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February 17th, 2010

[info]histrionic_life in [info]light_of_may

It seems all of these words

Who: Karine and Whisper
Where: Whisper's home
When: 3:00 a.m.
What: A strange homecoming that isn't all hugs and kisses when it's two sleepy vampires.

Couldn't be further from the truth. )

[info]breaksomehearts in [info]light_of_may

Hold your head high, heavy heart and save your strength for the morning after

Who: Harley Villetta and Bren Wilson
Where: Phonelines, eventually Bren's place
When: Late evening

Just because his were form was a cute, small bird didn't mean Harley wouldn't try to defend Bren, anyway. He was still a tall guy and height had to give him some advantage... right? )

[info]little_seer in [info]light_of_may

Little Girl Don't Be Afraid

Who: Brenna and Kristen
Where: The park
When: Fireworks time

Kristen may not have been from America originally but she was an American citizen so she liked the Fourth of July. Okay, the fireworks helped. A lot. Actually they were favorite part of the whole day, surpassing even wandering around the various stands and seeing that things that people made. Missy'd even gotten her a necklace from that one nice old woman's stand, a little crystal dangling on a gold chain that she'd said was good for focusing. Missy'd rolled her eyes but Kristen had been utterly delighted and was probably going to wear the thing until the chain broke. Which might be sooner rather than later because first, she couldn't stop playing with it and second, gymnastics weren't really that kind to jewelry. Maybe she could take it off when she competed... oh well, thoughts for later. Right now she had to find a good place to watch the fireworks!

Her sister was off getting them something to eat and drink so Kristen was left in charge. She had a blanket held tightly in her arms as she wandered through the crowds of people, weaving in and out easily thanks to her small size. Ooooh, there's a nice tree. It even felt like a good idea as she dropped the blanket and spread it out. But instead of settling down and just waiting for Missy she glanced up at the low-hanging branches of the tree. Oh yeah, she could jump up and reach that. Rubbing her hands together, Kristen jumped up and grabbed the branch above her head, swinging herself up easily before letting herself dangle upside down, the little crystal striking her her firmly in the forehead. "Ow," she muttered, rubbing at her forehead as she watched the people going by upside down. Definitely a nice place to watch from.

[info]sinful_song in [info]light_of_may

Wake me up before you go-go

Who: Adelle, Karine, and Whisper
Where: Whisper's Home
When: Morning

'Cause I'm not planning on goin’ solo. )

[info]upinflames in [info]light_of_may

She's a lady and ladies shouldn't be messed with.

Who: Bren, Mosiah (NPC)
When: around noon
Where: The park

Did you scream enough to make her cry? )

[info]struckonce in [info]light_of_may

Family Matters

Who: Ransom and Madock
Where: Madock's place
When: Morning

The house Ransom drove up to was barely a house and he frowned in dismay. If it wasn't for Madock's car in the driveway, he might've thought he was at the wrong place. Unfortunately, this seemed to be it. He wasn't pleased with Madock for the way things had gone with his sister, but when it came down to it they were still together, and would be for the rest of their lives. Either he could get over it and move on, or hold a grudge against the person who was most important to Jessa. With a sigh, Ransom parked the car and headed up to the front door, knocking soundly and waiting for an answer.

Madock had planned on sleeping in that morning and would have had it not been for the fact that the call of nature would come far too early. It just so happened that the knock at the door came right about the time that he was retreating to his bedroom again. Sighing, he pushed his hand through his still messy from bed hair and walked over to the door, yawning a little as he opened it up. The person on the other side of the door surprised him and he had to blink a couple of times to let the fact that Jessa's brother was standing on his doorstep. Immediately he thought something was wrong, why else would Ransom of all people be there at his house?

"What's wrong?" he asked, giving life to his thoughts that were racing with all the worst possibilities. "Is Jessa okay?"

Read more... )