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January 16th, 2010

[info]fieldwitch in [info]light_of_may

When a Model and a Reporter Go Out...

Who: K-lee and Margaret
When: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Inn lobby, some restaurant

K-lee was starting to think that being in Scarlet Oak was like living on a roller coaster. First there were ups and then downs, curves that led to dates with pretty girls and then banks that ended with her ex's psychotic friends threatening her in front of store displays. Okay, that could probably be chalked up to karma biting her right in the ass like she deserved but she'd never admit to that. Mostly because she was getting into another one of the games that'd gotten her into trouble before. Sort of... not really. She didn't see the problem. Ada probably would. That's why she won't find out.

Which was why at seven she arrived in the lobby, mostly content with the outfit that she had decided on. Malo had been irritated that she'd gone with a small purse so he couldn't fit and hopped right out the window. K-lee wondered if maybe he'd be sulking for the rest of the night or if she'd return to him curled up amidst the clothes she'd tried on and then discarded as not just right. Because looking perfect wasn't just something she did because she felt like it, it was necessary. Now... where was Margaret?

[info]_possessed in [info]light_of_may

Hope you have a sweet tooth

Who: Calista and Jace
Where: Isaiah's apartment in The Court
When: Afternoon
Warning: NSFW

Calista literally spent all day baking. All. Day. Now normally she was always slow with baking, but today was different. She was planning to meet up with Jace at some point, who she hadn't seen in years, and wanted to show up with sweets of some sort as a welcome home surprise. But... what did he like? Calista thought of texting him to see what he liked, but what was the point to doing that when it was meant to be a surprise for him? That was the only logical thing she thought of the entire day, seeing that Calista then went off to bake up a storm of every single type of sweet she knew how to make. Literally.

By the time she was done, there was a little of everything lying around in the kitchen: cannolis, eclairs, brownies, whoopie pies, danishes, croissants, and at least ten different kinds of cookies and cupcakes. Well, now he had a variety to pick from and would definitely not go hungry. With a soft smile on her face, she arranged all the yummies on a massive platter to form a happy face, then went off to spent another hour washing up and slipping into something more appropriate for meeting up with someone she hadn't seen in five years.

The address he gave Calista indicated that he lived in The Court, which wasn't too far from where she was. Pulling on up to the apartment complex, Calista tried her best to balance the tray of goodies and found the door to the place Jace was staying at and gave it a few gentle knocks.

[info]overclocked in [info]light_of_may

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it

Who: Alanna and Ian
Where: Best Buy, then back to The Court
When: Afternoon

The morning was doing quite well for Ian. The coffee he made was superb, his cat was constantly purring and nuzzling against his leg, and even the amount of calls he received were not headdesk worthy. And then he went to go turn on one of the speakers and realized that it was completely fried. Well, there went his morning right out the window. Typically Ian would have bolted out the door to replace it right away, but he still had to deal with the calls coming in for work. The moment that was done, though, it was off to Best Buy.

For his equipment, Ian usually knew what it was he needed, thus making it easier to slip into an electronics store and get what he wanted, but it just so happened that a brand new set of Bose speakers had came in, and Ian was simply drooling over them. Hmmm, maybe if he skipped out on dinner for the next month he could afford the whole set instead of one. Well, he could buy one, but then it would be out of place with his older speakers. And they weren't even that old - only two months! Everything had to be up to date, so it was either indulge on this or buy the "older" model so it could fit into what he already had.

And speaking of food, his head was beginning to throb due to lack of food. Breakfast was completely skipped and replaced with his usual coffee, which did him no good. Though food wasn't on his mind. Trying to figure out his situation was top priority. Food could wait.