped to look at the map. She placed her finger on the marker that announced that She Was Here, and started looking around for something that would interest her. It was a museum, afterall, maybe there was something Greek, and she could take a peek at the culture that housed the myths of her race. If only Mom knew I was here, she'd flip out. 'My little Adi taking an interest in something other than shoes?' Ryndana was nowhere near as spirited as Roxy's mom, Linda, but she could tease at times. Maybe she was secretely a Cali girl too.

"Where do they keep the good stuff in here? Seriously."