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January 20th, 2010

[info]fieldwitch in [info]light_of_may

Part the Clouds, Brighten the Day

Who: Ada, K-lee and Malo (NPC)
When: 1:00 p.m.
Where: Owl's Nest

After the morning that she'd had, K-lee was more than ready to just sit down and have something to eat. A quick shower had rinsed the sticky drink out of her hair and a change into almost identical clothes had left her feeling so much better than when she had come back to the hotel. Malo was seated on the roof of the car when she went outside, preening himself. Took you long enough, I thought we were supposed to be there at a certain time, the bobcat kitten remarked as K-lee opened the door and let him hop inside.

We'll be there by one. )

[info]renvalin in [info]light_of_may

I know you hear me knocking

Who: Leidy and Ren
Where: Dog-Ink Tattoos & Piercings
When: Tuesday - 7pm

Ren stared at the woman hard for a long while, not sure what to say to her at first that didn't include 'fuck off' somewhere in the sentence. )

[info]she_lion in [info]light_of_may

Feed Them With Your Dreams

Who: Maria and Fable
Where: Little Miracles
When: Early Afternoon
What: Playtime and Fingerpaints

Surrounded by small children, each with their own heavy sheets of paper, Maria sat cross-legged in the middle of one of Little Miracle's rooms, the one they called the Activity Room. Dressed in a washable tunic top, in dark purple, and a pair of jeans, the Were Lionness was humming 'Blowing in the Wind' while Caleb sat in her lap and and worked on his own piece.

Animals, trees, their families, circles; each of the dozen children in the room had their own designs in multiple colors, their fingers dipped in paint. More than a few had paint on their canvas aprons, the protective clothing keeping their play clothes from becoming spattered with the thick paint in bright colors. It was one of the favorite activities of Maria's, in sharing her love of art, even at its most basic and elementary level. Their creativity kept her entertained, as one of the boys drew aliens on a trampoline, and a girl beside him painted her puppy with her fingertips.

[info]_backfire in [info]light_of_may

I've thought about it for a while, and I've thought about the many miles

Who: Graham and Rigby and demon (NPC)... wait, demon?!
Where: Local convenient store
When: Afternoon/early evening

But I think it's time that I've gone away )

[info]_backfire in [info]light_of_may

Her stare is louder than your voice because truth doesn't make a noise

Who: Autumn and Graham
Where: Night on the town
When: Directly after this
Warning: NSFW

The motion of her tiny hands and the quiver of her bones below are the signs of a girl alone )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

After all they shared, he turned away from her to go

Who: Fina and Roxy
Where: Fina's apartment
What: Comfort... it's been a shitty day.
When: Late evening

She said she wouldn't cry, that was really just a lie. )

[info]overclocked in [info]light_of_may

Even though we're miles apart we are each other's destiny

Who: Ari and Ian
Where: over Skype
When: 9pm

Musical geniuses at work! )

[info]whisperingwind in [info]light_of_may

You make me invisible, like sky you make my day

Who: Aetheria, Amaya and Aurora
When: Lunch
Where: Kitchen at Ad Gustum (this seems to be a trend >_>)

And I feel so wonderful. Oh oh oh, don't let go. )

[info]troubador in [info]light_of_may

Try to leave a light on when I'm gone, something I rely on to get home

Who: Rigby and Fina Gallo
Where: Fina's apartment
When: Evening
What: A rough day leads to difficult decisions...

One I can feel at night, a naked light, a fire to keep me warm )